John Kaminski
By John Kaminski
Especially if we're young, we don't notice it at all. It's what we grew up with, so it doesn't seem out of the ordinary. And when old codgers talk about the differences from how it was when they were young, we think they've gone a little daffy. Things could not have possibly been that way. Trusting strangers on a handshake? What a preposterous idea! It would never have worked, is what most people think today.
Like opening the portholes on a sinking ship, once the water starts coming in, the process cannot easily be reversed. This is where the palpitating party barge of America is right now, half submerged and sinking fast, just waiting for the criminal bankers to pull the plug and turn everyone's principal means of survival into worthless paper.
In terms of fashion and customs, a kind of lockstep conformity has always existed in the U.S. We wear what the media tell us to wear, do what the celebrities tell us to do — from women smoking to achieve liberation in the 1920s to everyone disappearing into an electronic trance of computerized alienation through meaningless text messaging in the early part of the 21st century.
Always this conformity has been controlled by the stylemakers, who are the owners of media. And always the purpose of this control has been to degrade and destabilize, to subvert structures that keep the lid on people's passions, to make society more pliable, to liberate it from the constrictions of the past — which at the same time disintegrates the social glue that has kept society together and coherent, that has maintained the ritual adhesions and correspondences that give structure and meaning to hopefully healthy lives.
Like oscillating hemlines that bounce up and down, the cognitive dissonance of this arbitrary style switching renders us powerless prey to the fashion police, because we want to be part of the herd, we don't want to be left out, we don't want our friends whispering behind our backs that we "just don't get it". When you're young and addicted to your peers, that can be one of the worst things ever. In fact it causes a lot of fragile teens to commit suicide.
The latest of these frivolous social manipulations has been to declare that men should no longer shave, that they should run around with a five day growth of stubble on their faces. Some stylemaker somewhere determined that this would make men more masculine, sexier, more primitive, and in fact this is the peacock's purpose of style, to facilitate the process of mating through visual sexual attraction, and women ever love the hairy brute, even if they find out later that spouse abuse is not so great.
This symbolic social stampede into mawkish seediness, however, has an ulterior motive, which is to not only to wreck existing traditions of what constitutes beauty and formality, but moreso to cast social traditions into doubt whereby men will no longer be certain of what constitutes dressing nicely or thinking rightly. You could call it the perversion of the citizenry, because it is.
This is how the Jewish destabilization template works, as it has worked in art, with the Guggenheimization of classical painting resulting in Picasso-like fantasies of the workings of the inside of the Jewish mind that render art incomprehensible and unfathomable to ordinary common sense. Then when Jewish critics pronounce it as genius, the cognitive dissonance necessary to realign the normal mind into something as perverse as these kosher misrepresentations of logic spread like a stain throughout the land, and the otherwise intelligent populace begins to praise mediocrity as sentient genius, not realizing how this practice has been entirely caused by public relations, or as they call it now, brain entrainment.
Less than a century ago, society required women to be virgins before marriage. A majority of Americans laugh at the idea today, which probably is why the divorce rate is so high and the family structure has become so fractured. Numerous writers have noted that the primary way Jews destabilize societies is through promiscuity, which now dominates Western culture.
Except for doctrinaire religious communities that still maintain some control over sensible ways to create durable families, sexual gratification without any thought about its procreative aspects and social consequences now rules popular thought, and excessive prurience, especially combined with mind altering drugs and hypnotic music, is the surest way to conceal political corruption from the rutting lemmings.
We have as a collective society failed to take seriously the encroachments and deceptions of that mysterious group we sometimes call the puppetmasters, or the Illuminati, or the powers that be. A cursory investigation reveals that these groups are principally composed of Jews, but since the media that rule our lives and govern our intellects are also all owned and controlled by Jews, the panorama of social influences that has been created in our brains, generation after generation, seems to skip over the Jews. They remain invisible, unspoken of, even as our society disintegrates and our people starve and waste their lives fighting each other over inconsequential trivialities misleadingly presented to us by the Jews as the really important issues.
For unfortunate people coming out of an educational system created and run by the same people who create the mindless entertainment and conduct the ruthless wars, the influences that poison our lives remain mostly invisible except for the pain they cause to people who mostly never understand why such bad things should happen to them. Their frustration and rage is fragmented in a thousand directions by media that mostly obscure while pretending to enlighten.
Unfortunately for the world, the use of that phrase "national security" today means the government has fabricated foreign villains (and even pays them handsomely) to provide justification for dropping more bombs on the Middle East, which Israel prefers to keep in constant turmoil no matter how many American (or Muslim) lives it costs.
There are many facets to reflect upon as our once supposedly free nation skids into totalitarianism, but the one that bugs me most for its sheer delusional windmill-tilting are the people who insist that it was once a white world, and must be again for things to be right. There's about as much chance of that happening as there is for a leopard to lose its spots.
True, the blacks and the Jews are mostly concentrated in either the ghettos or the gated communities of the major American metropolises, and the vast majority of the American hinterlands are peopled by folks whose ancestors were mostly European, and they desperately — but futilely — want to keep it that way.
Nothing, you must realize by now, ever stays the same forever.
So rather than stockpile weapons for the government oppression that is sure to assail us in very short order, I think it's time for white people to take a long look at why their own historical behavior has made such a bad impression on the rest of the world, the non-white part, and why an opportunity that was missed then had better be accomplished now, or none of us will have any future at all.
What opportunity was missed, you ask?
It seems to me that most of the world has never practiced the very customs its claims to espouse, and exploitation of the lesser lights has been the rule practiced by the brightest bulbs. This is in direct violation of not only the creeds everyone professes to honor but also the dictates of common sense, because the shortest, most effective route to happiness in this world is not how much you can steal from everyone else, but how much, and how fast, you can make everyone you meet love you, or at least get along with you.
This was the great failure of the white colonization of the world, particularly of Britain, which imposed its will on India and very nearly erased that time-honored culture. In addition, it cast the fog of drugs over China at cannon point, and these scumsucking Brits then pretended to be the pinnacle of civilized behavior. The United States, later on, assumed this mantle of hypocrisy, and today are busy deploying deadly viruses among the unwanted populations of Africa while claiming to be the greatest example of human civilization (and poisoning its own citizens, as well) that the world has ever known.
Today, as the Jews have blackmailed and bribed the corrupt leaders of all the nations it controls, and begun their program of culling five-sixths of the world's human population, I'm guessing it's probably a practical idea for all the world's races and ethnic groups to unite against these kosher killers if the rest of us wish to entertain any notion that they we going to survive any distance into the future.
And for the white race, which now bemoans its miscegenated fate created by the Jewish controlled mass immigration of the "mud races" into white enclaves which has precipitated an epidemic of half breed fatherless babies in the United States and black on white rapes all across Europe, it's time for the Caucasians to find a way to do the duty they forgot to do when they were stealing minerals — and slaves! — from Africa and fleecing the locals everywhere with their clever schemes.
Namely, treat other people like human beings rather than entries in a ledger book to be exploited and exterminated when necessary. Even though America is now being run by the savage Jews, it is white people who take the blame for their racist attitude toward the entire world, because it is the whites who are still doing the heavy killing of the darker skinned peoples. The Jews pay the killers, but seldom do the actual killing.
The big problem for whites now is that they have created a mammoth undereducated underclass throughout Western civilization which is either unwilling or unable to behave according to the so-called civilized norms that most white people wish they exhibited. This underclass cannot be reached through logical argument because the United States they have witnessed is no bastion of justice or fairness. They see no reason to emulate white people, even though in many cases, white welfare enables blacks and browns to survive. Because what they see and have experienced is a colossally corrupt system in which the rich can get away with anything, so they try to get away with anything, too.
It's a tall order to try to talk logically to a drug dealer in Camden, New Jersey, but the majority of people of color merely want to fit in, to prosper among their own loved ones, and if they come out slashing in their own cities, it's only because whites never taught them that part of living, the part that once upon a time made America a great place, before it was turned into a carnal house by Jews selling drugs (with the help of the CIA) and peddling flesh (with the help of little boy loving politicians in Washington, D.C.).
Difficult though it may be, we must treat the world as we treat our own family, and if the way we do that turns out to be abusive, then there is no hope for any of us.
If we don't do this, we can expect everything to be destroyed and the Jews to finally succeed in creating their beloved prison planet in which their savage hostility to every noble thought will come to be known as the peace that united the world.
I'm pretty sure that we can get along with everybody else, if we practice mutual respect, thoughtful understanding, and realize that as humans with limited lifespans, we are all in the same boat. This bold assessment excludes the Jews, whose historical mission has always been to see that we don't.
If we continue to be constantly at war with each other, we won't last much longer. Some unforeseen accident will be the end of us, and that may well have already occurred, and we just haven't yet reaped the result of the event.
No matter who you are or where you live, there was never any chance you could make it on your own. Only fools and the Jews ever thought they could.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.