Government threw 13 men into the same prison after their children were killed possibly by vaccine injuries
Jennifer Lea Reynolds
(NaturalNews) If your child becomes sick or dies after receiving a vaccine, odds are you'll be accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). Why? It's an easy way out for the government and Big Pharma who just want to gloss over the vaccine violence they've been unleashing on the human population.
It's likely they'll maintain that your child, who fell ill or died after receiving a vaccine or series of them, had nothing to do toxins being injected in their system and everything to do with you violently shaking your baby. After all, the problems that often manifest when a child experiences adverse vaccine reactions involves brain damage, which also happens during SBS. So, it's easy to suggest terrible parental behaviors were at play, when in reality, it's all about keeping the vaccine circus alive. They didn't do it, YOU did.
Unfortunately, this forced logic has landed 13 men in prison.
From caregiver to life in prison
One such person is 33 year-old Darryl Elliott, a resident of the UK. He was given a life sentence for allegedly committing SBS, residing in a facility complete with tall security fences and guard dogs galore. Elliot was a caregiver for a toddler who received the MMR vaccine in 2012 and who ultimately died within a short time-frame thereafter.(1)
Experts such as Dr. Michael Innis and Consultant Histopathologist Dr. Marta Cohen feel that Elliot is innocent, however Elliot's life went downhill as accusations about child abuse entered the picture. He does maintain that he "...shook her about 6 times," but that was in response to her lifeless body when he discovered her lying on the floor one day, her eyes rolling towards the back of her head. It's a common action most people automatically revert to when they see someone in that shape and are perhaps in a state of shock themselves, not the behavior of a person who should go to prison.(1)
Those bent on keeping Elliot in jail pointed to a bump she developed on her head, as well as a bruise on her leg, suggesting that the caregiver destroyed her health to the point of her eventually dying. Never mind the fact that she had an MMR vaccine in the months prior or that the hospital where she died noted that the girl suffered no back or neck injuries. Furthermore, there aren't reports mentioning that her death was related to external injuries. Yet, off Elliot went to prison.(1)
He even told reporters that 12 other prisoners in his prison wing are there because they've been accused of SBS. Interestingly, their children died around the time they received a vaccine.(1)
The vaccine-Shaken Baby Syndrome blame game
Dr. Viera Scheibner has written about this blame game in her published paper, "Shaken Baby Syndrome: The Vaccination Link." In it, she states:
While investigating the personal medical history of these babies based on the caregivers' diaries and medical records, I quickly established that these babies were given one or more of the series of so-called routine shots – hepatitis B, DPT [diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus], polio and HiB (Haemophilus influenza type B)– shortly before they developed symptoms of illness resulting in serious brain damage or death.(2)
Another expert, Dr. Michael Innis, also wrote on this topic. His paper, which was published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, was titled "Vaccines, Apparent Life-Threatening Events, Barlow's Disease, and Questions about Shaken Baby Syndrome." He pointed out that it's entirely possible that all the retinal hemorrhages and unexplained bruising is not related to SBS, but damages from problems caused by vaccines.(3)
Forget SBS, this is more about BS
Sadly, though, the SBS excuses go on. Several others have been falsely accused of SBS not too long after their child died following a vaccination. For example, John Sanders was given life without parole following the death of his 12 week-old daughter who received eight vaccinations in one day. Many others have received jail time or have been questioned by child service organizations who allude to abusive behaviors in the household.(3)
This isn't about SBS, but rather BS, plain and simple.
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Sources for this article include:
(2) NaturalNews.com
(3) VacTruth.com