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Los Angeles Tower From Hell

From: Michael David

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dings or bedrooms in homes. But, this ground based system can't do that. If you see one of these towers within a mile of where you live or work, you can make something called a HOLY HANDGRENADE. It's a very simple device that emits something called orgone energy. More info at: if interested.

My intent is NOT to create fear; only to educate those who might be vulnerable. The Light HAS won! But, the dark hasn't been entirely shut down yet and they still have every available ELF/HAARP transmitter on HIGH OUTPUT. The best defense is to call upon Archangel Michael to surround you with an egg-shaped golden protective forcefield. Just make your intent clear . . . he'll know exactly what you're talking about. I can actually SEE these fields around myself and, when remote viewing, around others who are similarly protected.

In Loving Service,


Michael David
