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Researcher Günter Deckert sentenced to German prison

Michael Hoffmann

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Dec. 3, 2012

Günter Deckert will serve five months in a German prison for translating a history essay
By Michael Hoffman
Günter Deckert


In the World War II revisionist history movement in Germany, Günter Deckert is among the most hard-working and humble of its martyrs.


I say "martyr" because any resident of Germany who persists in actively and publicly doubting the existence of execution gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau -- the holy relic of the West's most sacred religion (Holocaustianity) -- will be fined and likely imprisoned.


Günter Deckert has been to prison before in Germany for this reason (five years’ imprisonment, 1995 to 2000), and he is about to be imprisoned again.


His "crime"? Translating from Italian into German historian Carlo Mattogno's treatise, "Auschwitz: The First Gassing" (überarbeiten, deutsche Endbearbeitung/ -fassung).


The following was received from Mr. Deckert:

Friends, Comrades and Fighters for the Truth in World War II History,
The time has come! I must soon enter prison to serve my 5-month sentence although my constitutional appeal has not yet been decided.  I am to report to the prison on January 2nd, 2013. The release date will be June 2nd...
...“What does not kill me, does make me stronger!" With this in mind, my best comradely greetings and loyalty to our kin and people.I wish everyone a very good year of 2013 full of success and the best health possible.
Günter Deckert

With those words Mr. Deckert prepares to surrender five months of his life to the German state that is called "democratic" by the U.S. government, the U.N. and the European Union, and which scruples to lecture Muslim nations on the pressing need to allow more freedom to their citizens. Fortunately, Muslims are increasingly aware of this hypocrisy and, unfortunately, it has only stiffened their resolve to enforce the repression of freedom of speech and press in their own nations. The Chinese Communists must also surely be aware of the German repression of revisionist thought criminals. "Example," observed Samuel Johnson, "is always more efficacious than precept." In other words, practice what you preach. But in addition to Germany, the governments of Canada, Australia and many European nations such as Austria, France and Switzerland, do not, and the world is made darker as a result.


Günter Deckert, an honest and decent man, is again being tosssed into a dungeon with little or no protest or media publicity. The machinery of the German inquisition operates in near total silence and obscurity. Historians, researchers and scientists in Germany are imprisoned for blaspheming the Holy People's relics and it is all done with hardly any notice taken. Consequently, we know that this inquistion will grind on, and because it is in the German nature not to complain, the real, excruciating cost to Mr. Deckert and his family, their suffering and privation, will not be advertised on a poster soul.


What is called western civilization is actually western syphilization, and sometimes this writer finds himself ardently desiring that the Muslim invaders would arrive all that much sooner to scourge the golem of Europe, Canada and Australia, as God has so often in the past used hostile aliens to punish His people for their betrayal and idolatry.


Make no mistake, the adoration of the gas chamber idol is no less an abomination in the eyes of the Most High; particulary in light of the fact that the organized denial of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ has never been more virulent — a denial which is perfectly legal in every nation of the dishonorable western world.
