(Dec. 15, 2009)
At about 3.00pm New York time on Tuesday 15th December 2009, the Secretary of the United States Treasury, Mr Timothy Geithner, was again confronted by enforcement personnel – from among the large and heavily armed contingent of Chinese police, Interpol officers, MI-6 operatives and Swiss enforcers acting for the injured plaintiffs, the Chinese parties and the British Monarchical Power, who are engaged in enforcing the World Court's Writ of Execution and Lien(s) on the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve System.
The Lien against the Treasury in the sum of $47 trillion was proceeded with (as we reported here on 14th December 2009) on or about 6th December, after further obstruction of the Settlements and intransigence on the part of recalcitrant US authorities.
Specifically, Timothy Geithner had his rights read to him, his passport and driving license were confiscated, and he was placed under a form of house arrest and required to wear a monitoring device at all times. This device records every word he utters and all his conversations, and identifies his whereabouts. He can go about his duties, but at the same time he is under arrest.
• If he removes the monitoring device he will be re-arrested and incarcerated immediately.
www.worldrep orts.org/ news/252_ treasury_ secretary_ read_his_ rights_and_ tagged