Ted Gnderson's Last Video (Defending Chris Jones)
[Editor's Note: Chris Jones was Ted Gunderson's web master for five years up to 2008 when he was ensnared in a railroading setup by police and prosecutors in Orange County, California to put him in jail for 3 years as a 'child sex offender' when he was totally innocent of any such conduct. I've never seen a wosrt case of railraoding in my life. He's currently out on probation, but a stipulation of his probation monitors is that he MUST sleep in his van at a designated spot on a designated street in Anaheim, California for the entire 5 year duration of his probabtion! They will NOT allow him to rent a room or an apartment to live in. A homeless was recently murdered on that very street a few weeks ago. I will report further details on this story in the near future..Ken]
January 11, 2012
Ted Gunderson's Last Video (Defending Chris Jones) Jan 11, 2012
Uploaded by BohemianKyle on Jan 11, 2012
You can read more details about this case at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtkvMUfpy2E