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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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April 30, 2012

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) - please forward 

Dear NaturalNews readers,

This is a preparedness and safety alert for citizens in North America and across large cities (including Toronto, London, Sydney and more):

For May 1, the "99%" are planning nationwide disruptions, work stoppages, slow-downs and more in an attempt to shake up the status quo.

This flyer reveals part of their plan:

Here's the website of what's happening in NYC:

And here's an article from BusinessWeek that discusses what might happen:


My predictions:

Best case scenario: Peaceful protests, very little impact. Only minor disruptions.

Worst case scenario: Escalation into violence, ignites a shooting war between protesters and the government.


What you can do:

* Be prepared for disruptions! If you can, STAY HOME and avoid being on the streets on May 1.

* If you must travel in a vehicle, carry extra food, water, fuel, flashlights, warm blanket, and whatever legal self defense items you feel comfortable having with you.

* If you have children or teens in the family, encourage them to stay home on May 1 and avoid getting caught up in possible riots or police response actions.

* If you stay home, beef up your home security and neighborhood watch efforts. Keep your cell phones fully charged. Keep flashlights handy. Lock your doors and keep an eye out for looters or home invasion crooks.

* If the local police are distracted by having to deal with marches, protests or riots, local thieves will use that opportunity to invade private homes while the police cannot respond!


A few dozens seats are still available for my May 8th preparedness defense course:

We have just a few dozen seats remaining for my LIVE course on preparedness defense. This course is absolutely packed with very valuable defense and safety tactics in extreme situations, including how to handle:

* Grid down (power off)

* Riots, social unrest

* Nuclear accidents

* Natural disasters

... and more. Register now at:

This event runs May 8th at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific. It can be viewed LIVE on May 8th and also viewed an unlimited number of times thereafter.

P.S. We are looking at adding capacity so we may be able to add a few hundred more seats, as this is nearly sold out and people are asking us to add capacity.