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It Couldn't have been a bomb: Oil Stains from Flight 447 Mean Explosion is 'Unlikely', says Brazil

David Gardner

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Oil stains found among the debris of doomed Air France Flight A447 could prove the plane was not blown out of the sky by terrorists, Brazil's defence minister said today.

If a bomb had exploded on board the Airbus 330-200 the plane's fuel would have burned away, he said.

And with more debris from the jet carrying 228 people being found scattered over a 55-mile area, he said it was looking more likely that the plane broke apart in the air.

An oil slick believed to be from the fuel of Flight 447 is seen from the window of a Brazilian Air Force plane patrolling the Atlantic some 745 miles (1,200 km) north-east of Recife, Brazil, yesterday

An oil slick believed to be from the fuel of Flight 447 is seen from the window of a Brazilian Air Force plane patrolling the Atlantic some 745 miles (1,200 km) north-east of Recife, Brazil

'The existence of oil stains could exclude the possibility of a fire or explosion,' Brazilian Defence Minister Nelson Jobim said at a news conference in Brasilia. 'If we have oil stains, it means it wasn't burned.'

He spoke as it emerged that Air France received a bomb threat four days before Flight 447 plunged into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Brazil.

The telephone warning targeted a flight from Buenos Aires that was also travelling to Paris.

Although that plane arrived safely on May 27, the news fuelled speculation that there may be a more sinister explanation for why the Airbus from Rio de Janeiro vanished from radar screens with 228 people on board, including five Britons.

French president Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni remain composed as they attend a memorial service at the Notre Dame Cathedral for victims of the Air France crash

Emotional: French president Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni remain composed as they attend a memorial service at the Notre Dame Cathedral for victims of the Air France crash

Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni at a memorial service for Air France crash victims at the Notre Dame Cathedral

Overcome: Sarkozy and the first lady remember the victims, amid revelations that the flight could have been blown out of the sky by a terrorist bomb

Aviation experts said the vast area over which debris has been found suggested there was an in-flight explosion, but that did not mean a bomb had to be the cause.

The explosion and resulting break-up could have resulted from a massive depressurisation inside the plane for another reason. If this happened at high altitude, the passengers would have fallen instantly unconscious and may have been oblivious to their fate.

Details of the messages sent by the plane just before it disappeared were published in a Brazilian newspaper yesterday.

The report, citing an Air France source, said the pilot sent a signal at 11pm local time saying he was flying through an area of 'CBs' - black, electrically charged thunder clouds.

Alexander Bjoroy, 11, the British boy who was on the Air France Flight 447 which went missing between Rio de Janeiro and Paris on Sunday night

Alexander Bjoroy, 11, the British boy who was on the Air France Flight 447 which went missing between Rio de Janeiro and Paris on Sunday night


Satellite data has already shown that storms were sending 100mph winds straight into the Airbus's path at that time.

Ten minutes later, the plane sent a burst of automatic messages, indicating the autopilot had disengaged, the flight-control computer system had been switched to alternative-power and controls needed to keep the plane stable had been damaged.

Three minutes later, automatic messages warned that two other fundamental systems that monitor air speed, altitude and direction had failed. Then came a cascade of electrical failures in systems that control the main flight computer and wing spoilers.

The last message came at 11.14pm, indicating loss of air pressure and electrical failure. The newspaper said this could mean sudden depressurisation, or that the plane was already falling into the ocean.

A crew member uses binoculars to scour the vast surface of the Atlantic in the race against time to find the wreckage

A crew member uses binoculars to scour the vast surface of the Atlantic in the race against time to find the wreckage

Enlarge   A French military aeroplane soars over the Atlantic during the search for Flight 447

A French military aeroplane soars over the Atlantic during the search for Flight 447

Investigators are baffled how a modern plane operated by three experienced pilots could have suddenly plunged out of the sky on a routine transatlantic flight.

One theory is that the jet was downed by a mid-air collision, possibly involving a military spy jet or an aircraft piloted by drug-runners.

Another is that the jet was hit by lightning, causing a massive electrical short circuit.

But an unidentified senior long-haul Air France pilot told a French newspaper: 'I have flown these jets for Air France for more than ten years and the chances of an electrical fault seem unfeasible to me.

'There are five electricity supplies on the plane and they would all have to fail.' He said a bomb was the only logical reason for why the captain failed to send out a mayday call.

Enlarge   The photo, generated from an infrared image taken by the EUMETSAT weather satellite, shows the weather situation at 02:15 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time),over the Fernando de Noronha islands, lower part of image centre, near where AF447 may have gone down

The photo, generated from an infrared image taken by the EUMETSAT weather satellite, shows the weather situation at 02:15 GMT, over the Fernando de Noronha islands, lower part of image centre, near where AF447 may have gone down


Relatives of passengers comfort each other at Tom Jobim airport in Rio de Janeiro after they were told prospects of finding survivors are very small

French authorities insisted they were not ruling out any possible cause. But they played down the possibility of a terrorist attack, pointing out that no group has claimed responsibility for the disaster.

The Air France flight that was the subject of last Wednesday's bomb threat was delayed for several hours while a search was carried out, but landed uneventfully in Paris.

Enlarge   handout

A graphic provided by the Brazilian Air Force shows the area over the Atlantic Ocean where air traffic controllers lost track of the plane

Now it's a race against time for the Brazilian Air Force to reach the crash site before the remaining debris sinks into the ocean - taking any chance of discovering what happened to Flight 447 with it.

They are desperate to recover the plane’s two black-box flight recorders which are now likely to be at the bottom of the ocean. They emit location signals for only 30 days.

But officials said there was virtually no chance of finding any of the 228 crew and passengers, including five Britons.

Distraught relatives who had prayed for a miracle gave up hope as experts were certain that all aboard died on the flight, which left Rio de Janeiro on Sunday night bound for Paris.

'I just want to find my son's body so that he can have a dignified burial,' said Aldair Gomes, the father of Marcelo Parente, who was the head of the Rio mayor's cabinet.

So far no bodies have been sighted on flyovers by the air force, which spotted evidence of the catastrophe yesterday, allowing the navy to mount a retrieval operation.


'The ships are equipped to arrive and pick up pieces of the Airbus,' Nogueira said.

'Each ship has two divers on board and smaller ships to throw into the ocean to try and get pieces.'

Helicopters would then be used to take wreckage of the Airbus A330 from the ships to a base on the Brazilian archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, 430 miles (700 km) from the crash site.

Armed forces spokesman Christophe Prazuck said that the French army had no doubt that the debris belonged to the stricken plane.

Authorities are at a complete loss to explain why the four-year-old Airbus disappeared 400 miles off Brazil without issuing a Mayday. 

A former Air France pilot said the aircraft might have hit a military jet or a plane used by drug smugglers.

‘Anything could have happened. Maybe a collision with another aircraft, maybe a military aircraft, maybe a drugs-smuggling aircraft which nobody reports missing,’ said Cedric Maniez.

Herve Morin, France’s defence minister, admitted last night there was ‘no evidence whatsoever’.

He added: ‘We cannot, by definition, exclude a terrorist attack, because terrorism is the main threat for all Western democracies.’ 

But it was significant that no terror group had claimed responsibility, he said.