Unconstitutional Criminal Justice System and the Conflicts of Interest.
The Lone Star Watchdog
The unconstitutional Criminal Justice system now is a snare to get as many people into the system for profit. The system only benefits a chosen few at the expense of many is a conflict of interest.
Unconstitutional criminal justice system causes more hardship stealing a person’s life time than a career criminal can. Many people inside the system profit from the unconstitutional criminal justice system. I remember the judge in my county who presided over DUI cases who sent people to DUI counseling, and classes. That very judge owns the schools and all the facilities. Not only the judge profited sending the people to these places. A part of the fines goes into the judge’s pension fund. Do you see conflicts of interest being a miscarriage of justice to many?
Our Bill of Rights was supposed to be there to protect the accused from an overzealous prosecution. There was a time we would rather have 10 guilty people walk then convict one innocent person. People were presumed innocent until proven guilty. Now everyone is guilty until proven innocent. The system will now convict a 100 innocent people to catch one criminal. The unconstitutional criminal justice system has become an industry for the insiders inside the system to profit from.
Judges and Lawyers own stock in these private prison industries. The private prison industry gives kickbacks to judges to sentence people to these facilities. One Judge in Pennsylvania was convicted taking kickbacks sending juveniles to prison. The private prison system lobbies all levels of government for more stringent sentences making laws criminalizing normal behavior. This is how they find people to fill the prisons. This is an unconstitutional criminal justice system by making incarceration profitable at the expense of the bill of rights. This unconstitutional Criminal Justice System must come to an end because it corrupted the courts and the political system.
There is also antitrust violations where the labor market and manufacturing are at an unfair disadvantage with prison labor. The private sector that has the working class people cannot compete with the prison industry that uses cheap labor. These private prisons are pushing for laws to make mundane behavior that were never offences are now crimes to expand the labor force in prison. The pushing for stiffer sentences for victimless crimes.(marijuana users) The private prison industry loves the war on drugs. This is how they can have non violent offenders who smoke pot be their cheap labor force so they can profit immensely. This is what happens with an unconstitutional criminal justice system when it is corrupted with conflicts of interest.
We cannot rely on a judge to be impartial over a trial when he gets kickbacks from the private prison industry. How can a judge be fair when he owns stock in the private prison industry. There are many lawyers on both sides own stock too in these private prison industries. As a result. the United State has the highest incarceration rate per capita than any nation on the earth. That is a national disgrace that must be reversed.
When we get our country back. I say all politicians and judges have a blind trust set up like the President of the United States has. From local government up to Federal post. They cannot own any stock, nor can their spouses have interest. That blind trust has to exist 10 year after they leave office. They cannot be a lobbyist either for that period time. They are to live under the laws the pass. The prison system be put back under the government, not private contractors who stand the profit shredding the bill of rights.
Another reform that needs to be enacted is. If a company or corporation gets awarded a bid for a government contract. They should be prohibited from lobbying and have very strict oversight. These contractors for the government work for the benefit for the people, not use the system to profit from at the expense of the people. We must put reforms in place to try to end the conflict of interest, corruption and racketeering when corporation use the system to profit. The revolving door from private to corporate positions must stop. That is one of the problem wrong with government.
We need fully informed juries who will not only judge the facts of the case. But to judge the law whether it is constitutional or not. That means being informed that these private prison industries looking for cheap labor passing oppressive laws for profit. This is legalized racketeering creating an unconstitutional criminal justice system being more predatory looking for bodies for cheap labor. A fully informed jury using the constitution can starve the beast of this cheap labor they are using. When the system collapses from corruption within the system. We need grand juries in place to indict people involved in this prison industry racket.
We need to starve the beast. We must not only refuse to buy anymore products made from Chinese slave labor. We must not buy goods made by prison labor that undercuts what is left of the manufacturing sector. This is an antitrust violation using anti-competitive practices to shut down what is left of our economy because prisons use cheap labor which makes it impossible to compete against. Thank you to an unconstitutional criminal justice system creating a cheap labor force in the prisons.
We must go back to the common law criminal justice system of our bill of rights gives us. That means ‘no victim, no crime’. If there is no harm to another person’s safety or property. There is no crime. That would deprive the prison slave masters of their cheap labor force. Most of the people in prison are non violent offenders who done no harm to no one or destroyed other people’s property. They never get paroled. They only parole the violent offenders to create the problem of a crime wave so the politicians can justify more of a Police state to ensnare more non violent people to fill the prisons to be cheap labor. Non violent offenders are more profitable for cheap labor than a violent ex-convict.
When the system collapses. It is my hope many of these people will be pardoned who should have never been in prison in the first place. Those who profited inside the system from the prison industry who held office or a government post should be indicted, tried and convicted for racketeering. The system is broken and needs to come down so this unconstitutional criminal justice system be a thing of the past. A constitutional based criminal justice system benefits society. An unconstitutional criminal justice system only benefits the few at the cost of many. This miscarriage of justice for profit must stop.
Since we were asleep for so long. We allowed this unconstitutional criminal justice system to become our worse nightmare everyone fears.