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Virginia Tech -- Bottom Line

Ronald Neil

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eated a situation where some nut can operate freely. Shhhh... we won't phrase it like that... let's call it a gun free zone, that sounds cool.

We need lots of this kind of thing to happen then, they will believe us and ban guns everywhere. In the long run it will save lives, yeah, let's ban firearms on every campus giving the killers lots of elbow room to work.

But, wait, what about the cops, they have guns. We don't want them protecting anyone. We need casualties. I've got it. Let's teach them to wait for orders. Yeah, nobody moves until the orders come from downtown. You know, it's ahhhhh... officer safety, that's it, officer safety.

But wait, students are being shot while officers wait. That's ok too, it makes cops look dumb. We can use that later. We can say they need Federal training and oversight. Remember Columbine, cops waited four hours. Folks almost figured that one out. Not to worry, the dumbed down also have short memories.

Suicide killers are good for the long term gun control program. Now, let's get to work. First, we need another campus and another shooter... we are on a roll. Now, where is that list of depressed students on anti-depression meds. Your turn, pick a campus.

Also, you will want to read this article and especially watch the video interview of the Texas Ranger who took down the "U.T. Tower" shooter, forty years ago. What a great story he has to tell. Very revealing.
