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9 Safety Questions Parents Should Ask Potential Nannies


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Feb. 13, 2013

When you’re in the process of interviewing a candidate for a nanny position, there are some safety questions that you absolutely should ask. Even if she seems like the most gregarious, enthusiastic and innocent person that you’ve ever met, it’s important not to judge a book by its cover. The most promising candidates can answer these questions in ways that you may find surprising and immediately off-putting, showing viewpoints or experiences that you may not have discovered otherwise. These nine questions are among those you should ask when interviewing a potential nanny, in the interest of safety.

  1. “Are You First Aid and CPR-Certified?” – The first and most basic safety question that most parents ask during a nanny’s interview is in regard to her certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid injury management. A candidate who isn’t certified is not only one who’s ill-prepared for working with children professionally, but is also likely to be quite inexperienced. A lack of CPR certification on an otherwise impressive resume may be a red flag that at least some of her experience could be falsified, as it’s quite unlikely that many families would engage a nanny without this very basic skill set.
  2. “Do You Have a Basic Understanding of Food Allergy Management?” – Nanny candidates who have absolutely no experience with the management of food allergies can present a very real safety risk to children who actually suffer from serious sensitivities or allergies. It’s easy to assume that any professional would have a basic, working knowledge of allergy management, but this isn’t always the case.
  3. “Have You Ever Been in an Emergency Situation While Working?” – This question is designed to determine how a nanny candidate would react in the event that an emergency arises in your household. If she’s never been in an emergency situation, asking her how she would hypothetically proceed can give you an idea of whether or not you think she would be capable of handling it appropriately.
  4. “How Have You Reacted When You Were Angry With a Child?” – Answering in a manner that doesn’t jibe with your parenting philosophy is a red flag, but stating that she never gets angry with children and is never discouraged by misbehavior could also be a sign that she’s simply trying to say what you want to hear to secure a post. Realistically, even the most accomplished nannies have almost certainly been at least frustrated with a child under their care at some point in their career. Figuring out how she handles that frustration, however, is imperative.
  5. “If My Child Asked You to Keep a Secret, What Would Your Response Be?” – If a nanny forms a bond with your children and continues to work for your family as they get older, there will probably be a situation in which your child asks her to keep a secret. While it’s important for your nanny to respect your child’s need for privacy, it’s even more important that she be willing to pass along a secret that could be damaging or dangerous for your child.
  6. “Will You Submit to Pre-Employment Drug Screening?” – Nanny candidates that balk at the idea of drug screening may have some chemically-enhanced skeletons in their closets, which is why you should proceed with caution if she isn’t amenable to the idea of submitting to testing.
  7. “Do You Have Any Objections About Granting Permission for a Background Check?” – A pre-employment background screening has become par for the course for most nanny jobs, so a candidate who refuses to grant permission may have something in her past she’d like to hide. While there are legal constraints regarding the information that you’re allowed to take into consideration when making an employment decision, you’re well within your rights to pass on a candidate who won’t consent to background screening.
  8. “Have You Ever Caused a Car Accident?” – While it may not be in your best interest to hold a fender-bender from her youth against her, a nanny candidate who has an established history of negligent or reckless driving may not be someone you’d trust to drive your children around. Unless you absolutely will not be requiring your nanny to drive your children anywhere, it’s in the best interest of your children to determine whether or not she’s a safe driver.
  9. “Are There Any Problems in Your Personal Life That Could Pose a Safety Risk to Our Family?” – While you certainly don’t want to pry into a candidate’s personal life in an intrusive or rude manner, you should keep in mind that there are situations in even an experienced and highly-qualified nanny’s life that could present a safety risk to your children and home. 

The answers to these questions are important, but so is the manner in which a candidate addresses them. Be sure that you’re paying attention to her reactions, as well as the responses that she offers. In order for your working relationship with a nanny to be productive and effective, you will have to maintain a measure of trust in her ability to keep your children safe, which may mean being forced to ask some slightly uncomfortable questions during the interview process. You also must ensure, however, that your questions are compliant with employment laws to avoid legal problems in the future.