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The Subway Sheeple Freeze

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According to WaPo, twice, passengers called 911 and the Fire Department of New York responded. Passengers begged the emergency responders to take them away, but they were told they had to stay put.

Are you kidding me? People who know me, know there is no way a firefighter is going to head back to a warm fire station and tell me there is nothing he can do.

More from WaPo:

Tensions in the car began to rise. No one was aggressive, but people were speaking forcefully to the conductor. Some demanded that city transit authorities bus them out. A mother with four children worried loudly that they had no water. Some worried about getting sick.

Men would walk onto the platforms connecting subway cars and urinate onto the tracks. Eventually, the train workers allowed passengers into the bathroom inside the train station. When it turned out that bathroom was heated, it caused a commotion.

"One woman came back and said, 'Oh my God, the bathroom is SO warm,'" Mullen said. She was very excited. But the station had no heated space where the passengers could wait out the storm.

 This is utterly amazing. Folks, with the inflation ahead and the debt crisis ahead, who knows how bad things are going to get. If you are going to depend for government to rescue you, based on their rules, you are going to end up like these sorry subway passengers.

Off the top of my head, I can think of at least 4 ways to get the city to get me off that train, pronto. It might be a good exercise for you to think about how you would handle such a situation, because some day, given the way things are going, you may have to use your wits in such a situation, maybe an even worse situation.

I can see, though, for most people the TSA obedience training is really working. It looks like most will stand for almost any kind of abuse.

Dec. 27, 2010