Pat Shannon
David Hinkson discovered and manufactured mineral replacement health products that combine with vitamins to rebuild the body’s own natural disease fighting immune system. His God-gifted instincts and talents, not unlike those of Nikola Tesla a century earlier, have allowed him to see the world through a scientific lens as few humans can. So why would the Department of Justice target and jail a man so valuable to his generation? Did Big Pharma fear his success? It wouldn’t be the first time.
Hinkson enlisted in the U.S. Navy at age seventeen during the Viet Nam conflict and served honorably as a helicopter mechanic. After his discharge, his pursuit of truth took him on two separate missions at once. In addition to developing natural preventives for the human body, he also took on the dangerous task of exposing the deception of the Internal Revenue Service to the American people via his Las Vegas radio show. Both such pursuits have proven to be fatal to other truth-seekers preceding him.
A mineral is not a drug; and, since David kept the minerals in their pure form, the FDA and “Big Pharma” could not stop him from selling them. But it was within their power to falsely accuse him of mislabeling his products – a felony. Whether he mislabeled or not wasn’t their real motivation. He became a force they could not control. David, like many veterans today, has been persecuted by his own government – a government that he, like other veterans supported unconditionally when they were in the service. (So what happened to reciprocal support for veterans today?)
Shocked to learn that he was the target of false accusations in 2002, David could not overcome the stampede of government agencies that worked in tandem with the FDA to ambush and take him down. With the help of a lying judge, a deceiving prosecutor and a perjuring government witness, the U.S. government (through fraud and deception) managed to stop David’s contribution to health. “You lie, and I’ll swear to it,” is the federal government’s mantra. Now in his eleventh year in prison on a 43-year sentence, David awaits ultimate justice – his release — because he has again asked the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to review his case, but this time for Actual Innocence rather than some minor technical trial defect like in his direct appeal years ago. He languishes in jail, convicted of a crime that he did not commit and, in fact, never happened.