Are you ready for a “Long Hot Summer”? The prospects for urban riots are hyped as a breach of domestic security. The mass propaganda media does not waste a moment to ratchet up the tension and fear that torching neighborhoods will come to a community in your area. If people were able to apply critical thinking, they would realize that local incidents are being managed to increase and spread discontent nationwide. That asphalt jungle is paved with assault vehicles moving into place before your own eyes. The purpose is to manage disorder with the imposition of military tactics. As urban fires burn, advocates of an authoritarian police state implement their master plan for the final destruction of America.
The latest episode in the ghettofication of urban slums into an armed camp for interment is playing out in Baltimore. Lock down was used in Boston after the Marathon Race false flag experiment, now the time tested urban unrest brings back the LA Rodney King riots as an excuse for mob rule. Ah, yes, the pandering media never misses an opportunity to blame racism as the cause for a dysfunctional society, while ignoring the essential consequences of abandoning Posse Comitatus.
The unequivocal voice of straight talk, Brother Nathaniel explains that the Baltimore Riots...Prelude to Urban War. If this video analysis is too disturbing because “PC” purity prevents facing up to fact that the “Great Society” has turned the country into an urban war zone, no serious debate on the fallout of race baiting can occur.
Set aside the Rev. “tax cheat” Sharpton divide and extort maneuvers or the “Whorealdo” Rivera injection of his own self into the FAUX news story and confront the nature of the federalization of urbanized cities.
The always reliable and insightful John W. Whitehead writes an important viewpoint in Turning America into a Battlefield: A Blueprint for Locking Down the Nation.
“The problem arises when you start to add Jade Helm onto the list of other troubling developments that have taken place over the past 30 years or more: the expansion of the military industrial complex and its influence in Washington DC, the rampant surveillance, the corporate-funded elections and revolving door between lobbyists and elected officials, the militarized police, the loss of our freedoms, the injustice of the courts, the privatized prisons, the school lockdowns, the roadside strip searches, the military drills on domestic soil, the fusion centers and the simultaneous fusing of every branch of law enforcement (federal, state and local), the stockpiling of ammunition by various government agencies, the active shooter drills that are indistinguishable from actual crises, the economy flirting with near collapse, etc.
Suddenly, the overall picture seems that much more sinister. Clearly, as I point out in my new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, there’s a larger agenda at work here.
Seven years ago, the U.S. Army War College issued a report calling on the military to be prepared should they need to put down civil unrest within the country. Summarizing the report, investigative journalist Chris Hedges declared, “The military must be prepared, the document warned, for a ‘violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States,’ which could be provoked by ‘unforeseen economic collapse,’ ‘purposeful domestic resistance,’ ‘pervasive public health emergencies’ or ‘loss of functioning political and legal order.’ The ‘widespread civil violence,’ the document said, ‘would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.’”
In order to understand the profound transmutation from “Peace Keeping”, to “Law Enforcement” and now into a militarized Martial Law environment, the focus and apprehension on the ultimate game plan needs to be the basis of any dialogue. One aspect that reveals the hands of the federal connection is citied In 2008 Obama Revealed His Plan for Law Enforcement… and Now He Has the Perfect Excuse, which illustrates the transformation of law enforcement into a military command structure under Homeland Security.
“Coupling that with the consistent pattern of Obama injecting the feds into incidents like the one involving Brown, Eric Garner and now Freddie Gray in Baltimore, it seems as if Obama and his DOJ have the perfect excuse to begin implementation of their national police program, which could lead to a devastating impediment of the rights of American citizens.
It may have taken Obama most of his presidency to act on his sinister intentions to nationalize major police forces in order to bolster his liberal agenda, but make no mistake about it — it’s here.”
Sober and critical observers admit that the real danger comes from the federalization of local police powers. While media distractions report on the Black Lives Matter Movement, the crucial question absent to the “so called” aggrieved community is why “On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States.”
Maturing beyond simple injection of propaganda is difficult for the diminished mental capacity of manipulated and confused residents. The outrage of thugs just does not rise to the same level of responsible citizens. While civil liberties extend to all people, not everyone has earned the respect of their fellow neighbors.
If folks want to better themselves, the first step is to perceive the nature of the deception that divides all people and should be our common cause for action.
The essay, Is the Federal Government Ready for War Against the American People?; sets the stage for the pertinent issue that should unite everyone.
“Hence, the tightening of the noose with fed up Americans sick and tired of being brutally victimized and betrayed by its crime cabal government that’s now out to kill us law abiding citizens using the excuse of martial law to go on the offensive to quell the very civil unrest that the federal government intentionally created and caused in the first place. Washington’s been not-so-covertly preparing for this day of reckoning ever since 9/11 to wage war against its own people. And through globalization what’s been tragically happening here in the US has also been taking place insidiously throughout the industrial world - in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Israel and most all of Europe. All these Western nations are controlled by the same oligarch globalists whose NWO agenda successfully fabricated and invented their war on terror in order to enact counterterrorism laws completely draconian in nature that effectively destroy our freedoms while enslaving us in the twenty-first century version of George Orwell’s totalitarian nightmare come true.”
The context of urban riots must be viewed from the perspective of the NWO global plan to herd the sheeple into metropolitan concentration camps. The intentional destruction of a black community has been successful. Other ethnic groups and people of all color will experience this same devastation because individuals refuse to confront that the “so called” benefits of the welfare society has dumbed down each person to the lowest level of the cumulative culture.
When the federal authorities dictate that the streets of urban America will look like a Fallujah war zone, don’t be surprised. It is deliberate. The New American reports in the article, Military and Police in Florida Practice Detaining Citizens.
“The “urban warfare” exercises had been announced earlier in the month without much fanfare by authorities and local media outlets. However, last week, a dramatic video of the dangerous drill, already viewed by hundreds of thousands of people, sparked widespread alarm about the true purpose of the exercises. A spokesman for the Tampa-based U.S. Special Operations Command cited in media reports downplayed the exercise as merely “routine” training for overseas missions. But more than a few critics say the Obama administration is actually up to no good — potentially even training to impose martial law and overt tyranny on the American people following some sort of crisis.”
With the direct involvement of the central military command, conditions foreshadow valid apprehension that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is ready for widespread rollout.
This trend goes unreported by the press because the narrative of race baiting is the official story that the establishment is ordered to publish. Diversion media is big business. Consolidation of state power is a step towards the eventual merger into a world government. Keeping a dependency population distracted from the core conspirators, who use the military-industrial-security complex as their enforcement arm, is the true story behind the Baltimore disturbance.
Unfortunately, the only script followed by gang members is to burn down their own neighborhoods. A half century of LBJ’s social welfare experiment, as a model for upward mobility, produced a plantation for all citizens. With the prospects of expanded martial law, The Psychotic Militarization of Law Enforcement has moved well beyond mere training exercises.
As the Home Land dictatorship tightens the noose on America, a sincere conversation about internal unrest must begin if there is any chance to reverse the lock down environment. More and direct military patrolling should never become normal. Wake up to the Global Gulag coming to a town you call home.
SARTRE – May 5, 2015