UPDATE on Lt. Cmdr Fitzpatrick
Thank you all for the calls to TN officials.
Links to follow:www.usgrandjury.org
TCA Rule 6 (g) (3) states:
"The foreperson shall hold office and exercise powers for a term of 2 (two) years from appointment"
This Foreperson has been such for the past 27 (twenty seven) years.
Mr. Gary D. Pettway and those listed in (Rt.) Lt. Cmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick's arrest warrant ( which can be found here--- http://www.riseupforamerica.com/ltcolfitzpatrick.html )
Must be brought to justice now. That is, unless you care not for the rule of law, our Constitution or the Oaths you took to protect and defend it from enemies both foreign and domestic.
The domestic enemy is clearly outlined and ground zero for their removal is Madisonville, TN.
25 (twenty five) years of illegal prosecutions will cost TN's tenth District????
In case this escapes you I'll remind all who read this...
For the past twenty five (25) years, the Monroe County 10th Judicial District has been convenening illegal
Grand Juries and every Indictment or action handed down is null and void. Do you here that, residents of this district? Null and void!
All Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick ever asked for was a fair hearing in front of a duly formed Grand Jury and was repeatedly denied.
A man can only take so much and he reached the end of his legal peaceful rope with no recourse left so now this 10th District will be under the gun for denying its citizens due process in every case adjudicated and evry case since 1985 can and should be re-opened. Suits should be filed for wrongful imprisonment and whatever elese the Lawyers deem fit.
A message to all the courts:
When presented with evidence, by a Citizen, you'd best look seriously at the charges and not discount us because we are mere Citizens. We have standing, we have a voice, and it is your duty to listen and respond
in the appropriate fashion. Ignorance and disdain are not the correct responses. Are you listening D.A.s, Are
you listening A.J.s, Are you listening U.S. Attorneys?
You work for us, not the other way arround and you WILL be held accountable to Misprision. This is your
notice and we will tie up the courts at every level where we find such imorality and injustice occuring.
Accept and act on the Common Law Grand Juries or ignore them at your own peril.
Carl Swensson
Lt. Cmdr. Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III was arrested on 4/01/2010 but has, as of 11:30 AM, april 6th been released.He was officially being detained, against his will which makes him a political prisoner!
Here's the video of him being arrested and a web site with more info about it.The story is this:
Lt. Cmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick and I, along with five other patriots, went to the Monroe County [TN] courthouse Thursday, April 1, to serve some criminal arrest warrants While Fitzpatrick filed for the warrants at the court clerk’s office, James Bowman and I called the Madisonville Police Department to tell them we planned to make a citizen’s arrest at the courthouse and we wanted a police officer to go with us. The police dispatcher told us an officer was on his way to help us.
Bowman and I then went to the courthouse to help Fitzpatrick serve the warrants. We covered all the exits to be sure Gary Pettway couldn’t leave undetected.
According to Tennessee law, the term of a grand jury foreman is limited to no more than two years. City and county officials have refused to investigate Monroe County Judge Carroll L. Ross for convening grand juries using the same jury foreman, Gary D. Pettway, for the past 27 years.
One man decided to do something about it and was put in Jail.
Are you going to let this stand?
Wake up folks, the courts no longer work for us, we are slaves to them.
More here:
And here: