Issue this
Redress of Grievance
Upon the elected officials of
The United States and the State of Nevada
The Nevada Southern Detention Center located in Pahrump, Nevada owned by Corrections Corporation of America, further called CCA, has egregiously, maliciously, and intentionally imposed cruel and unusual punishment, mental abuse, and torture on detainees awaiting trial. Ammon Bundy was abused and treated inhumanely when guards beat, cuffed and left Mr. Ammon Bundy in a 3x3 shower stall for 13 hours straight. His arms were cuffed behind his back, wrists out and locked away in the stall. Not only does this violate every single State detention policy, it is a clear violation of established human rights procedure. Joint manipulation is used to gain control, and once gained, the manipulation is removed. Added to the abuse, Mr. Bundy was left cuffed in such a way inside a locked cell which again is a clear violation of human rights policy that is well established. Once removed from the torture cell, Mr. Bundy was stripped, violated, and thrown in a solitary confinement cell and left there completely naked.
This is but a single instance of assault and the abuse issued out at the hands of a private company contracted by the federal government to handle people awaiting trial who ARE CONSIDERED INNOCENT UNTIL AND UNLESS PROVEN GUILTY. The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled many times that the use of solitary confinement is restricted for a convicted prisoner, and considered cruel and unusual punishment for a person in detention awaiting trial.
WE THE PEOPLE formally issue COMPLAINT and put on NOTICE the following agencies:
United States Marshal Service
United States Department of Justice
United States Bureau of Prisons
Nye County Nevada Sheriff’s Office
Nye County District Attorney’s Office
State of Nevada Legislature
United States Federal Court, District of Nevada
WE THE PEOPLE formally issue DEMAND for the following to occur:
1. We The People formally request that the Nye County Sheriff’s office take all defendants of the Cliven Bundy et al VS United States into protective custody away from the CCA facility in Pahrump, Nevada.
2. We The People formally issue COMPLAINT and demand the Nye County District Attorney’s Office launch a criminal investigation into the abuse rendered and assault on Mr. Ammon Bundy by the employees of the Nevada Southern Detention Center on or about May 4th, 2017.
3. We The People issue COMPLAINT and formally request that the US Marshal assigned to oversee and protect the defendants in the Cliven Bundy Et Al VS United States case be dismissed from his or her duties over the above listed individuals.
4. We The People formally issue COMPLAINT, and demand the United States Department of Justice, along with the Bureau of Prisons investigate the actions taken at the Nevada Southern Detention Center regarding the mistreatment, abuse and assault of the defendants in the Cliven Bundy Et Al VS United States immediately without delay.
5. We The People formally issue COMPLAINT and request the Nevada State Legislature issue an emergency declaration implementing a full and complete investigation into the safety concerns and operation of the Nevada Southern Detention Center located in Pahrump, Nevada.
6. We The People formally issue COMPLAINT and demand that all employees on duty during and working in the cellblock where Ammon Bundy was assaulted and abused on or about May 4th, 2017 be placed on leave, or removed from working in any block where the defendants are detained in the Cliven Bundy Et Al VS United States case.
7. We The People Formally issue COMPLAINT and demand that the United States Federal Court in the District of Nevada intervene immediately and issue a protective order on all defendants of the Cliven Bundy Et Al VS United States case. They are subject to abuse, assault, human rights violations and their lives are in a clear and present danger at the hands of the United States Marshal Service and the CCA Nevada Southern Detention Center.
We The People issue this Redress of Grievance, not for light and transient issues but because a clearly established train of abuses are shown through evidence to exist. In the Cliven Bundy Et Al case alone, every amendment detailed in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution except for the third and seventh have been trampled, ignored, and or destroyed. Combine this abuse with the assault upon a deemed innocent man, use of cruel and unusual punishment, and the human rights policy violations, We The People demand immediate intervention by the elected authorities sworn by oath to uphold the laws of this Country.
- Nye County Sheriff
- Nye County District Attorney
- US Marshal Service