Hal Turner 'Informant' Revlations
The Family of Hal Turner
Hal Turner was recruited by the FBI Join Terrorism Task Force in around 2002.
The FBI was concerned about terrorism after 9-11. They wanted as many sources of information as they could get to prevent innocent people from being killed. Like any other normal person, Hal wanted innocent people protected from madmen bent on bombing shopping malls, hospitals, schools, or flying planes into buildings.
The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force offered to become an “Anonymous Benefactor” to pay for Hal’s radio show-related travel expenses if he agreed to keep his ears open. Hal felt that it was fair, so he agreed.
Later, he was approached by supervisory people who were higher up in the FBI. They wanted Hal to be an “Intelligence Operative”. They pointed out how radical, Marxist-oriented left-wing liberals, their politicians and their judges were destroying the fabric of America. Liberal Legislation was socializing the land, Liberal Immigration policy left our borders wide open, and Liberal Judges were shredding the Constitution. Hal fully agreed with that analysis. These FBI higher-ups spoke to Hal about how Conservatives were too modest to resort to “street activism” and how the reluctance of the right to go out in the streets is causing us to lose the culture war. (Such remains the case to this very day.)
They spoke to him about the need to use the tactics of the Left - - - to DEFEAT the Left, by:
1) Infiltration of Left-Wing Groups
2) Demonization of the Enemy
3) Sabotaging Left-wing meetings/projects
4) Fomenting Street Action
Hal jumped at the chance to do this. Hal felt like a kid in a candy store! Finally, those on the right would be doing what needed doing! They operated under the notion: “ The end justifies the means”.
The higher-ups in the FBI told Hal that he would be paid in cash – through the Confidential Informer Budget – “which is the one pile of cash that Congress won’t audit!” – They ACTUALLY said that!
The higher-ups made it clear to Hal that NO ONE could ever know; NOT EVEN the guys that were “handling him” on the JTTF. Hal agreed to this. Not even his family had any idea that this was happening.
During Hal’s on-again/off-again 6 years with JTTF Hal was given many tasks, among them:
Flush out the ADL/AIPAC “moles” within the FBI and US Dept of Justice (USDOJ). According to the FBI, the ADL has a long criminal history of accessing police files. The FBI knew it had information leaks which had impaired many investigations of Israeli, Jewish, and other suspects. The FBI wanted to plug up those leaks.
Hal was tasked to viciously, internationally, and savagely assail jews. He was told to hurl invective bigotry, anti-semitism and outright hate at Israeli jews, jewish groups, judges, legislators, and businesses. These were not his views, but the image he was ordered to project.
The FBI knew (and still know) that as soon as these groups identify a new “threat”, they first research everything they can get their hands on about that ‘threat’, regardless of the legality of the search. This includes grabbing FBI files. They look for ‘dirt’. The FBI had installed a special symbol in Hal’s file. Whenever his FBI file was accessed by ANYONE, ANYWHERE, a report of the inquiry was generated directly to the JTTF. This way the FBI could find out who, in what office/agency, was looking at Hal’s file immediately after he launched his anti-semetic, anti-Israel verbal onslaught.
In less than one month, this operation uncovered more than 240 ‘moles’ in the FBI, CIA, USDOJ, NSA, House of Representatives, the US Senate, the White House, various State Police, and even overseas governments!
This operation was a stunning success!
Countless “leaks” were plugged. Inside the FBI, people were cut off from certain information access, re-assigned, urged to retire, or fired. Agencies, like the Pennsylvania State Police, had their access to certain information severely curtailed. Similarly, the US Capitol Police had to be discretely cut off.
Hal’s work for the FBI helped secure out national law enforcement information from people using it to advance their criminalistic goals. He is proud of the work he’s done to help his country.
Unfortunately, these groups somehow found out about this when President Obama came into office.
Hal is jailed on false charges –payback for what he did/said. The ADL was even quoted by the Assistant District Attorney as he argued before the judge in New Jersey that Hal should be denied bail! They obviously wanted Hal to know who is doing this to him, and WHY! Judge Ashman, the Judge that presided over the bail hearing(s) in Chicago is also the judge that signed the Search warrant for Hal’s home. Coincidence? Not likely.
The higher-ups in the FBI were so pleased with Hal’s work they gave him more to do, much more. Hal will ultimately tell it all – here’s one more sample of what he was TOLD to do: Target the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
The FBI believed (and still believes) that the SPLC had one or more informants inside “Elohim City” where the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building was allegedly planned. The FBI believes that the SPLC KNEW about the bomb plans but DELIBERATELY CONCEALED that knowledge so as to let the bombings happen! The SPLC then used the bombing to raise $100 Million to battle such “HATE”.
The FBI executed a ‘Sneak Peak” “FISA” warrant on SPLC headquarters to copy computer data, install keystroke loggers, audio listening devices and more. Once all that was in place, it was time for a “Rally”. Hal got together with other pro-whites and staged a big rally outside the SPLC headquarters in Montgomery, Alabama.
Thanks to the FISA warrant, and telephone taps via the USA Patriot Act – every contact, informant, media lackey, attorney, client and vendor to SPLC was identified, cataloged, researched, and listed. Got them all --- but cannot go after them for a misprision of a felony relating to Oklahoma City. The FBI knows that the SPLC is guilty, they just can’t prove it!
Hal was proud to be able to do this to the SPLC. To his thinking, they are an Un-American, subversive group that deserves what Hal helped the FBI do.
When the media in Chicago heard in open court that Hal was an Intelligence Operative, they sat in stunned dis-belief. When they heard Assistant US Attorney Hogan ADMIT it was true, the media exploded with news coverage --- using the term ‘informant’. They are simpletons.
Now you all know that what Hal did was far different from being a ‘rat’. He WAS NO ‘SNITCH’!
NOT ONE right-wing or “pro-white” group was ever investigated, searched, probed, arrested, indicted or jailed because of Hal’s activities. NOT ONE! ANYWHERE! EVER!
The people in the FBI that Hal worked with are all right-wingers and devout Christians like Hal. They all grew up in a very different America. They are all patriots who see the writing on the wall - like Hal.
They have element throughout every branch of government, fighting for America every day. This fight is not merely taking place in cyberspace. It is a real fight, with real people, like Hal, actually out on the front line, putting everything they are, everything they hold dear at risk.
The enemy are evil people. It is not a matter of political disagreement or ideological difference. This is a fight between good and evil.
Those of us on the good side fear God, trust in the individual to do the right thing on his own, embrace freedom and free enterprise.
Those on the evil side trust no one but themselves. They plan to control your life, your property, what food you eat, what you can say and do. They are FIENDS who must be stopped.
Hal did what was asked of him, and they have now retaliated by making a false “threat” out of legally protected free speech. They have him jailed as a --- a “high level threat” --- in Total isolation 24 hours a day! At the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago where Hal is being held, there are murders, rapists, armed robbers, mobsters, drug king-pins, gang-bangers and child molesters; THEY all get to leave their cells to watch TV and movies, play board games, cards or read. Hal CANNOT! He is kept in his cell – ALONE – 23 hours a day on weekdays, and 24 hours a day on weekends. Hal may call his family once a month!
When these murderers, etc., get their daily “recreation” they are taken out on the roof of MCC. Hal cannot go. Instead, he is walked, handcuffed, 20 feet from his cell to a 10’ by 10’ room which has a broken exercise bike and a pull-up bar. He says in that room for one hour, cuffed again, and walked back to his cell.
He is allowed to shower on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, he is walked, handcuffed, to the shower, give 5 minutes to wash and given clean underwear (but NOT a clean jump-suit) cuffed again and walked back to his cell. Hal’s bed linens are weeks old – no clean sheets or blankets for Hal!
Although Hal has some money in his commissary account, he can not use it in the same way those other prisoners can use it. They can buy all commissary items, while Hal cannot! All the criminals that have been mentioned here have been TRIED and CONVICTED! Hal HAS NOT!
This is what it’s like to be a political prisoner, held and abused by the left. They outright lie to make up false charges, jail you without bail, and then restrict you in prison worse than they do a murderer. This is the kind of thing we used to hear about in the former Soviet Union. Now, it’s happening here in the USA.
Hal hopes you have a better understanding of who Hal is and what he did. He is no traitor. He is a Patriot, a proud, right-wing Conservative Christian.
Hal never abandoned the cause or our country. Please do not abandon Hal! Hal needs your help to fight these charges. Hal and his family are wiped out financially with legal bills.
Please contribute whatever you can by using the “CHIPIN” link on this page, or send cash, check, or money order, payable to P. Turner to:
P. Turner
P.O. Box 1103
Secaucus, NJ 07096-1103
K. Diamond
P.O. Box 881
Tunkhannock, PA 18657