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Good Idea

Illenna McClure

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e your house, just press the panic alarm on your car key chain.

Test it: It will go off from most everywhere Inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain. It works if you park in your driveway or garage. If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break in your house, odds are the burglar or rapist won't stick around... after a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want that.

Try yours to make sure it works before you rely on it. Just know that you must press the alarm button again to turn it off. And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there... This is something that should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime.

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Illenna McClure