Malheur Refuge Defendant Jason Patrick Ordered To Leave Oregon Courtroom By Armed U.S. Marshals During His Own Hearing
Martkn Hill
Jason Patrick, one of four remaining Malhuer Wildlife Refuge occupation defendants who have their trial this month, reported a few hours ago that armed U.S. Marshals ordered him to leave the courtroom even though it was his own preliminary hearing.
Patrick's trial is scheduled to begin February 14th along with addifional defendants Darryl Thorn, Jake Ryan and Duane Ehmer. They all still face felony charges for their part in the occupation protest of the wildlife refuge against the Bureau of Land Management last year.
Brothers Ammon and Ryan Bundy, along with five others were acquitted of all charges in a shocking verdict six months ago.
Seven remaining protesters faced trial this month but three of them took a plea deal and pled guilty to lesser charges last week.
Five hours ago Jason Patrick wrote on his Facebook page: "Attention- please like, share and comment on this post. I was just ordered to leave the courthouse by U.S. Marshalls."
The post has 77 comments, 81 shares and 88 likes.
Patrick was scarce on additional details, but is understandably concerned for his safety given what was done to his friend LaVoy Finicum, murdered by The FBI as he exited his car in an attempt to surrender with his hands up.
One of his friends asked, what does this mean brother??"
Patrick replied, "It means I could be shot for being there or hunted down and shot for not being there. Marshals choice?"
In response to another facebook friend, Patrick elaborated "I tried to enter like every other day and was ordered to leave."
Another friend asked "What??? You don't have a right to be there?" to which Patrick replied 'Right'??? LMFAO", revealing his feelings about the unfair nature of the system.
OPB reported yesterday that at Tuesday's hearing, when U.S. District court Judge Anna Brown walked into the court to begin proceedings, everyone stood except Patrick, at which point Judge Brown asked "Is there a reason you didn't stand, Mr. Patrick?" To which he replied "I'll stand for the jury." Judge Brown didn't push the issue, replying "Allright, we'll leave it at that."
Judge Anna J. Brown is 64-years old, a Bill Clinton appointee who took office as a federal judge in 1999. In 2013, Judge Brown took part in a law school event with Supreme Court Justice John Roberts. A cursory internet search of Judge Brown reveals that she apparently has a lot of enemies, particularly Constitutionalist types who think she is a criminal who should be impeached and removed from the bench.
Based on my experience, I believe that the Marshals took it upon themselves to kick Patrick out because they wanted to exert their power and punish him for what they view as lack of respect. What they're doing is illegal and a violation of his due process.
Jason Patrick is a good guy who was named a 'National Hero' by FOX News in 2014 for rescuing a motorist in distress. I don't know him personally but first became acquainted with his activism online when he was the first person to publicly name the two cops who killed Idaho rancher Jack Yantis in November 2015.
You can read the original post from today and all the responses at Jason Patrick's Facebook page here .
You can visit the LibertyFight.com Malhuer Wildlife Protest Archives here .
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Martin Hill is a Catholic paleo-conservative and civil rights advocate. In 2015, President Donald J. Trump in front of a live international TV audience, said Hill was "very committed" and "got a lot of energy," adding that "he's on our side" and "is a Trump guy." In addition to being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal and The Daily Beast, Hill's work has been featured in the Los Angeles Daily News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 TV Los Angeles, The Press Enterprise, LewRockwell.com, WhatReallyHappened.com, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, Economic Policy Journal, FreedomsPhoenix, Haaretz, TMZ, Veterans Today, Jonathan Turley blog, The Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show, National Motorists Association, RedState.com, AmericanFreePress.net, RomanCatholicReport.com, WorldNetDaily, HenryMakow.com, OverdriveOnline.com, Educate-Yourself.org, TexeMarrs.com, Dr. Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad radio show, InvestmentWatchBlog, Strike-The-Root.com, Antiwar.com, Mark Glenn's 'The Ugly Truth' Blog & radio show, Michael Hoffman's RevisionistHistory.org, John Friend's TheRealistReport.com, Sophia Smallstorm's Blog, DrDay.com, Pasadena Weekly, ActivistPost.com, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI AM 640, IamtheWitness.com, Redlands Daily Facts, SaveTheMales.ca, BlackBoxVoting, The Michael Badnarik Show, The Wayne Madsen Report, Devvy.com, Rense.com, FromTheTrenchesWorldReport.com, BeforeItsNews.com, The Contra Costa Times, Pasadena Star News, Silicon Valley Mercury News, Long Beach Press Telegram, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, L.A. Harbor Daily Breeze, CopBlock.org, DavidIcke.com, Whittier Daily News, KCLA FM Hollywood, The Fullerton Observer, and many others. Archives can be found at LibertyFight.com, DontWakeMeUp.Org, RandPaukZionist.com and JohnInBarbados.com.
Be sure to see my meeting with President Trump:
- Front-Row Protester Disrupts Trump's Michigan Speech: "ISRAEL DID 9/11! Five JEWS Arrested on 9/11 In New Jersey, NOT Muslims!"
- Trump's Response To "Israel Did 9/11" Protester Is More Interesting Than The Heckle Itself: "He's A Trump Guy, He's On Our Side! He's Very Committed!" Trump says.
- Martin Hill interviewed by John Friend of The Realist Report (This is probably my favorite interview I've ever done. We cover the history of Libertyfight.com, my motivation, my confrontation of Donald Trump, and many other issues. Very fun show; One hour and 14
- See more at: http://libertyfight.com/2017/Feb/Jason-Patrick-ordered-to-leave-court-armed-cop.html#sthash.Ya5wDGKG.dpuf A
Jason Patrick, one of four remaining Malhuer Wildlife Refuge occupation defendants who have their trial this month, reported a few hours ago that armed U.S. Marshals ordered him to leave the courtroom even though it was his own preliminary hearing.
Patrick's trial is scheduled to begin February 14th along with addifional defendants Darryl Thorn, Jake Ryan and Duane Ehmer. They all still face felony charges for their part in the occupation protest of the wildlife refuge against the Bureau of Land Management last year.
Brothers Ammon and Ryan Bundy, along with five others were acquitted of all charges in a shocking verdict six months ago.
Seven remaining protesters faced trial this month but three of them took a plea deal and pled guilty to lesser charges last week.
Five hours ago Jason Patrick wrote on his Facebook page: "Attention- please like, share and comment on this post. I was just ordered to leave the courthouse by U.S. Marshalls."
The post has 77 comments, 81 shares and 88 likes.
Patrick was scarce on additional details, but is understandably concerned for his safety given what was done to his friend LaVoy Finicum, murdered by The FBI as he exited his car in an attempt to surrender with his hands up.
One of his friends asked, what does this mean brother??"
Patrick replied, "It means I could be shot for being there or hunted down and shot for not being there. Marshals choice?"
In response to another facebook friend, Patrick elaborated "I tried to enter like every other day and was ordered to leave."
Another friend asked "What??? You don't have a right to be there?" to which Patrick replied 'Right'??? LMFAO", revealing his feelings about the unfair nature of the system.
OPB reported yesterday that at Tuesday's hearing, when U.S. District court Judge Anna Brown walked into the court to begin proceedings, everyone stood except Patrick, at which point Judge Brown asked "Is there a reason you didn't stand, Mr. Patrick?" To which he replied "I'll stand for the jury." Judge Brown didn't push the issue, replying "Allright, we'll leave it at that."
Judge Anna J. Brown is 64-years old, a Bill Clinton appointee who took office as a federal judge in 1999. In 2013, Judge Brown took part in a law school event with Supreme Court Justice John Roberts. A cursory internet search of Judge Brown reveals that she apparently has a lot of enemies, particularly Constitutionalist types who think she is a criminal who should be impeached and removed from the bench.
Based on my experience, I believe that the Marshals took it upon themselves to kick Patrick out because they wanted to exert their power and punish him for what they view as lack of respect. What they're doing is illegal and a violation of his due process.
Jason Patrick is a good guy who was named a 'National Hero' by FOX News in 2014 for rescuing a motorist in distress. I don't know him personally but first became acquainted with his activism online when he was the first person to publicly name the two cops who killed Idaho rancher Jack Yantis in November 2015.
You can read the original post from today and all the responses at Jason Patrick's Facebook page here .
You can visit the LibertyFight.com Malhuer Wildlife Protest Archives here .
You can find the most recent articles from LibertyFight.com here.
To get notice of the latest material you can follow LibertyFight on Twitter or contact me to join our e-mail list.
NOTE: The 'DISQUS' feature has been added to this site so you can leave your comments below. No login is required, you can post as a guest.
Martin Hill is a Catholic paleo-conservative and civil rights advocate. In 2015, President Donald J. Trump in front of a live international TV audience, said Hill was "very committed" and "got a lot of energy," adding that "he's on our side" and "is a Trump guy." In addition to being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal and The Daily Beast, Hill's work has been featured in the Los Angeles Daily News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 TV Los Angeles, The Press Enterprise, LewRockwell.com, WhatReallyHappened.com, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, Economic Policy Journal, FreedomsPhoenix, Haaretz, TMZ, Veterans Today, Jonathan Turley blog, The Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show, National Motorists Association, RedState.com, AmericanFreePress.net, RomanCatholicReport.com, WorldNetDaily, HenryMakow.com, OverdriveOnline.com, Educate-Yourself.org, TexeMarrs.com, Dr. Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad radio show, InvestmentWatchBlog, Strike-The-Root.com, Antiwar.com, Mark Glenn's 'The Ugly Truth' Blog & radio show, Michael Hoffman's RevisionistHistory.org, John Friend's TheRealistReport.com, Sophia Smallstorm's Blog, DrDay.com, Pasadena Weekly, ActivistPost.com, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI AM 640, IamtheWitness.com, Redlands Daily Facts, SaveTheMales.ca, BlackBoxVoting, The Michael Badnarik Show, The Wayne Madsen Report, Devvy.com, Rense.com, FromTheTrenchesWorldReport.com, BeforeItsNews.com, The Contra Costa Times, Pasadena Star News, Silicon Valley Mercury News, Long Beach Press Telegram, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, L.A. Harbor Daily Breeze, CopBlock.org, DavidIcke.com, Whittier Daily News, KCLA FM Hollywood, The Fullerton Observer, and many others. Archives can be found at LibertyFight.com, DontWakeMeUp.Org, RandPaukZionist.com and JohnInBarbados.com.
Be sure to see my meeting with President Trump:
- Front-Row Protester Disrupts Trump's Michigan Speech: "ISRAEL DID 9/11! Five JEWS Arrested on 9/11 In New Jersey, NOT Muslims!"
- Trump's Response To "Israel Did 9/11" Protester Is More Interesting Than The Heckle Itself: "He's A Trump Guy, He's On Our Side! He's Very Committed!" Trump says.
- Martin Hill interviewed by John Friend of The Realist Report (This is probably my favorite interview I've ever done. We cover the history of Libertyfight.com, my motivation, my confrontation of Donald Trump, and many other issues. Very fun show; One hour and 14