'Stun Cuffs' The New Shock Collar For The Sheeple
One jail in Missouri has implemented new “stun cuffs” to keep rowdy inmates in line, because apparently it is just too much to ask of prison guards (who can make six-figures in overtime and bonuses in states like California) to get up on their own two feet and administer a shock themselves. That is only IF such an action is absolutely necessary.
What is scary about this new technology is the incredible potential for abuse, since the mere press of a button will administer 80,000 volts through the wearers body. Oh, I see one of your feet is an inch over the red line! SHOCK. Oh, I see you didn’t shine the warden’s shoes good enough! SHOCK.
Much like drones, I fear that this new technology will inevitably spread like wildfire, and will eventually diversify into other areas of life. Can you imagine if free-thinking public schoolchildren, who dare to question the government propaganda they are made to consume, are forced to wear a “child friendly” version of a stun cuff around their ankle, that will only be removed until they are deemed to be “cured” Obamabots?
Even if these are only hypothetical scenarios of a future dystopia, wouldn’t it be nice if our country could actually invent things again that propelled civilization forward, rather than being hell-bent on developing tools to cause pain, suffering, and death to other human beings via the prison-industrial complex and the military-industrial complex?
This post first appeared on Ingenious Press. Follow us on our Facebook and Twitter Pages for weekly updates on independent news and other alternative media.
One jail in Missouri has implemented new “stun cuffs” to keep rowdy inmates in line, because apparently it is just too much to ask of prison guards (who can make six-figures in overtime and bonuses in states like California) to get up on their own two feet and administer a shock themselves. That is only IF such an action is absolutely necessary.
What is scary about this new technology is the incredible potential for abuse, since the mere press of a button will administer 80,000 volts through the wearers body. Oh, I see one of your feet is an inch over the red line! SHOCK. Oh, I see you didn’t shine the warden’s shoes good enough! SHOCK.
Much like drones, I fear that this new technology will inevitably spread like wildfire, and will eventually diversify into other areas of life. Can you imagine if free-thinking public schoolchildren, who dare to question the government propaganda they are made to consume, are forced to wear a “child friendly” version of a stun cuff around their ankle, that will only be removed until they are deemed to be “cured” Obamabots?
Even if these are only hypothetical scenarios of a future dystopia, wouldn’t it be nice if our country could actually invent things again that propelled civilization forward, rather than being hell-bent on developing tools to cause pain, suffering, and death to other human beings via the prison-industrial complex and the military-industrial complex?
This post first appeared on Ingenious Press. Follow us on our Facebook and Twitter Pages for weekly updates on independent news and other alternative media.
- See more at: http://www.ingeniouspress.com/2013/09/25/stun-cuffs-the-new-shock-collar-for-the-sheeple/#sthash.FX9XXPyN.dpuf