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Zimmerman to the rescue! George saves family of 4

Joe Kovacs

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July 22, 2013

After acquittal, he comes out of hiding in dramatic fashion

Despite being in hiding since his acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman has now emerged to help rescue a family of four trapped in an overturned vehicle.

The incident took place last Wednesday at the intersection of I-4 and Route 417 in Sanford, Fla., less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Martin.

According to CBS Tampa, the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office said the family was driving in a Ford Explorer SUV when it went off the road and rolled over. A responding deputy reported that when he arrived, Zimmerman and another man helped the two parents and two children out of the vehicle.

By the time a deputy arrived, Zimmerman and another man “had already helped assist the family by getting them out of the overturned vehicle,” sheriffs spokeswoman Heather Smith told the Orlando Sentinel.

“Zimmerman was not a witness to the crash and left after making contact with the deputy,” Smith said in an emailed statement. “There were no report of injuries to the vehicle occupants.”

Sanford Police Capt. Jim McAuliffe told Fox News that Zimmerman, 29, was identified by a crash victim as the man who pulled him from the mangled vehicle last week.

“George Zimmerman pulled me out,” firefighters were told by the unidentified driver, according to McAuliffe.

McAuliffe told ABC News that Zimmerman “pulled an individual from a truck that had rolled over.”

Late Monday afternoon, WND obtained the sheriff’s accident report, identifying the adults in the flipped vehicle as a white couple.

The driver is Mark C. Gerstle, a native of Buffalo N.Y., and the woman is Dana Michelle Gerstle, a native of Daytona Beach, Fla.

The sheriff’s office notes “the driver and passenger have expressed they are not interested in speaking with the media about this incident.”

“Obviously, there were strong racial undertones throughout the case as Zimmerman was accused of essentially profiling Trayvon before shooting him to death,” said Orlando Sentinel reporter Jeff Weiner.

Regarding details of the accident, the sheriffs office says the 2004 Ford Explorer SUV was traveling northbound on the off ramp of State Road 417 at State Road400. Mark Gerstle then lost control of the vehicle, causing it to go off road and roll over. The tires and brakes were not worn and were not an influence in the accident. The vehicle also did not have any airbag deployment. No photos of the vehicle are available.

The rescue is the first known public sighting of Zimmerman since a jury found him not guilty of murder in the death of Martin.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh asked Monday, “How long will it be before [the left claims] the whole accident was scripted? … The Zimmerman haters will say this whole thing is staged, probably rehearsed. ‘This was a set-up so Zimmerman could look good.’”

While some political observers have said President Obama has more in common with Zimmerman than Trayvon Martin, Limbaugh quipped, “I don’t know that Obama has ever rescued a family from an overturned truck.”

Zimmerman, 29, shot and killed Martin, 17, in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012. The jury determined that Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense.

The verdict prompted dozens of protests across America this past weekend, and his lawyers have said Zimmerman has received numerous death threats, prompting him to wear a bullet-proof vest when he goes out in public.

At least one protest in Houston has been in favor of Zimmerman. (Click on the video below to see it:)


Zimmerman’s parents told ABC News that they, too, have received death threats and have been unable to return to their home.

“We have had an enormous amount of death threats. George’s legal counsel has had death threats, the police chief of Sanford, many people have had death threats,” Zimmerman’s father, Robert Zimmerman said. “‘Everyone with Georgie’s DNA should be killed’ – just every kind of horrible thing you can imagine.”