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Are Christians now enemies of the state?

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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We are witnessing events in this country that

            were once considered unimaginable - caused by

            organizations whose goal it is to reshape

            America into a nation unrecognizable to our

            forefathers.  See my important update below - Mat. 

I have resolved more than ever to defend our beleaguered liberties and rebuild the foundations upon which America was built.

            The future of our freedom is literally at

            stake! Make no mistake: Our constitutional

            republic faces a "clear and present danger." 

The assaults on liberty have become so intense that some days I wonder if I am still living in the United States of America!  Don't you sometimes feel the same way?

++Intolerable, overreaching government intrusions.

Earlier this week, in front of a panel of judges at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Acting Solicitor General said the United States government CAN force American citizens to purchase specific products such as healthcare insurance.

By the government's own admission, if ObamaCare is upheld, Congress would no longer have any limitations on its regulatory power.  My response: Today it is health insurance, but tomorrow it could be food, transportation, housing, or whatever!

            The government's shocking admission came in

            Tuesday's hearing of Liberty Counsel's lawsuit

            against ObamaCare.  I'm sure that you, like me,

            find it difficult to understand a mindset that

            insists on tearing down the greatest, most

            blessed nation in the history of the world -

            but that's exactly what we are up against.

What is even more challenging is also fighting against powerful, ultraliberal organizations like the ACLU that have enormous influence in the Obama Administration. Honestly, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish wherethe Department of Justice ends and the ACLU begins these



Tragically, both groups seem intent on running roughshod over our unalienable, God-given rights and reducing America into just another European-style socialist nation. God forbid!

++ACLU bullying must be stopped! 

As I have been sharing for several months, Liberty Counsel has gone on the offense against the ACLU and their outrageous attempts to CRIMINALIZE common expressions of the Christian faith.

As you may also recall, after vindicating school employees in Santa Rosa County, Florida, who were charged with criminal contempt for praying over a meal, Liberty Counsel filed suit to invalidate an unconstitutional Consent Decree originally drafted by the ACLU. 

            That outrageous court order literally

            criminalized expressions of Christianity in

            the county's school system!

The school district joined hands with the ACLU in defending the Consent Decree, and both asked the Court to dismissLiberty Counsel's lawsuit. A federal judge refused to dismiss the case, and instead Liberty Counsel is now on the offense!

Liberty Counsel filed a separate lawsuit against the school district on behalf of 24 people. The trial on the merits will begin in early July of 2011 - just a few weeks from now.

The ACLU brought seven (7!) of their seasoned attorneys to attempt to bury us in paperwork and depositions. Between now and July, when the two-week trial begins, we will burn though as many as 40 depositions!

            By the ACLU's design, this has become a very

            expensive battle.  These bullies have deep

            pockets!  But, as we learned long ago, freedom

            is never free.

            This case is a template of what the ACLU wants

            to do across the country. Santa Rosa County,

            Florida, is truly "ground zero" for America's

            religious liberty!

As Congressman Randy Forbes of Virginia said about this case,

            "Today it is the school employees in Santa Rosa

            County. Tomorrow it could be your teen's high

            school coach, your school's athletic sponsors,

            or your spouse. If we do not stand up today for

            our liberties and the right of all Americans to

            pray according to their faith, our children

            and grandchildren will have no foundation

            left on which to pray."

++It's high time to Take Back America!

 I need every American patriot's help in the Santa Rosa County, Florida, case. I have one very important question for you:  Will you continue to stand with me to Take Back America, beginning with the Florida panhandle?

            Your financial support will keep our legal team

            engaged in stopping the ACLU from criminalizing

            Christianity and in good shape to advance other

            key legal cases and public policy initiatives

            across the nation. We are truly at the epicenter

            of the battle for the soul of America!    

Please consider a special gift to Liberty Counsel to meet this critical need.  For any gift of $25 or more, I will send you a free copy of my recently updated book, "Take Back America." 

The new, revised edition includes updated information on Liberty Counsel's battle against ObamaCare, our confrontation with the ACLU in Northwest Florida, and many other recent battles.

Please go here to help and to learn more about your free gift:

++We must ALL take a stand before it is too late!

This is not the America envisioned by the Founders. This is not your America and my America.

We all know that liberty is not free. It is not transmitted in our DNA by the accident of being born in a free society. Liberty requires vigilance. Every generation of Americans must yearn for liberty and fight to preserve it!

Earlier in this message I used the term, "Clear and present danger." That language has a very specific meaning in our Constitution, and it authorizes the nation to take up arms against foreign enemies.

            Today, we must preserve our unalienable rights

            by getting down on our knees to pray...but we

            must never fail to rise up to fight when that

            freedom is threatened!

            Here's my sacred pledge to you: I will not back

            down from the mission I know God has called

            Liberty Counsel to undertake - to stand in

            resolute defense of liberty, life, and family! 

Liberty Counsel MUST be able to answer the call on these and other fronts as they arise!

As I have often said, to win such cases we must show up. To show up, we need concerned Americans to stand with us.Liberty Counsel needs your prayers and financial support

 to fight this pivotal battle!

We have engaged dangerous and well-funded adversaries, like the ACLU and Barack Obama's Department of Justice, and we will not turn back.  No matter how formidable the challenge, we are confident that with God's help we shall prevail!

Will you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift right now so our team can continue to fight against the rise of Big Government, radical pro-homosexual forces, anti-faith initiatives, the attacks of the ACLU, and the activities of other radical legal groups?

Click below to support Liberty Counsel's mission.  Any gift of $25 or more will entitle you to a free copy of the newly revised edition my book, "Take Back America."  Click here to learn more about your free gift:

Please reflect upon the fact that all of these battles will have enormous national implications,

including in YOUR community!

For the sake of our children and grandchildren, I pray you will step forward to help right now, even if you have done so before...even recently.  Our heritage of liberty in America is literally at stake and the battle is greatly intensifying!

THANK YOU in advance and may God abundantly bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. Our caseload is growing and our resources are understandably stretched. If you can financially help Liberty Counsel right now, I would be deeply grateful! Once again, go here to donate, and if your gift is for $25 or more, you may receive a copy of my newly revised and updated book, "Take Back America":

+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

May 13, 2011