Jeff Weinhaus-Bulletinman Political Prisoner, Shot 6 Times, and is Now in Prison. He's the Victim!
This man’s fight for Justice has been ignored and should be receiving National attention! We have Political Prisoners right here in the USA!
Jeff Weinhaus-Bulletinman was set up and gunned down by MSHP. Jeff was shot by Sgt. Folsom four (4) times, (two {2} bullets in the chest and two {2} bullets in the head).
By the Grace of God, Jeff survived, but now, he is the one in jail.
Please join in a prayer chain for Jeff's fight for Justice!
Please help share Jeff's case far and wide. Everyone needs to know about the Political Prisoners that are right here in the United States of America. Please help us put some pressure on the media to cover the injustices that have been perpetrated against Jeff and to help put pressure on those in charge to “do the right thing” and release Jeff from prison.
Make sure you watch & share the two (2) videos below that highlight some of the injustices waged against Jeffrey Weinhaus-Bulletinman.
We are currently in the process of setting up a donation page to help contribute to Jeff's fight for Justice. Once we have a donation page in place we will post a link here. Thank you for sharing this information about Jeff's case and may God bless each and every one of you!
Another petition was filed for a rehearing. The U.S. Supreme Court docketed his case for conference on January 8, 2016 and once again denied to hear his case. Here is a link to the filing with the U.S. Supreme Court: https://certpool.com/dockets/14-10256
For those of you who believe that just because the appeals court has upheld Jeff's conviction and that the U.S. Supreme Court denied to hear his case-this must mean that Jeff is guilty-I suggest that you do a little bit of research and you will discover that many people that have spent many years (10 to 30+) years in jail were wrongfully convicted and exonerated long after their appeals were also upheld by the corrupt courts throughout this nation.
Jeff's false conviction was upheld by the Missouri Court of Appeals. The Missouri Court of Appeals also denied Jeff's Motion for a Rehearing. You can view a copy of these documents under the Appeal Briefs, Etc. tab on this website or click here: http://freebulletinman.com/appeal-briefs-etc.html
The Missouri Supreme Court denied to hear Jeff's case. You can view a copy of these documents under the Missouri Supreme Court tab on this website or click here: http://freebulletinman.com/missouri-supreme-court.html
While viewing these sites and reading the comments, please keep in mind that anyone that questions anyone within the legal system is considered anti-government or a conspiracy theorist. Mr. Weinhaus (Bulletinman) was not anti-government.
It is very important to keep in mind that Jeffrey Weinhaus (Bulletinman) was ANTI-CORRUPT GOVERNMENT, and isn't that what every American citizen wants?
Free Bulletinman@FreeBulletinman
You can view many other videos of Jeff Weinhaus-Bulletinman that he published on his YouTube channel in his journey to help his fellow citizens get justice for all! https://www.youtube.com/user/bulletinman
Jeffrey R. Weinhaus
DOC #1261778
2727 Hwy K
Bonne Terre, Mo. 63628
If you would like to send money to help show your support for Jeff-Bulletinman you may send it through: