From James Rink
I stumbled upon the following quite unintentionally; none the less, I find the article quite intriguing. Hopefully, others may find it of some interest, too. Find in it what you may but remember to remain vigilant; remember it's all commerce, trusts, contracts and pledges; and remember to follow the CUSIP "bouncing ball.")
[ Source URL = http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v308/__show_article/_a000308-000204.htm ]
[begin excerpt]
The Blue Pearl
"Prisons" are WAREHOUSES...."Prisoners" are GOODS
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has/is trying to make US (the people) and our possessions a CHATTEL and is/are AUCTIONING "US" OFF...
Do YOU intend to ALLOW this to contiue[sic] to happen? I DON'T !!
This is a letter which Lynn Schmaltz wrote to the Rev. Coalition to let us know what has been DONE to her and her husband Paul. I have copied it and inserted INFORMATION and thoughts which may be further enlightening. We must "self-educate" and keep current on everything that is taking place.
I personally wish to commend Lynn for her ability to "see the invisible" figure it out... and SHARE this information with us... WE could very easily be caught in the same WEB that Lynn and her husband Paul are working their way through.
THIS IS A TRAVESTY... If anyone wants to COPY this letter and forward it to your CONGRESSMEN and to other groups... LETTING THEM KNOW that we are UPSET about this... WE WANT SOME ACTION... and WE WANT OTHERS TO JOIN US in our fight for our RIGHTS and FREEDOMS.... please DO NOT hesitate.
Subject: Learn what happens to the "tickets" - prison_owners.htm
This is great info on our research on "bonds".
Profiteering off the prisoners / Prime stockholders in Correction Corp. of America / Funding Streams Exposed / Corporate Public Private Scheme Exploiting, Criminalizing Vulnerable People
Research and excerpts from LETTERS FROM JAIL
From: mailto:lynnsch@spinn.net -- Lynn Schmaltz
I had many opportunities to educate women on the monetary system of jail. The moment an order is written, whether it s a warrant or a traffic ticket, or whatever, the money machine is activated.
Every prisoner has a monetary value to our government whether its local, county, state or federal.
Bonds are written based on the person's name and social security number and are sold through a brokerage firm such as AG Edwards or Merrill Lynch who has the contract to sell all the prison bonds for the city, county, state or federal prisons.
Over 50% of the money market bonds right now are purchased in Japan or China.
I've been told by researchers that Walmart and, (used to be), Kmart also purchase these bonds, Walmart mostly, doing so by emptying out bank accounts at night. Both companies are fronts for enormous money machines.
The way the bond works is that a monetary value is placed on the alleged crime and then factored the way banks factor their money.
In other words if a person is convicted of a felony the "value" would be $4 million.
The county/city/ state then multiplies it by ten, so the bond that goes out for sale with the prisoner's name and social security number and is a short-term "promissory note".
It's offered at $40 million. Perhaps an investor will offer 40% of the $40 million, or $16 million.
Once this "promissory note" of the face value of $40 million reaches the banks it is then multiplied again by 200 to 300% and sold as bank securities.
For those of you who wonder why the US has more people in prison per capita than any other nation on earth, you"ll begin to understand how we can have a weakening economy and still fund wars overseas. It"s all based on prisoners....in other words, prison for profit.
Knowing all this and knowing that a prisoner can have a "net worth" of say, $10,000 per day in the money markets, helped me explain to many bewildered women why they were in jail.
We were only merchandise in a warehouse. The storage was pretty cheap; one woman while in jail researched the cost of feeding prisoners per day which ranged from 74 cents to $2.72 per prisoner per day.
From: "Lynn Schmaltz" Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 8:46 AM Subject: Re: Paine Webber
*Owners of the Prison Systems in America* CORRECTION CORP OF AMERICA headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee owns all private prison systems in AMERICA and are selling the commercial paper.
"Corrections Corp of America"
YOU NEED TO READ THE WEBSITE [link][http://www.correctionscorp.com/]
CCA's Philosophy
CCA's founding motto was "Excellence in Corrections." Our goal is to offer high quality corrections, at less cost to the taxpayer, in partnership with government. Over time, this message has expanded to reflect new company goals and priorities.
How it Works: A bid bond is done on Form 24, which comes out of the GSA Office (General Services Administration which is out of GAO (General Accounting Office} which is under the Comptroller General. This Blake Bond Bid Bond is promulgated at the time the social security card is issued.
When you are arrested the bond is filled out and they issue a Performance Bond, which is done from Form 25, and then they do a Payment Bond, which is a Form 25A.
The Bonds are being underwritten by the Banks. This is where the PAINE WEBBER GROUP comes in.
The Plaintiff in all criminal tax cases in the USA is the PAINE WEBBER GROUP as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
The PAINE WEBBER GROUP is a group of international businesses.
The PAINE WEBBER GROUP is providing the Securities for the prisons and is selling the Bonds,
and the Banks, The ABA (AMERICAN BANKING ASSOCIATION) like LEHMEN BROTHERS, in New York City, are the underwriters on the Bonds. The Banks (the underwriters) is where the money is originally coming from.
A six digit tracking number is issued for the Certificate of Stocks in the Commodity and Security Exchange in the USA by CUSIP (see [link][http://www.cusip.com/] and [link][http://www.cjts.com/] the law enforcement tracking software) and a nine digit number (called Ordnance Number) is issued for the Certificate of Stocks going internationally to ANNA
(Lynn's note: see link for ANNA which is in Brussels, Belgium at www.cusip.com ).
CUSIP Service Bureau : read this INTERNATIONAL website [link][http://www.cusip.com/]
The main goals of the CUSIP Committee were to develop specifications for a uniform security identification system, for devising a format for imprinting the identification number on the certificate in man/machine readable type font, and to establish an agency to administer the identification system according to specifications.
CUSIP® A registered trademark of the American Bankers Association Cayman Islands Stock Exchange [link][http://www.csx.com.ky/] They are on SEVERAL stock exchanges... The ticker tape is running at this web site... check it out.
MONEY being made daily on EACH "human" behind bars...
Internationally linked up...
It is my thinking that the International Police Force will eventually become the police force for the UN (United Nations) unless our "present administration" screws up...
Let's hope there is that possibility..
These Securities are sold through the Commodity and Security Exchange. The bottom line is they are selling stocks in the prison system.
The jails are referred to as Warehouses and the prisoners are called Goods
(oops, Lynn had it 'wrong'....she told the ladies in Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center that we were in the Warehouse and we were the 'Merchandise' which explained the many flimsy reasons many of the ladies were in the prison.....it was just business, and just revenue).
They are selling the Goods or the Account as Chattel, and as Commercial Paper on the Stock Exchange. Reminds one of the days when slaves were bought and sold on the auction block!
The PAINE WEBBER GROUP is the prime stockholder in this CCA (Correction CORP of America).
(Lynn's note: the transport company who transported her to Colorado in a van with 16 other prisoners being transported about had the words "Transport Corporation of America....Nashville, Tennessee." Transport rides are also called 'diesel therapy' by those who know about them.} [sic]
However twenty of the largest companies such as WAL-MART; EXON; GENERAL MOTORS; FORD MOTORS; CHEVY; TEXACO; CITY CORP; IBM; EXPHILIP; HEWLETT PACKARD; VERIZON; UNITED POSTAL SERVICE (UPS); and etc. are also involved as well as other stock holding corporations (There are sixteen pages of the names of corporations that hold these stocks amounting to billions of [dollars].)
As per my other writings concerning THE INTERNATIONAL POLICE FORCE being owned/affiliated with DYNCORP...(Texas) doing the HIRING of men - women to go to Afganistan and Iraq and eluded[sic] to "all other countries where we had to HELP them learn DEMOCRACY"
DYNCORP has it's clutches and hookups with most all the names of those listed in this writing.
I feel fairly safe in saying that if we could SEE the 16 pages of corporations ... that most of them can be tracked back to DYNCORP.
Of course the monies generated are all off budget with no accounting to the People, even though the CORRECTION CORP OF AMERICA through the PAINE WEBBER GROUP is acting in the capacity of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE EXCHANGE COUNCIL: Promotes Privatization of the Prison System. Paul Weyrich runs what is called the FREE CONGRESS FOUNDATION, which owns the AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE EXCHANGE COUNCIL.
The following, Free Congress Foundation, were found in the Aol Search 'Free Congress Foundation - A politically and culturally conservative think tank whose main focus is on the Culture War.' [link][http://www.freecongress.org/]
About The Free Congress Foundation - Free Congress Foundation is politically conservative, but it is more than that: it is also ...
Free Congress Foundation 717 Second Street, NE | Washington, ... [link][http://www.freecongress.org/about/index.asp]
FREE CONGRESS FOUNDATION (FCF), Paul Weyrich. (Compiled by PRO ... - FREE CONGRESS FOUNDATION (FCF), Paul Weyrich. (Compiled by PRO-SOCS, REF: THE COORS CONNECTION, Russ Bellant). Evolved out of the Committee for the Survival ... [link][http://prosocs.tripod.com/fcf.html]
The Jazz Band - Later, Weyrich established the Free Congress Foundation (FCF) to promote right-wing ...
Free Congress Foundation has published a book entitled Cultural ... [link][http://prosocs.tripod.com/jazzbnd.html]
Free Congress Foundation - Free Congress Foundation literature promotes the COALITION MODEL as a tool....
This coalition-building technique employed by Free Congress Foundation is... [link][http://watch.pair.com/freecongress.html]
People For the American Way - Free Congress Research and Education ... - FCF’s Principal Issues:. Paul Weyrich’s Background:. FCF’s Centers:. Quotes from Paul Weyrich:
Quotes from Free Congress Foundation: [link][http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=4314]
and MANY MORE......
INSERT: The following on the American Legislative Exchange Counsil (ALEC) People For the American Way - American Legislative Exchange Council - Right Wing, leaders, abortion, gay rights, homosexuality, budget, membership, conspiracy, anti-gay, anti-abortion, censorship, Christian Coalition, Dobson... [link][http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=6990]
American Legislative Exchange Council - SourceWatch - The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was established in 1973 by Paul M. Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation. It is a membership organisation ... [link] American Legislative Exchange Council - no-smoke.org -
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) works to pass legislation at all levels of government to protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke and protect youth ... [link][http://www.no-smoke.org/getthefacts.php]
ALECWATCH - The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) boasts “During the 1999-2000 legislative cycle, ALEC legislators introduced more than 3100 pieces of... [link][http://www.alecwatch.org/] PLUS MANY MORE....
INSERT: The following found on the Reason Foundation: Reason Foundation -- Reason Public Policy Institute and REASON ... -
A national research and educational organization that explores and promotes public policies based on rationality and freedom. [link][http://www.reason.org/] Reason Foundation -
For nearly twenty years, the Reason Foundation and RPPI analysts have been at the center of the debate on privatization and streamlining of government. ... [link][http://www.reason.org/privatizationctr.html]
[More results from [link][http://www.reason.org/] Reason Public Policy Institute - The RPPI, a division of the Reason Foundation, is a national public policy think tank based in Los Angeles. [link][http://www.rppi.org/] ......AND MANY MORE.....
INSERT: The following found on The Cornell Company: West Point Foundry Field School 2002 - ... its tenure under the Cornell Company at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, and subsequent site owners. ... [link][http://www.industrialarchaeology.net/IAWeb/westpoint/westpoint2002.html]
About Town | Dutchess County | Articles & Stories - He told me that Port Ewen has more tugboat families than practically anywhere, since the Cornell Company, one of the largest tugboat manufacturers in the ... [link][http://www.abouttownguide.com/dutchess/articles/spring05/tug.shtml]
Private Watch - The Cornell Company, a private firm that manages the Cordova Center, says it put Rubin on administrative leave the day after the assault was reported. ... [link][http://www.flpba.org/private/rap_cornell.html]
OWNERS OF THE PRISON SYSTEM IN AMERICA - THE REASON FOUNDATION and THE CORNELL COMPANY are involved as well. The following are notes I wrote after Paul and I were released from Colorado on August ... [link][http://www.wealth4freedom.com/money/prison_owners.htm]
Fair Disclosure Wire: Q1 2003 Cornell Companies, Inc. Earnings ... - Welcome to the Cornell Company's first quarter 2003 results conference call. At this time all participants are in a listen-only mode. ... [link][http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb4252/is_200305/ai_n13069442]
Local History Files: 66e: Real Estate - ... for which no small credit is due the Cornell Company, builders, who, ... in complete charge of the selling for the Cornell Company at Fries Avenue. ... [link][http://www.lkwdpl.org/history/realestate.html] AND MORE........
The following are notes I wrote after Paul and I were released from Colorado on August 20, 2004.
Right now there are many forms of jail in the US-- actual jail, CCP ankle bracelet, transport jail, probation, parole... they all generate income:
Paul and I were released on Friday on personal recognizance and allowed to go to New Mexico. We have a hearing in CO on Sept 13, 04.
We got home Sat. night and have been doing catch up here at home today. I'll write an update on Monday or Tuesday.
I will especially have some words about the very heinous prison transport system in our country. For now suffice it to say that it took 20 hours in a prison van with 16 prisoners to get from Albuquerque to Hot Sulphur Springs, normally a 8 or 9 hour trip.
--All of us rode in hand cuffs and shackles the entire trip. --There were 3 stops for McDonalds' 'food.' --No one but the officers got off the van unless they were being dropped off. --No exercise at any point. --No movement allowed but to use the porta potty on board.
Cattle being transported across country are generally treated better. I talked with a man who'd been on transport from California to Colorado since July 8, 04.
(INSERTED NOTE) *This lady was on the transport and just getting off of it in June "2005 So this man she was talking to has been RIDING for almost a YEAR in a van going to California... RIDICULOUS !!!
My transport date was August 11, 04. Someone in the Midwest told me he knew of a prisoner being transported for six months and occasionally dropped off in a county jail somewhere to await a different transport van.
It's my understanding that once you're a prisoner in the system, the county/agency holding you is floating bond for $10,000 per day with your name and your bar code (Soc. sec. #) and these bonds are bundled periodically and sold through MerrillLynch, AG Edwards, etc. for each state.
INSERTED NOTE: Thus the reason to keep the prisoners 'FLOATING" in a VAN ... where no one can contact them.. no attorneys or family...traveling "state to state" SO THAT THE RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN COALITION BUNCH CAN MAKE A FORTUNE ON THEIR MIS-FORTUNE... (if they ARE indeed guilty of anything)!!!
Maybe YOU ALL are NOW starting to get the picture... let's do a "let's pretend" with some recent news... "eminent domain" They come to take your property...( all legal of course..hahaha) and you don't want to move and give up your home... you put up a fight... the fight gets you arrested... YOU could end up being a TRAVELING "MONEY MACHINE" prisoner....
Prison for profit........it's not just baloney and white bread.
More later and thanks for keeping up your daily news.
Paul was released from CCP (ankle bracelet) in Albuquerque and allowed to drive up to Hot Sulphur where he spent another 3 days in jail (my time over the summer has been 5 days in May, 18 days in June-July, 15 days in August and on house arrest, bond from May 24 to June 25, and ankle bracelet from mid-July to August 5, 04).
Thankfully, Paul with all his transplant medications, diabetes medications, was in from May 19-24, 04. The rest of the time he was on bond or ankle bracelet house arrest.
I doubt he'd have survived a prolonged transport situation.
The alleged crime?
"Influencing a public office" and "filing a false document." This is what they called our UCC1 financing statement sent when we informed public officials there would be a fee for using our copyrighted property (PAUL SCHMALTZ and PATRICIA SCHMALTZ), which they did anyway.
INSERTED HERE: Bush can lie about terrorists and weapons of mass destruction, start a war, ARRANGE the massacure of hundreds of thousands of people, change laws, sneak in bills, take over peoples countries... place eminent domain in force.. and NOT go to jail...??????
WHAT A COMPARISON!!!.... something does NOT sound right here.. does it???
And, of course, there were no repercussions for those officials when they held a fraudulent, unpublished sale our home/business on the court house steps, etc.
As you well know there is no remedy in the courts of any kind.
They completely ignored our sovereign status with Little Shell Pembina and Apostille with the sovereignty filed by cancellatura.
Lynn Schmaltz
I just found the notes on Jack Smith and Gene Keating's research on prisoner bonds (not the kind you bail out with).
[link][http://www.lkwdpl.org/history/realestate.html] is the criminal justice tracking system software which shows the software that metro police departments use.
Go to the user manual and it takes to 2% appearance bond fees.
Then go to special operating software for courtrooms and it shows you how the 2% appearance bond fees are tied to the defendant's account.
Go to the bottom in the original user's manual and it says, "Fine accounting."
Further up the page is assessments. it shows how it's all tracked from beginning to end.
A caller wrote to a court once and said,
"Send me a complete accounting of my case."
It came back showing a $90,000 active security and they said, "Your paperwork has been forwarded to the Department of Justice."
The caller wrote a week later and said, "Send me a final pay-off amount for all my money. What would there be after 18 years without any fees, fines and interest."
They said, "We sent all your stuff to the Department of Justice. Go to GOTOBUTTON BM_3_ [link][http://www.cjts.com/] and you'll see all there is to see about a public witness. The caller downloaded it.
Roger Elvick had written something about stock exchange transactions.
Once you get the bond you are creditor in fact. Alan comes on the phone call with Jack Smith who had studied Roger Elvick's stuff intensely. He understands marketing accounts and the courts.
Roger had said, "We have to find a way to track the account."
The caller on Jack's program grabbed the phone book and just randomly picked a brokerage company .......
AG Edwards. He called up to talk to a broker.
Caller says "he's trying to figure something out. If there was someone trading bonds in the bond market in the caller's name without his permission could he track the account?"
AG Edwards broker says "they would have to have a social security number or a driver's license number."
Caller says "he knows someone who was trading in Roger Elvick's name."
... ... ...
[included one of several comments]
29 Jun 2005 @ 07:38 by vaxen : Thankyou...
so much, A-d. Now you know how deep the rabbit hole goes. This is how they keep 'paying' for all those lovely wars! Well, their end is in sight. The Bush Clowns' speech tonight made me want to vomit. And it was at Fort Bragg of all places with so many traitors looking on! Well, murderers and thieves like to rub shoulders together don't they.
Administrative Procedure Masquerading as Law.
It is in the presumptions -- not the "law" and the "facts" -- where the power lies. [emphasis added; right in line with one thing Dean Clifford has said.]
[link] [link is unavailable: "Services for this domain have been discontinued"]
"When language, symbols, and ideas are usurped by those who play win/lose games they are wielded as weapons. This phenomena has grown to such gargantuan proportions that it is a scourge on mankind and a blight on the planet that is destroying civilization and wreaking havoc on the Earth."
[end of included comment]
... ... ...
[end excerpt]