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----- Original Message -----
From: BB
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 8:27 PM
News out of Philadelphia today (7-17-09) is that a sargent in the Philidelphia Police Department is the creator and operator of a virulently racist web site (Domelight)
The site was the topic of an emergency press conference called by the organization which represents Black police in Philidelphia.
Also of note is the recent announcement by The Southern Poverty Law Center that white supremicist
KKK & Nazi groupings within the U.S. Military are on the rise.
This comes right on the heels of the disgusting racist inquisition conducted against Supreme Court nominee Sonya Sotomyor by elements of the U.S. Congress and The Media demanding that she prove that she can purge herself of any antipathy for racial & sexual oppression.
Although the election of Barak Obama proved that millions of white people as individuals in the U.S. have progressed viz a vis racism, what did not change the nature of the capitalist system which fosters, protects and benefits from it. Racism has always been and always will be a part of capitalism like stripes on a zebra--even in the best of times.
During capitalist depressions such as the one gripping this country and the world, 'regular' racism is fanned by the belows of the capitalists into full-blown fascism at home and world war abroad.
One of the best explanations of this phenomenon is found in the booklet "The Klan & The Government: Foes or Allies" written by Sam Marcy, founder and long-time
chair person of Workers World Party in 1983.
"The far more important problem is the reciprocal relations between the capitalist government and the Klan.....the capitalist government has covertly encouraged and promoted the Klan over many decades....the durability of the Klan rests on solid long-term bonds to the state, and that the two share a common political ideology, for the most part .
When the ruling class had the opportunity to wipe out the Klan more than a century ago, it failed to do so. The Northern industrialists and bankers were more interested in
reaching a compromise with the ex-slave holders than with the newly freed slaves. The U.S. government capitulated to the Southern planters and ex-slaveowners after the
period of Reconstruction when it withdrew federal troops from the South without establishing an independent citizens' militia composed of the Black people and poor whites.
It also left them politically defenseless and deprived the Black population of economic power by failing to grant the newly emancipated people the land which they had tilled for centuries.
It has to be remembered that the use of violence and mass prepression is a congenital tendency of the capitalist state. Even in the so-called best of times the capitalist government not only tolerates terrorist organizations like the Klan, but once the class struggle of the workers and oppressed peoples takes on the character of a genuine
mass usurge, the capitalist government is more likely than ever toto encourage and promote the likes of the Klan and other mediums of repression.
If the U.S. is resorting more and more to naked armed force on a world it likely tunder these circumstances that so called "domestic tranquility' will prevail, that is
class peace of the oppressor imposed on the oppressed?
[groups like the Klan] go under different names in various countries . But everywhere they are counter-revolutionary organizations which grow up in response to the needs of the capitalist state for supplementary, illegal, extra-state, and extra-governmental repression and terror.
The capitalist crisis is bound to produce a tremendous resurgence of the working class. It is equally certain that the ruling class will attempt to inhibit, derail, and utilize all sorts of support organizations in the struggle against aroused and united working class and oppressed peoploes' united front. It is in light of this perspective that one needs to view each and every step in the development of not only KKK activity but other forms [of racism] as well, and to properly organize against it with all the diligence, energy, and devotion which are necessary in the struggle "