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Project Poet - An Essay and Comic For You

From: Helping Hand

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n essay in MS Word format called "Vortex" [The Power of Thought - PHB ] concerning the true nature of non-linear "Time", and also please find enclosed a comic-book follow up of the concepts discussed in the essay, in an easy-to-understand format. The comic-book part takes the form of a series of *.jpg files enclosed in a *.zip file. This project is already being reveiwed by many universities, and so I thought it about "Time" for some spiritual people to take a look at this also.

These are the thinking yechniques of the Toltec Freedom Warrior, sometimes called a "Sorcerer". And, if we study the Phrophesies of the Sorcerer (check, we find that the coming "New Age" is dependent on a complete "lack of secrets". Remember, in the times of Atlantis, all the secret mantras of "levitation", etc, etc, were plainly viewable in the public libraries.

This project is free, though I would say I have copy-wrighted it, so I don´t want any of you to "sell" it, especially when the author is giving this project away for free. Please do make use of these very empowering concepts. I really hope that you all do just that. And please understand there is no virus in this communication. My Yahoo account has a virus checker built-in (as does your e-mail account I bet), and so it is impossible for me to send you a virus.

Why for free? Well, the concenps discussed enable the New Age to be ushered in much faster, because if these mental techniques are applied by an "army of readers" then war, anger, mysery, hunger and poverty, etc, etc, can be "Removed" and "Restructured" at the mental Plane, the Emotional Plane, the Eathric Plane, and the physical Plane levels. Please check the project for a complete understanding of these concepts.

I sure hope you are interested, and I sure hope you will read both the essay called "Vortex", and the comic-book follow-up, in the form of a series of *.jpg picture files.

Take Care

John G.

P.S. If anyone "out there" is linked to the "Creme" organisation, then please inform them that I would like Benjamin Creme to "take a look" at this project, since he is an accomplished artist, and he may be able to improve the drawings contained. I have already contacted his office staff, but they were (perhaps understandably) a little sceptical at the intitial point of contact. I sure hope they change their minds this time round. I can be contacted by calling 0044 (0)794 7512396, and asking for John, if anyone is interested in helping me promote this project. Again, thanks.

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