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Obama Runs into Israel's Wall of Apartheid

Christopher Bollyn

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During his recent trip to Israel, Vice President Joe Biden and the Obama administration was insulted and embarrassed by the Israeli government's announcement on March 10 that it had approved construction of an additional 1,600 homes in the illegal Israeli settlement named Ramat Shlomo.

Ramat Shlomo is an orthodox Jewish settlement that has been built on illegally-occupied Palestinian land in what is called East Jerusalem. It is build right next to the Palestinian refugee camp called Shufat, which is surrounded by the Israeli Wall of Apartheid. To understand why the Israelis made such a provocative and insulting announcement during Biden's visit it is essential to understand that the two ministers involved in the decision are both orthodox rabbis from the Shas party, which is the orthodox Jewish party that enabled the extreme right-wing Benjamin Netanyahu to form a coalition.

The interior minister who made the announcement that was meant to embarrass the Obama administration is Eli Yishai, the chairman of the ultra-orthodox Shas party. The Shas party has a strong base of support among orthodox Jews in New York City. The son of Alvin K. Hellerstein, the judge who oversees all 9-11 litigation, for example, lives on a similar illegal settlement like Ramat Shlomo. Michael Chertoff, the Israeli national who oversaw the non-investigation of 9-11 is an orthodox Jew who comes from a family of Zionist Talmud-thumping rabbis. Orthodox Jews are inclined to be extremely racial in their thinking due to the doctrine of Jewish supremacism they believe in. This is the real wall that blocks any peaceful settlement of the Israeli conflict with the native Palestinians, who live as second-class citizens on their own land under Zionist occupation.


Housing minister Atias

Israeli Housing Minister Atias openly advocates segregation in Israel in order to create an apartheid state. Israeli construction policies under Minister Atias are designed to separate Jews from non-Jews, and religious Jews from secular Jews. On July 2, 2009, the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported that at a conference of the Israel Bar Association focused on reforming Israel's Land Administration, Atias had called for the segregation of Israel's Arab population from Jewish Israelis, saying that achieving this separation or apartheid state was "a national duty."

Atias, as minister of housing and construction, explained his policy that Israeli land should be marketed to each sector separately, in order to create segregation, not just between Jews and Arabs but also between other sectors, such as ultra-Orthodox and secular Jews. "There is a severe housing crisis among the young ultra-Orthodox couples, and in the general population. I, as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, don't think that religious Jews should have to live in the same neighborhood as secular couples, so as to avoid unnecessary friction. And since some 5,000 to 6,000 religious couples get married every year, a problem arises because they require a certain kind of community life that goes along with their lifestyle."


On March 16, Palestinians from the nearby refugee camp of Shufat protested the illegal plan to build more Israeli homes on their land. News photos from the Israeli military/police response to the protest show how Israel uses undercover police that look and dress like Palestinians. This is important to understand because Israel often uses agents that look and act like Arabs. The Israelis probably used agents like these to create the cut-out for the "hijackers" of the false flag terrorism of 9-11.

I find the Israeli use of undercover police in this protest very interesting because this three man team operated in a very similar way to how the three-man squad of military trained undercover cops assaulted me at my home in August 2006. (In my case, however, the cop with the gun would have had his handgun aimed at me on the ground. It would have been Darin Felgenhauer who, as the lethal officer, was prepared to shoot me in case the TASERing made me go berserk.)


Dr. Nigel Parsons, a Middle East specialist and senior lecturer in politics, explained why the Israeli plan is so strongly rejected by Palestinians:

"This cuts right to the heart of the conflict. This is the essence of the problem - the state of Israel lending institutional support to housing for Jewish settlers while in the same location some of the world's most vulnerable people struggle in overcrowded conditions awaiting an end to the occupation and recognition of their rights…

"Restrictions on movement, unemployment, over-crowding, and separation from the West Bank have generated difficult conditions. However, offers of relocation have been refused by camp residents for fear of undermining the Palestinian right of return, a matter for final status negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

"In lieu of a final status agreement, Shu'fat captures Palestine in microcosm: an isolated, disempowered indigenous population and an overcrowded refugee camp confront advancing Israeli settlement."

Following Biden's visit to Israel, Thomas Friedman of the New York Times, a Zionist Jew, wrote an editorial titled "Driving Drunk in Jerusalem" in which he said that the vice president had missed a chance to send a powerful public signal:

He should have snapped his notebook shut, gotten right back on Air Force Two, flown home and left the following scribbled note behind: “Message from America to the Israeli government: Friends don’t let friends drive drunk. And right now, you’re driving drunk. You think you can embarrass your only true ally in the world, to satisfy some domestic political need, with no consequences? You have lost total contact with reality.

I couldn't agree more. The U.S. government has to end all support for the criminal and terrorist regime headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. These are, after all, the people who carried out 9-11.


"Driving Drunk in Jerusalem" by Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times, March 13, 2010

"Housing Minister: Spread of Arab population must be stopped" by Guy Lieberman, Haaretz, July 2, 2009

Israeli Colonisation Of East Jerusalem Cuts To Heart Of Conflict, March 15, 2010

Israeli police subdue a Palestinian protestor

Israeli plain clothes police in action

The Israeli undercover cops act just like the three-man tactical unit who assaulted me in Hoffman Estates on my property in front of my wife and 8-year-old daughter. After assaulting me, breaking my right arm, and TASERing me while I was pinned down in handcuffs - the undercover cops, who never identified themselves as police, charged me with assaulting them and resisting arrest. With a Zionist prosecutor, judge, and clerk calling the shots, I was found guilty on both charges and faced a year in Cook County Jail at sentencing. In my case, two of the three undercover cops (Stoy and Felgenhauer) apparently do not even have police uniforms. (See "Evidence of a Police Conspiracy to Injure

March 18, 2010