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Warning For Those In The Southern Hemisphere (Updated Dec. 14, 2006)

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badly burnt that she has second degree burns all over the exposed parts of her body.. particularly on her thighs. It was so bad that the doc had to give her an injection of pethadine.

This on a day that was not even particularly hot.

I was totally shocked, so was she. As I said this kid is out in the surf and sun all the time..although not for the past 4 weeks due to school finals.

She has a darker olive coloured skin like myself, which comes from Italian and irish heritage. Generally speaking my family does not get sun burnt at all, we just go darker brown. She is totally scarlet, like a boiled lobster... no kidding. I have never in all her life (18 yrs), seen her red atall, let alone as red as this.

Something is definately up with our sun. So take this as a warning to make sure that you guys use heaps and heaps of sunscreen if you are going to be out, and constantly reapply it.

It is not safe out there anymore.

What's more, the doc told me that he has seen several people like my babe in the past few days.

Be aware, and please be extra sunwise guys.



* * * * * * *

Today, 13.12.06, Large Tsunami Shock Wave Ocurred again on the Sun (Check out this website!)



----- Original Message -----

From: "Grant Bellows"


Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:12 PM

Subject: Sunblock is toxic

Hello Central,

I am slightly alarmed by the author's suggestion to wear extra sunblock in message 12337 (Warning For Those In The Southern Hemisphere:

Mr. Bellringer, you have regularly posted information relating the dangers and malicious intent behind vaccinations, hormone- and chemically-treated meat and processed food, chemtrails, and flouridated water, but have just published a message that may encourage many readers to run out and buy more sunblock.

Have you considered the possiblility that the SUNSCREEN the girl wore is what caused her to react so severely to the recent solar flares?

If you agree that Xanax, Ritalin, Prozac and other pharmaceutical drugs are especially harmful for today's ascending human spirits, minds and bodies to ingest, then how is smearing large amounts o reactive titanium dioxide and mexoryl on one's skin any better?

For any naysayers who say "oh, but I'll burn if I don't wear sunblock":

I am of Scandinavian and Scots-Irish ancestry, am blond, green-eyed, very fair skinned, and barely tan at all. I USED to wear SPF 50 sunblock daily before I woke up enough to understand the true purpose and intent of the biochemical and pharmaceutical industries.

When I decided to completely stop wearing sunblock more than a year ago, I experienced some mild reddening after being outside in the California Summer Sun for a few weeks, but I limited my exposure by wearing light cotton long-sleeved shirts when I spent more than an hour daily in direct sunlight.

The key was in allowing myself to physically and mentally adapt. I STATED my INTENT to no longer experience burns from solar radiation, and worked on undoing and releasing my old brainwashed beliefs that sunlight = burns, skin cancer and aging.

In less than a month, I found that burning from regular exposure was no longer a concern. Most of the time, I take no precautions and allow myself to appreciate the Sun for what it is: a gift created by God that allows us to live. On hot sunny days, I choose shade over direct sun if given a choice, and wear a wide-brimmed hat if I go on a hike or walk.

Could I adapt to being able to spend even more time outdoors without showing any signs of sunburn? Perhaps. My main point is that if you BELIEVE the lies that the "sun is bad for you," then by your own thought-creation it will be. If, on the other hand, you allow your body to slowly adjust to increased solar radiation and stop believing the chemical corporation propaganda and start trusting in the inherent goodness of God's creations, you'll be fine.


Grant Bellows