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Chilling Six Minute 911 Video That May Scare You

Alan Gottlieb

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  • You have the Right to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
  • You have the Right to Bear Arms.
  • You have the Right to Defend yourself.

NO ONE has the Right to Break and Enter and Violate your Rights.

Listen to a true 911 call with a chilling six minute video that may scare you. Sorry, but we hope it reinforces your resolve to protect yourself or helps you to develop that resolve, so you do not have to be scared to stay in your own home.

This brave women did everything she could to get the law to help her and protect her. Even repeated phone calls to the police did not make her safe. Instead she ended up calling 911 and you can hear her very real fear filled call.

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She is alive today because she had a handgun and defended herself. It only took five minutes for her attacker to make it to her locked bedroom where she hid herself in a closet. Only five minutes and the police were still on their way to help but were not there yet.

The police just can't be everywhere at once and are likely not where you are when you need them the most.

Select Here to View a Video and Listen to the Actual 911 Call

The 911 operator was calm during the call, but certainly not much help. Notice that she tells the caller that 'it's only been 2 minutes' and the police are on the way. In fact, it was more than twice that long -- almost 5 minutes. She also instructs the caller to not do anything hasty once she knows that the caller is armed.

Again this scared women did everything right but in the end it was her right to bear arms and defend herself from attack that saved her life.

Help the Second Amendment Foundation continue to defend your rights in the constitution so you and your family can Pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness.

These tragedies should never happen, but when they do people must not be denied the means to fight back. If we learn anything from this, it is the value of the Second Amendment and self-defense. Those who believe in the true worth of life and liberty must have the means to protect it.

Place your faith in the good-hearted people of the world and support the SAF in standing up for the rights of American citizens to bear arms!

SELECT HERE to DONATE NOW. The rights you save may be your own!

NOTE: Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help keep the second amendment secure. Thank you! For more information about SAF go to

Our new book, America Fights Back: Armed Self-defense in a Violent Age, details gripping stories of armed self-defense by law abiding American citizens, woven into analysis of gun control laws and a broken justice system, and how they have failed to protect us.

Please follow the links to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and order your copy today if you missed getting one in the first printing and help keep America Fights Back: Armed Self-defense in a Violent Age on the best seller list. Thank you.

Sincerely For America,

Alan Gottlieb


Second Amendment Foundation

SELECT HERE to DONATE NOW. The rights you save may be your own!