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Linda and all receiving this,


Please pass this along and post wherever you can.

(Ret.) Lt. Col. Walter Francis Fitzpatrick is now a political prisoner in the Monroe County Sheriffs Jail and has been since 04/01/2010. This Court is now the poster child for political corruption and Mr. Fitzpatrick has made a gallant effort to expose this abomination. They are operating outside their own rule of law.

Latest YouTube video can be found here--

And here (with explanations) --

Please make sure everyone you know is aware of this situation and ask for those that can, to meet me at this Courthouse on Wed.

04/07/2010 at 0900 hrs.

Tea Party and 912 Patriots welcome, Resist net, C2C, Well regulated Militia, Oath Keepers, all need to spread the word that our battle against tyranny has a new ground Zero--- Madisonville, TN.

See you there on Wed.


Carl Swensson

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 8:18 AM
Subject: I need your help