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Don't Cover for Bush's DOJ's Crimes, Obama
The Obama Administration should not taint this administration further by continuing to cover for crimes done by the previous administration's Department of Justice:1) The secret arrest and murder of lifelong mentally ill heart patient, Larry Neal. He was secretly arrested and murdered in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003, and his family has been denied any records or accountability for the murder by police for six years. http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com2) The torture and murders of inmates in offshore prisons run by the DOJ - War on Terror detainees.The DOJ must uphold human rights for prisoners, whether inmates are inside America or outside the country. Stop hiding abuses and crimes. Stop stalking and terrorizing me for advocacy for the DOJ to honor its duty to respond to the Neals' Freedom of Information Act requests about Larry Neal's murder while under secret arrest. Fight crime; don't be criminals!Mary NealAssistance to the Incarcerated Mentally IllJan. 29, 2010