Documents Showing Foreign Troops to Run FEMA Camps Complete with Cemeteries and Crematoriums
Dave Hodges
It is laughable that some in the independent media are still in denial about the existence and true nature of concentration camps in America,commonly known as FEMA camps. The evidence is overwhelming and from certain documents we can ascertain how “detainees” will be captured and transported to these infamous FEMA camps.
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate, that from the government’s own documents, it is child’s play to demonstrate the nature of FEMA camps in terms of who is going to be running these camps.
An Irrelevant Question
We often hear the question: “Will American soldiers fire upon American citizens upon a martial law roundup of millions of Americans”? The answer to that question is a moot point. It is clear from analyzing data from Army concentration camp materials, that American soldiers will be used to round up detainees. However, the camps in which people will be deported to will ultimately be staffed and run by foreign troops. This document will make this point abundantly clear.