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ASRB (Army Satellite Radiation Biotechnology ).

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ith my testimony of observations of huge numbers of satellite trajectories, coordinates nationally, internationally that are presently subjecting, victimizing us in deplorable, disgusting manners in which we are oblivious to. Based solely upon observation of the amount of trajectories, 1 in 10 individuals are or will be effected by the satellite radiation biotechnology that I have extensively researched to allow a in-depth, informative overview. READ ALL THE BELOW INFORMATION....ENSURE THE SAFETY OF YOURSELF, FAMILY, FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES? * FREE - BIOTECHNOLOGY GUIDE DOCUMENT YOU MUST READ !!..THIRD PAGE !! WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO YOU!

Calif Army Satellite Technicians "Torturing, Tormenting" Father Of Daughter 12 yrs Who Was "Raped" At Devises Of Army Satellite Technicians Utilizing Satellite Radiation Biotechnology

Internet Subcribers ..Internet Is Unsafe! Not Feeling Well.... No Explanation?

California Army, Army Satellite Technicians Are "Electronically Engineering" Us For "Electronic Routing" Around The Country For Engineered "Acts Of Intimacy", "Imprisonments", Unaware Victims Endure Years Of Continuous Satellite Radiation Biotechnology Neurological Suppression Human Neurological Radiation Generations Harvested, Extract And Stored Satellite Technicians Influence Medical Facility Fire Pyschological Profile Of The Ill Satellite Technician

Hearing Strange Voices?..The explanation Delusional Thoughts..Ill Thoughts? Observing Odd Things?

Entire Families, Friends, Acquaintances..Victimized By The Ill Devises Of Satellite Technicians

Satellite Radiation Interpreted Conversation

Satellite Radiation Interpreted Imagery

National, International Victims, Subjects Satellite Radiation Biotechnological Networks, Radiation Exchanges

Characteristics, Personality Traits Radiation Exchanges,..'Satellite Radiation Electronic Cloning'

Human Neurological Radiation Harvest, Extractions Of 'Human Neurological Radiation Patterns'

Acts of Provoking Victims Self Demise, Murder-Suicide

Unaware Individuals Are Trapped In A Satellite Radiation Biotechnological Funnel Administering Radiation Biotechnology.

Unexplained Intimacy Pleasure Levels?

Download FREE In-depth Guide In Word Doc Files

Hard Copy Comprehensive Book

US Military, Army Observes Us Defecate In Lavatories Internet Is UnSafe Read Why?..Stop Offline Phone Calls

US Army Is Attacking, Torturing Witches, Pyschics Elusive Attacks, Violations Of The Internet Sweetheart

Unaware Victim 30 year Account - Evolves To Attempted Murder-Suicide "Military Cover Up"...Army Says Kill 30 Year Victims

Elusively" Electronic Engineered "Acts Of Intimacy Elusive Violation Engineering Of Our Neurological Beings

Elusive Satellite-Neurological Radiation Exchanges Examples Of 'Elusive Electronic Engineering-Routings

Elusive Violation, Assault, Murder-Suicide Targets Of Elusive Violations..Who? Where? How Long?

Elusives Violations Of Law Enforcement Electronic Elusive Induction Of "Pyschosis, Isolation, Illness

Elusives Violations Of School Children, Dev Children Elusives Violations Of Sate, Federal, House Offices

US Army 'Illegal Activites" Defined Book Composition Available..In-depth, Methodologies Description

Elusive Test Biotechnological Communities NEW !! Elusive arrangments of intimacy, ..Rape of women, children


"Satellite Biotechnology 'Life Engineering - Biologically, Events"


"Satellite Biotechnology Is Violating Our State Employees, Teachers, Pregnant Females, Children"

"Military Army Classified Biotechnology Documentation Enclosed"

Satellite Radiation Character, Personality "Cloning" - Satellite Radiation Neurologcal Radiation Patterns Exchange

Satellite Exchange Trajectories Phone Call Influences "Victimize The Offline Call To The Sweetheart"

Children as young as four, author victimized at four, are the victimized, pregnant females, pregnant attractive state employees, teachers, students,s males individuals from all walks are "elusively" violated, natural defenses, awareness, urgency suppressed by the avenues allowed by the army satellite radiation biotechnology. The influences will follow the victimized throughout their life in and "elusive manner" which allows for the application of satellite biotechnology radiation that is manipulating our biological, neurological cognitive systems. Events, situations throughout the life of the victimized becomes scrutinized, influenced at the often ill whim of a satellite technician who retains the narcissistic behavior, atitude in the divulges on influences surrounding the victim, ill influences are applied as arrangements of intimacy occur, devastated relationships, marriages are the results. Imperatively its the factual testimony that the individuals that surround the victim in most cases become the victimized as well, often arrangements of relationships, marriages, intimacy are on the interstate, international level. Most cases the victim followed by the satellite biotechnology funnel is "biotechnological neurological engineered" and then subjected to a "electronic route" to a destination of the satellite technician. The neurological emotions, sensations, intimate arousal levels of the child, attractive female are often inappropriately "biotechnology engineered", allow the imaginative. All testimony is supported by authors victimization account, "Military Classified Documentation" and the authors, software engineer, visual observation of vast numbers of satellite biotechnological trajectories, coordinates on a national level even to include sporadic concentrations internationally. I as the author have witnessed the attractive state employee violation as well as numerous other victimizations of police officers, developmentally challenged children, high schools, colleges. In fear as a witness, victim the concern is not for the victim rather it appears discretion, exposure appears to be the objective of the satellite technician with avenues as below paragraphs portrays and combine that I departed from my families, wife, significant other, children without explanation the issues should invoke concern, never wait until it happens to you, altered awareness disallows knowledge of the presence, influences. Incidentially the state employee is in enlightment of her victimization that occurred in Conway South Carolina.

I remain influenced now after several years of unaware victimization and fell subject to my predators, california army satellite radiation biotechnology, who altered my awareness to level in which I observed, noted their presence. In view of the knowledge of all victimization and the below factual observations additionally including knowledge of subjects, victims national, international biotechnological networks I am allowed horrific levels of satellite radiation that invoke unsurmountable anger levels, cognitive impairments confusion, disorientation. Refuge from the satellite biotechnological "funnel" has yet been recieved even by 100 feet of decomposed granite comprising a cavern cieling, 30 feet of concrete above a tunnel.

I recieved a phone call from a miltary office offering dialog "You're a witness and now I will have to kill you?....", Yet another taunting call offered "I'm in New York..I'm looking for Dolly!" which represented that the satellite technicians had victimized a female friend of mine who resides in New York assumed to have been more, ironically, I violated by California satellite technicians and the female friend becomes engaged in a relationship with a Californian, coincidence. Satellite radiation exchanged "intrepreted" phrase "Now you know why we kill them..", "We found another way to separate them from their panties.."

Email Attachment - "" Indepth description of methodologies, processes.


My 12 year Old Daughter And Myself "Electronically Engineered, Interstate Routed"


Characters, personalities , natural defenses, urgency, awareness of my daughter 12yrs, myself, heavily influenced, suppressed via army satellite biotechnology, without my knowledge, consent, awareness had been altered, transformed ensnarled, twisted in such a manner that our natural balances were confused as technicians continued to violated us. We were in Phoenix Arizona attending classes, the daughter in middle school, myself a software engineer attended DeVry institute on a full schedule of classes. Instructors, students offered odd out of character behavior as I analyze the altercation, events of my brief 8 month interaction with the DeVry Institute, Phoenix area. My daughter and I were the victims, subjects of and ill satellite technician of evil designs, devises involving and arrangement of "Electronic 'neurological, biological engineering', 'interstate routing' " through several states where we arrived at the technicians destination via several "shielding routes", Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The ill, demented satellite technician had arranged and "online conversation", while in Arizona appropriately forgotten via satellite suppression, with the South Carolinian individual from the "online conversation", male 40 years of age who I believe was influenced, who removed my daughter, 12 years of age, a young female of 16 to the South Carolina forest for alcohol and the imaginative.

Utilizing the below methods I have witnessed after contacting local state representatives attractive, females who offer alluring voices become victimized by the depicted methods. The below offered the young female to offer seductive conversation without provocation.


"Victims Social Contacts Influenced, Monitored, Administered"


Author attempts to Contact Military Investigations, Police

Are Interrupted, Influenced By Below Process


Victimization Via "Phone-Exchange Trajectories,Coordinates System"


Process Mechanics

A milsatcom satellite trajectories, coordinates database, a phone exchange database are synchronized that allow for the satellite technician to simply type in a phone number and the individual at the address of phone number become the victim of satellite radiation biotechnology. Allow factual experience as follows, the phrase "Its still available.." was received as the opening greeting at four locations I contacted for assistance with my problem, strangers I encountered during conversations offer satellite technicians phrase signatures at the four locations continued. If the savy observer was to monitor the milsatcom trajectories generations observations would portray trajectories almost continuously being generated throughout the county


Bill, Jane just meet online in a chatroom, they wish to speak to each other in person, they discontinue their online session and Bill phones Jane after she shared her number online. Jane answers the ringing phone and "zap" she becomes victimized by a US Army satellite technician, as it turns out Bill, unaware, is a "US Army satellite radiation biotechnology victim" and he has inadvertantly introduced Jane to a satellite radiation technician who will victimize her. The process is a phone-satellite milsatcom trajectories system that allows for satellite targeting of the human being for engagment of neurological, biological to satellite interface after a satellite trajectories database coordinates system interfaced with a phone exchange address database allows for exact addressing, physical address of the potential victim, Jane in this case. Bill was quite unaware of his "elusive victimization" that he had contracted from another unaware victim. Scary fact is either of the two will provide further victimization in perhaps their workplaces, family outings, shopping and in more disgust their friends may become the victim. In horror similar events, victimization occurs to married individuals in which relationships are devastated at the ill devises of a satellite technician via satellite radiation influnces who will engineer events, often "acts of intimacy", for the victim through a utilization of a victims network.

(also see "Acts Of Intimacy" , "Isolation" , "Biotechnology Neurological Suppression" sections this processes are utilized in efforts to maintain discretion)

Discard what could be easily assumed as "psychosis" with the following experienced problem description, I am subject of a "Satellite Electronic Information Containment Box" which attempts to ensure of "information containment". Phone calls out are "Covered", satellite influences are synchronized with a trajectories, phone exchange database that allows for the recipient of a call to be influenced to either accept the call as not authentic, act of an individual of questionable character, a hoax etc. Factual, the phrase "Its still available.." was received as the opening greeting at four locations I contacted for assistance with my problem, strangers I encounter offer satellite technicians phrase signatures when the strangers offer personal information that only I know and even forgotten. Family, friends, acquaintances offer technician signature remarks soon perceived as prophecies when events occur. Its additionally imperative to grasp that the internet is utilized in conjunction with satellite radiation biotechnological in efforts to recruit the "Offline Phone Call" to the online sweetheart who becomes victimized, author is victim, witness of such activity. Again, its imperative not to fabricate a belief of illness with the immediate disclosed above.

(also see "Isolation" , "Biotechnology Neurological Suppression" sections this processes are utilized in efforts to maintain discretion)

I encountered a victim on the street, aware of biotechnology engineering symptoms, the stranger unaware victim stops briefly to converse I offer "Tell the satellite technician she is fat and ugly" the victim replies, before strolling down the street "Yes and she has buck teeth". This is one of many victims I have encountered, I have observed one so heavily neurological suppressed via satellite biotechnology she resembled a woman in a heavily consumed by a psychological catatonic state. Two females, attractive absolutely gorgeous strolled to my position offered ominous blank emotionless expressions stood briefly before me then strolled back to their garden table without having initiating conversation. Two female, again gorgeous, Los Angeles police officers stopped and offered influenced behavior, contact with a female in a state representative office allows divulges of personal information of my person from the female whom should have never known the information? Yet another attractive female, unaware of influence, offers in a simplistic tone while heavily influenced, suppressed "I'm a pretty girl,..I'm a smart girl" she had exclaimed she was the ex-wife of and army colonel after I called in reference to and email portraying a plead of urgency however after contact she didn't offer desperation, satellite biotechnological suppression.

(also see "Isolation" , "Biotechnology Neurological Suppression" sections this processes are utilized in efforts to maintain discretion)


How Do We Know If We Are The Violated?


Imperatively, based solely upon my consistant experiences and research there may be yet more. Unexplained, out character behavior, unexplained illness, erratic mood swings, unexplained emotions, cognitive dysfunction, prolonged stares, unexplained heightened levels of anger. Additionally, females elevated levels of heightened perception of "PMS", heightened levels of intimate gratification, pleasure "I never experienced such levels, exasperation". In continuation, neurological cognitive perceived audio static, a cognitive limitation "Can't touch on anything, but as need arises the information is there", "short term memory zap", "Unexplained lost friendships, relationships(isolation attempts)", "engineered arguments, 'arguments for no logical reason' ". Caution! satellite technicians allow time for victimization so nothing is perceived out of the normal. Lastly, if the employee quits without reason, ask why? Hope, these symptoms offer assistance.


Satellite Facilities (Satellite Communcations Locations)


Fort Monmouth, New Jersey Toronto Ontario, Canada

Fort Gordon, Atlanta Georgia Stamford, Connecticut

White Sands, New Mexico San Diego, Los Angeles

Bejinnij, China London, England


US Army Is Attacking, Torturing Witches, Pyschics


As the budget below proposes research into phenomena that has targeted witches, pyschics and other individuals claiming to retain gifts often the results can be of "torment", "torture". The US army, California satellite technicians have retained a witch under a satellite biotechnological funnel, inescapable by even efforts to seek refuge beneath 100 feet of decomposed granite comprising a cavern ceiling, nor 30 feet of concrete offers the needed shelter from the ill devises of satellite technicians. Evil satellite technicians who noted that the individual had been praticing "witchcraft" during an "elusive study" of the male witch who sat quietly in the evening and chanted "prayer". The satellite technicians after watching "Salem witch trials", retaining knowledge of the male witch who recognizes several witch's powers, began after the 13 months of subjecting horrific levels of biotechnological influences on the male witch, demanding that they witness acts of "Witchcraft", technicians of low intellect applied heavier amounts of satellite radiation bombardments in attempts to force the "Witchcraft" observations from the male New England Witch. The technicians command that the witch perform in view of their observation of his knowledge with the natural plant life that allows for spells, magic and in retention of abilities to "Calls to Corners" and natural forces. The male New England witch unable to escape the biotechnological satellite funnel, pyschological ill whims of the satellite technicians confesses after 13 months of "torment, torture" he is a good witch and only utilizes his powers for good while California satellite technicians interrogation influence efforts suppresses his knowledge of natural plant life known to cause, create paralyzes. After several odd storms the satellite technicians applied, bombarded yet more cognitive impairments onto the New England witch in attempts to instill confusion, disorientation in efforts to suppress the abilities of the male witch. Efforts to combat the satellite technicians which as well retain unaware friends beneath a biotechnological funnel the male witch exclaims that his friends are a power influence for him as he requires their cognitive awareness to percieve their aura's which allows for a perception of presence, the satellite technicians remain steadfast in decision that he nor his friends are released from the radiation, suppression influences until all observations of his abilities are recieved. The male witch who had prepared to leave for New England a year ago however never arrived as he was detained by influences of California Satellite technicians who offer no concern for the victimized medical well-being nor financial situation as observed influences from previous satellite trajectoriesin milsatcom allow he has been followed for several years via satellite influences, the male witch is now fully aware of the reason for having forgotten chants, prayers, methodologies memory suppression via satellite influences. As the "torture, torment" of 13 months continues on the male witch levels are flucuated in horrifying manners as the 3 shifts of 24/7 satellite technicians offer "We are tormenting you to observe your abilities..Lets see more"

In yet another instance of violation of natural powers California satellite technicians have retained a "pyshic" in similar manner, beneath an inescapable biotechnological funnel, located in North hollywood California for observation. However the "pyshic", a young attractive female, so heavily suppressed, consumed by "neurological swimming" induced via extreme levels of satellite exchanges of radiation, was unaware of her situation as she was observed on local late evening television.

(also see "Isolation" , "Biotechnology Neurological Suppression" sections this processes are utilized in efforts to maintain discretion)

(Tormented Witch) New England Witch Contact Information:

Ted Teeter Jr, 11777 Foothills Blvd Lakeview Terrace, California, 91342

"Elusive Victimization Of Attractive Females, Children For 'Satellite Technicians Engineered Acts Of Intimacy'


Jill Story,..Police Officer", Violated,


Jill a perky, gregarious attractive 30 year old officer, perceiving something is wrong seeks medical care, terminated from her law enforcement position, if one was to inquire from her supervisor why Jill was terminated, the supervisor wouldn't be able to explain why? funnel influence, Jill accepts a position across country and relocates there, she has said her good-byes, appears fine, shortly after arriving in the new location events transpire, chance encounters of intimacy, brief relationships etc, she is none the wiser of a horror that just occurred, she was routed via satellite technician with ill intentions, however in some cases Jill may begin to wonder why her life progressed as it has, but oblivious to what occurred she assumes a side effect of the illness she had experienced prior to relocation which was actually induced via funnel technology, Jill has completely missed the symptomtology attributed to the funnel route process, hence, the technician successfully routed the attractive female across country.

(also see "Isolation" , "Biotechnology Neurological Suppression" sections this processes are utilized in efforts to maintain discretion)


"Lynn's Engineered Life", via Biotechnology


Victims, subjects, for periods in the excess of 5 years, have been influenced by biotechnological satellite funnel technology without their knowledge, consent, perceptually speaking attractive "Lynn", intelligent has been influenced, suppressed for 7 years. Moreover she has yet to note the change in her character, personality she has been the subject of several brief relationships, "Lynn" has yet to observe the newly acquired heightened levels of pleasure from intimacy. Further, "Lynn" is unaware of the fact that her life has been influenced, "Lynn's" last significant other simply offered one morning that he was relocating and she was not invited to join him, he was influenced to offer such, suppressed, Lynn simply wasn't prompted with the inclination of curiosity? "Lynn", alone, vulnerable is confronted by a "chance encounter" which was arranged via a biotechnological satellite technician, after Lynn had located a position in another city. Why did Lynn relocate? There was family, friends about!

(also see "Isolation" , "Biotechnology Neurological Suppression" sections this processes are utilized in efforts to maintain discretion)


My daughter 12 years old


Characters, personalities , natural defenses, urgency, awareness of my daughter 12yrs, myself, heavily influenced, suppressed via army satellite biotechnology, without my knowledge, consent, awareness had been altered, transformed ensnarled, twisted in such a manner that our natural balances were confused as technicians continued to violated us. We were in Phoenix Arizona attending classes, the daughter in middle school, myself a software engineer attended DeVry institute on a full schedule of classes. Instructors, students offered odd out of character behavior as I analyze the altercation, events of my brief 8 month interaction with the DeVry Institute, Phoenix area. My daughter and I were the victims, subjects of and ill satellite technician of evil designs, devises involving and arrangement of "Electronic 'neurological, biological engineering', 'interstate routing' " through several states where we arrived at the technicians destination via several "shielding routes", Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The ill, demented satellite technician had arranged and "online conversation", while in Arizona appropriately forgotten via satellite suppression, with the South Carolinian individual from the "online conversation", male 40 years of age who I believe was influenced, who removed my daughter, 12 years of age, a young female of 16 to the South Carolina forest for alcohol and the imaginative.

Utilizing the below methods I have witnessed after contacting local state representatives attractive, females who offer alluring voices become victimized by the depicted methods. The below offered the young female to offer seductive conversation without provocation.

(also see "Isolation" , "Biotechnology Neurological Suppression" sections this processes are utilized in efforts to maintain discretion)


~*~ Author "Elusive" Victimization Account, 7 years old,..30 Year US Army Satellite Biotechnology ~*~


"Satellite biotechnological Suppressed 'Stalking, taunting, murder-suicide", after years of "elusive in manner" violation of my"

"person, individual...California army satellite technicians attempt "Torture" to invoke his own demise.."

Satellite radiation exchanges between the human neurological structure and the satellite biotechnology allow for interpreted conversation to occur between and ill satellite technician offering a narcisissitic attitude. Bombardment of satellite radiation on a targeted individual allows for a "programmed radition" to flood the human neurological structure which interprets the radiation that closely matches the satellite radiation, yes its grotesque, even more so when the ill demented army satellite technician offers "Just get away from me...". Its sarcasm, in actuality its the request for the victim to seek their own demise the technicians enjoy the torment of others, the temporary, although can be permanent, visual of "pyschosis" a derivitive of the increased levels of satellite radiation neurologically altering the individual who exhibits elevations in emotions. Its the continual berating of the levels of satellite radiation that flucuate that produce cognitive impairment, distraction removing the victim in faculty while the observer of a victim would hardly note the presence perhaps even explain any change as a simple character change when infact the individual will never acquire the once recognizable observation of their person in character, personality. Refuge from the satellite biotechnological "funnel" has yet been recieved even by 100 feet of decomposed granite comprising a cavern cieling, 30 feet of concrete above a tunnel. The biotechnological funnel even follows trips to the lavatory for showering, defacation, acts of intimacy which are frequently the acts engineered, arranged, observed at the discretion of three shifts of satellite technicians on a 24 hour schedule 365 days a year. Nationally, internationally satellite technicians function in facilities containing rooms of technicians engineering individuals in the biotechnological sense as well as arranging events. A interface exists that allows for the interpreted speech to be directed through family members, friends and acquaintances which at times allows for the invoked arguement for the methodologies of isolation of the victim.


Seven years old I percieved a tremendous level of anger that I had never encountered nor did I sense a violation never was I again to experience the level of anger. I was violated at the age of seven along with family, friends who exhibited odd behavior extended remarks that I can recall invoked inquiry. My immediate family changed dramatically, argued without provocation I simply ignored all the arguements and withdrew into myself as the squabbles continued to grow to unexplainable proportion in family, friends, acquaintances around me. Bewilderingly, observations of my family offeered they ahd drastically changed in behavior at my age of 4 years, was this the transitional age? I was still oblivious of the influences of the satellite radiation biotechnology that I assumed suppressed my curiousity of orign of all the odd remarks. Either the biotechnology influences or pyschological flight allowed for the apprehensive behavior that appeared at this time, I simply spoke to no one at the ages between 6 - 20.


Biotechnological suppressed at the age of thirteen I encountered odd occurances, teachers, students exhibit behavioral changes a conversation allows "mind control", inappropriately labeled its satellite radiation biotechnology, has astronomical benefits as discussed from a fellow student, friend. I sought refuge away from the home, heated atmosphere worsened, at neighboring homes during the heated moments.


At the devises of the satellite technician who utilized satellite victimization influences I was inappropriately labeled "problematic" without the supporting behavior? I changed schools and shortly the teachers having transformed overnight became the after classes seductresses while in cars parked in secluded parking areas. Horrific levels of displayed "Anger" on behalf of the teachers, students, out of character, once friends prompted the events that invoked the thoughts to remove myself from classes, school.


I was married after a meeting arranged, engineered at the devises of a satellite technician. After arrival at the friends home where I frequented on the weekends, oddly, I simply returned home after my arrival to receieve and invitation to a restaurant, bar for a drink, this type of activity never occurred I simply never recieved invitations out. I can remember in the late evening that I had climbed into bed before experiencing several points of indecision concerning whether I should meet the female who had extended the invitation I oddly finally resolved myself to climb from the bed at 12:00 to drive yet another 30 miles to meet the female. I enjoyed the marriage after the overnight transformations which portrayed the suicidal tendacies within the wonam who was to be my wife its all so obvious, she was influenced, the estranged behavior so quickly converted to behavior of reserve nature without "pyschosis" the transformations occurred overnight and lasted only a short period of time, I once remarked to the now ex-wife the suicidal behavior needed to end. I never again witnessed the deplorable acts of attempted self demise another overnight transformation portrayed a different in character person, her facial color returned, stable nerve was observed the trembling had disappeared, she was the female I had meet originally. Problems arose, arranged, engineered, devised however they appeared and we separated after the radiation exchanged remark of "You'll be connected to a pyschologically challenged female who will drive you insane.." reference was as well applied to the wifes previous husband, Darwin May. A divorce which defeated my character, I left her with three small children, my personality was not of type allowed by the abandonment of the wife who retained the inability in intellect, education to provide for three of such age I simply meet another engineered relationship a week or so later, I have often wondered why I did such I simply assumed I was traumatized by the activity, I can recall and empty soul to elevated for the simple disolve of a relationship? In amazement I wasn't even really attracted to the new female acquaintance however we remained together in view of her overnight transformation to my type of desire, conservative, reserved in character, she had been gregarious, out spoken. Other remarks allowed by some identified friend who strolled to me and offered while allowing a quick sharp painful expression "She has green eyes.." allowed for bewilderment as the individual didn't seem to acknowledge that they stated it by a quick change of subject and the expression of pain disappeared. It was while married to the wife that we encountered a letter from her ex-husband who I had meet years earlier who offered the appearance of intellect, however the letter depicted the composition of the intellectually challenged, but with new light cognitively impaired via satellite radiation biotechnology as my observation from experience with the intellect battle while influenced.


After the engineering with the female who upon meeting didn't impress me I learned to love and adore her she had transformed into a sweet, attractive individual who had accepted my daughter, which I had retained custody, as her own. It was soon after the relationship had flowered that I encountered the stereotypical "poltergeist" encounter which involved my truck the interior flashing lights, the truck that wouldn't start which was followed yet more remarks as follows "You'll be alone", "She will have your future in her hands..", "You will be manic depressive", "You will be scared", "You will be a controlled cop" of which I was several years later. Again I feel a suppression of curiousity was utilized, I do not partake in alcoholic beverage nor have I ever participated in substance abuse. Additionally the new significant other began performing ahem! acts of intimacy she had always allowed to have depised in view she felt submissive, not weird in nature, simply a normal act of which she disliked quite fine with me I respect the conviction, however strongly question motivation when it occurred without any provocation on my behalf?. Next set of remarks allowed "We will come out and tell you what we did..", "Someone will come out and chat with you".


The new relationship progressed the significant other and I traveled while unaware of our inflence via biotechnology, which incidentially followed us to Hawaii where the attractive female offered yet a more, out of character, remark "You'll do all the work and I'll sit on the beach", we had decided prior to leaving home that we would live in Hawaii however we left. We had arrived in Los Angeles and stayed briefly with a friend while which we had argued, separated I had left her alone in Los Angeles and returned home. The new female had become involved in a relationship, brief affair, however she denied the affair I had found a note describing the affair, ironically, this wasn't the first time she had lied, in reference I held a speeding ticket I had found in a glove box dated as she argued it wasn't hers and it was old?. It was after I derived to reality at home that I demanded that we reunite? I drove back to Los Angeles and attempted to suffer the city life but as a county raised gentleman we returned home.


The new significant other and I had a child together which retained a heart deformity requiring three years of surguries, doctor visits it was after the diagnosis that he would survive that the new female, second wife, finacee separated. Oddly this is where the biotechnology was turned up I had incorrectly percieved the influence as injury as cognitive impairment allowed a lowered, suppressed intellect, analytical abilities, confusion, disorientation character, personality had been altered to resemble the "lazy idiot" who sat around as the woman worked, briefly two months. I had approximately 15,000 in contracting equipment, I was a contractor in the slow season who sought employment abroad. It was with events that I received the pyschological disbelief via false perceptions of illness via induced symptoms from avenues of the biotechnology, I thought my demise was near, in actuallity it was the fact satellite technicians wanted me "electronically routed" from the area of tremendous victimization. I left the home area emotionless, lack of conviction often attributed to a cancerous growth of the neurological region of which I incorrectly percieved and later MRI's denied the existence. The fiancee had immediately, before we parted, meet another gentleman, oddly after I had informed her she needed to move on? The fiancee had changed in character so drastically that she had on a afternoon that I worked at homme dragged my daughter, once assumed as her own, around the yard by her hair and arm as she screamed "Tell your tell your dad" with the atmosphere that allowed my prosecution for anything, I remained in control, but why, I had never exhibited violent behavior? a phrase from a technician offered "he doesn't do anything wrong?", imprisonnment engineering? which did occur in SOuth Carolina but that chronologically later in this portrayal, additionally the fiancee had never exhibited violent behavior?

The fiancee and I had deeply cared for each other for five years, we have spoken to each other only once since our separation, I have yet to in nearly ten years inquire of my son's well being? I was a single parent of my daughter of ten years identical process, oddly the same method occurred with Darwin May ex-husband to my ex-wife, he simply disappeared from the two children he had fathered for again five years?


Bewilderingly, while in my hometown prior to the relocation to my parents house, I liquidated all of my possessions. It was nearly a year later that I attempted to return to the home area, high numbered with victimization, that I percieved a cognitive impairment once again as I crossed the country I had incorrectly assumed a change in altitudes was causation. Ironically while home I never visited my son nor offered any form of support? similar with Darwin May who simply disappeared?


Still in the home area I simply didn't visit my son, not of my character, as I was employeed by a local firm in which a friend from the very distant past was unrecogized for and entire year after he as well exclaimed odd remars "You will have total recall in seven years.." Again, the false perceptions of illness after a small neurlogical bump allowed for the I will reach my demise belief.

A auto accident was engineered I am unsure why, my 10 year would have recieved the impact, I had prepared to leave my family members home after my sister, out of character, inquired of my intended route home, in 8 years she never expressed interest in my travels. My daughter and I had driven nearly 20 miles before a large truck closely missed the front of my car after I had extensively braked, the truck had to be in front of me? The large truck, having traveled 250 feet, stopped in the middle of a busy street for approximately three full minutes before continuing on the roadway until shooting across a intersection to portray a speeding vehicle traveling at the rate of 65 in a 35 on a moderate uphill slope, the indisputable fact at this point is the perception of biotechnology induced cognitive impairment, a extremely noted neurlogical block in conductivety, was observed which slowed my braking response also allowing for a side strike on the passenger side of which my daughter slept, quick response of the other driver allowed for a prononced swing which allowed a swipe across her vehicle.


Again bad decision allowed for relocation to my parents home after and incorrectly percieved illness, MRIs revealed no damage of any type to my person. It was after arrival in Montana that I was the recipient of a perception of "sessmic activity" that was apparent in the upper thigh area, induced via biotechnology, satellite radiation allows for the perception of neurological "bounces", "swimming". There were a few relationship engineering attempts in Montana, however nothing that could not be explained as the technicians terminolgy, "chance encounter".

I had decided to return to school after my daughters behavior, radiation technology influenced, began to transform as did my last finacee who had dragged my daughter around the yard by the hair while influenced by satellite radiation biotechnology, the daughter developed the identical behavior as her mother, brother, mothers ex-husband, incoherent anger blank expressions and the "no one in there" look in the eyes, illogical behavior.

My daughter and I arrived in Phoenix AZ where we both attended classes fulltime until I was again overwhelmed via avenues of satellite radiation biotechnology. We, my daughter and I had acquired a modest unit in which I had established a home office in and attempted to operate a programming business, graphics design firm from within the gated complex. Both my daughters and myself's behavior transformed, I became more impatient, angered the daughter more emotionally unstable as her mother had resembled when I had first meet the ex-wife ten years earlier. I retain a vivid memory of removing her physically from the room and retaining the door knob as wel both sobbed she cried for reasons I am oblivious of, time doesn't allow for pyschological illness excuse, I cried in view I was at wits end oblivious of methods to utilize in attempts to relieve her of the horror of her despair, undeniably, a quick transformation in my daughter allows for the perception of radiation biotechnology influences.

Characters, personalities , natural defenses, urgency, awareness of my daughter 12yrs, myself, heavily influenced, suppressed via army satellite biotechnology, without my knowledge, consent, awareness had been altered, transformed ensnarled, twisted in such a manner that our natural balances were confused as technicians continued to violated us. We were in Phoenix Arizona attending classes, the daughter in middle school, myself a software engineer attended DeVry institute on a full schedule of classes. Instructors, students offered odd out of character behavior as I analyze the altercation, events of my brief 8 month interaction with the DeVry Institute, Phoenix area. My daughter and I were the victims, subjects of and ill satellite technician of evil designs, devises involving and arrangement of "Electronic 'neurological, biological engineering', 'interstate routing' " through several states where we arrived at the technicians destination via several "shielding routes", Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The ill, demented satellite technician had arranged and "online conversation", while in Arizona appropriately forgotten via satellite suppression, with the South Carolinian individual from the "online conversation", male 40 years of age who I believe was influenced, who removed my daughter, 12 years of age, a young female of 16 to the South Carolina forest for alcohol and the imaginative.


I had become gravely overwhelmed by the influences of biotechnology so very much so I retained a issues with vomiting, nausea cognitive impairment was evident again I percieved my demise was near which results in the immediate decision to return custody of my daughter to the mother after placement with the state of South Carolina offered disaster for the daughter who was influenced, scared I had always been the piliar of strength for her I was the individual to be the father who defended her against all evils of the world, the ill boyfriends etc. However I removed her after the state employee who was offering assistance became victimized, we were oblivious of the victimization of parties involved within the state of South Carolina. It was after the influences of satellite biotechnology which had provided persuasion in my daughter to provide false acusation which resulted in my three day imprisonment, that I left the state of South Carolina upon verifing that my daughter had safely arrived out of the state.


I returned to Virginia the state from which the "electronic route" had switched us to South Carolina after remarks from a female friend who offered "I can take you right there...". I had left Virginia arrived in Tennessee where while parked in a parking area I was arrested for expired driving privileges which I assume had recenty was revoked? I was quite within faculty with exception of biotechnoogy infuence of which the officer transformed at the station exhibited behavior I am well acquainted with, sharp pained expressions with audio anger. I was released without incident, I did nothing! I abandoned my late model vehicle, containing my computer equipment and manuals, in view of influences.


It was upon arriving in California that the influences increased I became more uncharacteristic I began exhibiting odd behavior observed odd the same in people that I interacted with, encountered. It was shortly after the initial strong violation that I became aware of the issues of my violation. Satellite biotechnology radiation neurological interpreted conversation was the apparent factoring determining violation after years of confusing symptoms. It was the awareness of my violation that I became aware of the "character, personality" study period that occurred as I sat alone programming on my laptop. How does one validate a "study period" oddly, I would watch half a late evening movie on the television that I would decide to retire than observe however the following day I would pick up the movie in the identical spot where the previous evening I had stopped watching the movie, time frames were the same. Characteristics changed I began doing activities in the late evening that were not of my personality, soon engineered obvious "Chance encounters" were arranged however I denied in view of the desire not become involved. I have witnessed police officers, attractive women violated, a fire at a medical facility started via the avenues of the biotechnological influences. Its been 13 months since the original onset of violation of which I was aware, fact, information gathering, research have allowed for this documentation to be provided for public awareness. I have contacted all authorities, military investigation however they become influenced by the satellite trajectories phone-exchange system, bombardments of satellite radiation increase with exposure of all of the information I retain, they are the intimidated trash I have assembled. Creativity, analytical analysis, emotions, judgement, perceptions has been suppressed, modified This information is to allow for and in-depth overview to ensure public awareness

(also see "Isolation" , "Biotechnology Neurological Suppression" sections this processes are utilized in efforts to maintain discretion)


Biotechnology Budget 2003


From Military, Army CID in sarcasm "Do you have proof....Prove it", still violated I contacted military police who again in sarcasm while chuckling offered "Sexual favors.."?

Questions: 1-760-380-5962 Army CID Fort Erwin

Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Army (Washington, DC)

S-114.740 Biological Human-Machine Interfaces



February 2002


RDT&E, Defense-wide

BA1 Basic Research


Defense Research Sciences

PE 0601101E, R-1 #2

COST (In Millions) FY 1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 Cost To

Complete Total Cost

Total Program Element (PE) Cost 57.369 67.608 90.415 94.263 94.398 96.259 96.118 Continuing Continuing

Information Sciences CCS-02 12.184 19.200 38.386 40.593 40.700 40.700 45.700 Continuing Continuing

Electronic Sciences ES-01 19.662 21.761 17.498 19.743 22.645 30.506 36.365 Continuing Continuing

Materials Sciences MS-01 25.523 26.647 34.531 33.927 31.053 25.053 14.053 Continuing Continuing

(U) Mission Description:

(U) The Defense Research Sciences Program Element is budgeted in the Basic Research Budget Activity because it provides the technical foundation for long-term improvements through the discovery of new phenomena and the exploration of the potential of such phenomena for national security applications. It supports the scientific study and experimentation that is the basis for more advanced knowledge and understanding in information, electronic and materials sciences.

(U) The Information Sciences project supports basic scientific study and experimentation in information sciences technology areas such as computational models, new mechanisms for performing computation and communication integrating biological and information processes, innovative approaches to the composition of software, and novel human computer interface technologies. At the intersection of biology and information technology, this project will explore scientific study and experimentation emphasizing biological software, computations based on biological materials, physical interfaces between electronics and biology, and interactive biology.

(U) Mission Description:

(U) This project supports scientific study and experimentation that is the basis for more advanced knowledge and understanding in information sciences technology areas related to long-term national security requirements such as computational models and new mechanisms for performing computation and communication integrating biological and information processes. This project is also exploring innovative approaches to the composition of software and novel human computer interface technologies.



February 2002


RDT&E, Defense-wide

BA1 Basic Research


Defense Research Sciences

PE 0601101E, Project CCS-02

(U) Advances in cognitive neuroscience make it possible for us to be able to interface biological systems with computer systems. In turn these

will be used to develop new modalities of human computer interfaces including augmentation of memory and spatial reasoning capabilities. In the

area of human computer interfaces the project will study information management, interface technologies and their relationship to cognitive



~*~ Isolation Engineering Via Army Satellite Technicians ~*~



~*~ Isolation Engineering, ~*~


Its hard to fathom that this all began after observing character changes in two attractive, young female highschool teachers while in the 7th grade, its the earliest retrievable events of noteworthy content, activity I can remember where the teachers exhibit extreme contradictory behavior not in character, the once conservatives, "Ms Callow", "Ms Jefts" became the seductresses, even one of the two exhibited seductive behavior while we were alone in her car on a late winter afternoon. Allow the below to offer insight into the Army satellite technicians "Isolation Engineering" processes.

Satellite technicians engineer isolation tactics of individuals, electronic routing of the "human subject, victims" throughout the country for arrangments of intimacy, relocation, more victimization, perhaps a desired child they are not above crimes against children, my daughter and I were victimized by such arrangenment.

Satellite radiation exchanged via electromagnetic biotechnological biotechnology funnel produces 'audio voices' to be interpreted within the human neurological structure which allows for a portrayal of normal conversation. As witness, victim of the radiation 'audio voices' that have offered the conversation referencing LAPD officers with a statement of "Those LAPD girls are ours..You keep your mouth shut!", local FBI, Local Army recruiters have been as well referenced, I have senate acquaintances in the 'audio voices' offered "We'll just influence, tag them if you call them...Just don't bother". Its horrific in the effect that I have witnessed behavior not of the professional caliber of and LAPD officer, there are presently two female LAPD officers in violation. I have been the recipient from two various individuals who claimed to be LAPD officers requesting that I stop sending informative faxes, however upon calling them back for confirmation I recieved "No one here called..We've never heard of that officer!"


~*~ Isolation Processing, ~*~


The target's family, friends and local sources for possible assistance, police, courts are influenced via satellite biotechnological technologies against offering aid, "They magically do not believe..". However do offer sarcasm when contacted for aid, help even attempts at warning them are in vain. A horrible ability would be the targeting satellite mechanism installed that lends the satellite technician to target a recipient of a phone call from a victim in attempts to influence the recipient to ensure the target, victim is isolated.

The target, subject, victim is then targeted via a satellite biotechnological funnel which on most cases provides for a quiet, oblivious "victim, subject is unaware" study period of the targeted subject, victim. This is my observation based upon my experience, I strolled along a set tracks as I suddenly percieved a tremendous level of power surge throughout my body, energy, it was five months of audio static before the radiation electromagnetic 'audio voices' began which removed all my cognitive defenses, judgement, common sense, intellect, sense of urgency were suppressed, offered via neuro radiation audio voice "If you commit 'Harey Carey' will be viewed as and accident.." It was years earlier that I was informed via a influenced friend that quote "You will hear the snapping of a twig..", another friend offered "They'll only do it for you once!" I assumed it was sarcasm. Its either a biotechnological attempt to induce death, murder-suicide or character, personality suppression could be the objective of the ill satellite technician that offered via radiation electromagnetic 'audio voice' "I will be the one that kills you!..".

Basically its a "play ball" type scenario in a biotechnological network that is established to "electronically route" subjects, victims throughout the country at the whim of and ill satellite technician. The victim is targeted and if they do not participate in the network favoritism is lost and ill treatments begin


Comphrensive Army Satellite Radiation Methodologies, Process Guideline..35.00


A complete description of all methodologies is available in a "comphrensive book", however note this is not and attempt to "sell a book" rather and effort to aid in alievating the costs, sarcifices attributed to compiling all the information, the months of abusive processes inflicted by the pyschologically ill, demented US Army Satellite Technicians. A downloadable guide has already been made available above which offers enough information to detect, manage a violation, however the "comphrensive book" details, scrutinizes every process, methodology relevant to "military satellite radiation biotechnology" which is victimizing in huge porportions nationally, internationally. Still want the book? look below for contact information

Forward a fee of 35.00 US dollars in Cash, money order to recieve the comphrensive book to below contact information.

Ted Teeter Jr, 11777 foothills blvd, Lakevie Terrace, California, 91342


Satellite Radiation Biotechnology...Induction Of "False Perceptions Of Illness"


Cognitively impaired, confusion, disorientation, aches, pains, equibriliumn problems, emotions out of controls, fits of anger, uncontrolled anger, incorrect perceptions, exhaustion, unexplained neurological impairment?

"She appears restless, unsettled..She has been violated via a satellite technician who had engineered "acts of intimacy" that didn't tranpsire as they should have, she will now be the subject of the ill wrath of a stellite technician who has engineered three such fouled events and will now "elusively" inflict incorrectly perceived symptoms as described above. The attractive female will end up penniless after depleting her savings in attempts to seek a diagnosis, cure for experiences that have devastated her life after two years of the "elusive" induction of "satellite radiation biotechnology", she was a program analyst but fell victim to the onslaught of US Army satellite Radiation Biotechnology and was terminated after the above described "induced anger influences" initiated an arguement with her employer resulting in her termination."

Influences of satellite technicians utilizing radiation biotechnology now have the ability that is 30 years in development to manipulate the "human neurological balances" via the biotechnology influences that are supported after observing the milsatcom acquired "military classified documentation" furnished within this area. Its imperative that we as the reader grasp that the biotechnology is not the isolated situation rather "large scale" within all the supplied docementation teres reference to "test communities" satellite trajectories support this theory. Biotechnology utilized on the individual can devastate the lives of all that surround the victim who may feel the false pereption of illness at the ill decretion of the disgruntled ill in pyschology satellite technician.


Satellite Radiation Biotechnology..."Manipulated, elevated human hormonal emotional, sensations, perceptions"


Intimacy pleasure levels, excitement, perceptions of love, anger, sorrow any of these balances significantly increased, decreased without explanation, is your physical appearance suffering extensively without explanation these are all symptoms of exposure to satellite radiation biotechnology.

The female, male, children are all affected by the manipulated levels of emotions, sensation. Anger can eleveate a confrontation with an employer that allows the results of position termination, worse a crime of passion often is explainable by the influences of the biotechnology. Julie meets someone new, she pecieves a elevated level of pleasure derived from intimacy with the new encounter however she is unaware of her victimization that has allowed her personal safety to be as well the victim after we factor in the encounter was at the engineering of the satellite technician.

Joe, out of character, becomes inflamed at the observation of his son playing on the riding mower and strikes the child, normally Joe is the understanding type and simply would have offered explanation, additionally, Joe now strikes his wife. With the influences of satellite radiation biotechnology most all of the sensations, perceptions, emotional balances are manipulated via the avenues of the satellite technician. Furter in example, the estranged female who is incorrectly perceived as the emotional mental case however no one is aware of her violation which has allowed for the false perception.


Satellite Radiation Biotechnology..."The Efforts Allow For The Self Demise Acts"