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Genectic Engineering To Create Programmed Assassins

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ering is coupled with the trauma-based mind-control is Amphibious Man, a particular top secret model of Monarch slave. The following section is taken from an earlier article by Fritz on this. As far as we know, this was the first and only article ever written on the subject (not counting classified secret documents).

When the public saw the British Royal Navy locate the sunken Lusitania in 1935 using the Iron Man Diving Suit, the British Royal Navy told the public that it had no interest and no use for the suit. The Royal Navy lied about the Iron Man Diving Suit that, “no use could be made of it as the Navy [had] no requirements for deep diving.” The Royal Navy had no use for deep diving! Do you swallow that? That’s a bold enough lie to drown on. They had just used it to locate the Lusitania! The lesson here is that when the World Order is using a particular advanced technology, they will tell the public that they have no interest in it. [H: You can check this out by the new revelations that there is really no use for the HAARP and it will be phased out.]

The British, American and German navies continued after WW-I to do research beyond what the public knew was of interest. While the public thought that Aquaman was simply a comic idea—the research went on to develop the ability for humans to swim like fish. When the World Order has discovered a technological breakthrough they pretend that they are still researching the basic concept. Often they prepare the public for their inventions via science fiction novels and movies. The reasons include their need to avoid the future shock that can incapacitate a people.

If the reader has gone fishing, she or he may be familiar with how fish can breathe in the air, they don’t die automatically. They have gills which are designed to take oxygen from water, but their gills do absorb some oxygen from the air, enough to keep them alive on land for a while, so that if they are left on the bank after being caught they may jump back into the water and escape. Likewise, people don’t automatically die from downing. Near-drowned victims have been recovered after 40 minutes of being immersed in cold water. However, normal humans do not survive breathing water as well as fish breathe air. There are some animals, though, which can breathe both air and water, amphibians.

Over the years, the New World Order has secretly developed the ability to create a subspecies of people who can swim and breathe water.

Recently, the Oregonian newspaper (July 28, 1995) Arts and Entertainment Guide, p. 22, ran an article entitled “Brave New Waterworld”. This is an example of a fictional supposedly futuristic setting for a movie about a technology they already possess. The movie Waterworld is the most expensive film made recently. It is estimated that it cost between $140 million to $200 million to make it. One of the main characters in the movie is Mariner, who is a human who has been genetically changed to have gills behind his ears. As mentioned already, they use movies like this to convince people that their present technology is only something of the future, while still preparing people mentally to accept it. That way the culture is not overwhelmed if they encounter the technology in the near future.

When secret researchers discovered that a particular chemical(s) added to the bloodstream would enable the human lungs to take oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from water, they had the ability to have men swim in water like fish, without scuba gear. Now they needed to cover their tracks, so National Geographic Society (which has great respectability in the public’s eye) has written about experiments to find a way for men to breathe water. In the National Geographic book Exploring the Deep Frontier, the Adventure of Man in the Sea, published in 1980, they show a GE experiment on pg. 248. The picture’s caption reads, “To dive like a whale and breathe like a fish: Scientists search for ways to increase man’s freedom and range in the sea. In a tank at a General Electric research laboratory fish swim past a parakeet separated from their watery world by a transparent membrane. Watertight but porous, the

membrane allows oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass in and out. Equipped with artificial gills, man may one day breathe liquid while diving.”

The example here is that they cover their tracks when they make a discovery by setting up experiments that are allowed to be published that make it look like they are only beginning to understand the subject. Bear in mind, the Allies captured secret Nazi German records, and the Germans did not research using parrots—they used live but expendable people. The Nazis were not above injecting drugs that induce respiratory paralysis or other responses and testing how the person’s body would respond to drowning. I would suggest that they analyzed O2 contents in the human guinea pigs with mass spectrometers. The paperwork of the secret Nazi research projects that the Navy confiscated at the end of WW-II would provide a better picture of what was researched and discovered. [H: Since all these same experiments and ongoing research have never slowed up since the so-called Holocaust—WHO DO YOU BLAME NOW? YOU HAD BEST CHECK AGAIN AS TO WHO WAS DOING WHAT TO WHOM.]

The National Geographic article admitted that they had a membrane though which a parrot could get oxygen via the water around it. Now, logic would tell you that if they have a membrane that will allow a parrot to breathe surrounded by water that the technical difficulties of adapting this to a person can be easily overcome—so the concept of gills for people is quite achievable—however, the ability for humans to directly breathe from water is already achievable due to some other advances they have already used secretly for years.

In order to capitalize on their discovery of how to create Amphibious Man, military minds in the Illuminati went to work trying to think up schemes on how to use men who can swim like fish to their own evil advantages. Here is a discovery that could benefit mankind and yet they are thinking of ways to use it for evil. They basically realized that amphibious man could be used like a glorified Seal team. Seal teams are the navy’s semi-secret group of well-trained men, who do primarily land operations after swimming ashore. Monarch slaves are being used in the Seal teams. The Seal teams are being secretly used to carry out assassinations, such as recently they were used to assassinate people in Iraq. They are trained in the ability to land and disguise themselves as natives and carry out illegal assassination work during times of peace. For missions like this only programmed slaves will work, because they need to erase their memories. Seal teams are located around the world, especially in the San Diego HQ area. The Seals were originally given dolphins to train and communicate with via clickers but these were turned over to the EOD (the Navy’s ordinance group) so that the dolphins can be used to disarm mine fields or carry explosives. The comic book scenario of Aquaman with dolphins is not fiction any more. The Seals use SDV (Deep Vehicles) which are tight fitting 4-person minisubs to submerge deep into the water, before swimming with gear.

The name which is being used worldwide by people familiar with the concept of men swimming like fish is “amphibious man”. There are groups secretly world-wide working on the use of this new sub-species of man. They are genetically trying to engineer new skin and other parts of the human body to make people more suitable for living underwater. In line with this, men, like Frenchman Jacques Rougerie, have been designing and building Aqua-cities so that people could live underwater and have industry such as fish farming to sustain themselves economically. Special “geothermal” generators would help generate heat for the Aqua-cities.

Amphibious man is alive and well today. Understand that the people who are being genetically engineered by the Illuminati are also being raised under their mind-control. The structures of their alter systems are very complex on Amphibious Man models, because so much secrecy is riding on these slaves. The internal systems of these slaves are booby trapped every which way so that no tampering can be attempted, plus the design work on these Systems is some of the best. Things are tied together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Fritz’s Summer ’95 newsletter revealed for the first time that, today, there are genetically engineered amphibious men who are able to swim underwater without air tanks.

There were a number of difficulties that the elite’s scientists had to overcome to create Amphibious Man. Scientists had the benefit of being able to make lots of comparisons between various animals. Some animals can use water, some water and air, and some just air. There are many other comparisons that have been used in underwater research. In almost every physical aspect related to animals living underwater there are differences between various animals which can be identified. Once the feature is identified, then research can begin on how to obtain this feature for human swimmers. For instance, one type of snake (the pelagic yellow-bellied sea snake) which breathes air, can under optimum conditions stay underwater indefinitely. Turtles have an incredible tolerance for anoxia, in comparison to other reptiles, which go underwater. And sea turtles have the best tolerance of all the various turtles. This is the type of difference that lends itself to comparison research.

Underwater comparison research had already begun clear back in 1869, when Paul Bert examined the differences between domestic chickens and Mallard ducks. Doing comparisons it is easy to find out that birds and mammals which dive have greater storage in their bodies for O2 than humans. The Japanese Ama divers were studied in the early 1930s by German underwater researchers. However, the public has been told that very little research in this area occurred until the 1960s. Kooyman, Gerald L., Diverse Divers Physiology and Behavior, Berlin, Ger.: Springer-Verlag, 1989, p. 33 states, “Little further experimental work was done on the subject of gas exchange in human breath-hold divers until the early 1960s.” Can you believe that the British, Germans and Americans didn’t research such an important underwater subject for 30 years? Yes, they did continue frantic secret research, and they eventually learned how to solve a number of undersea problems facing humans.

First, the regulation of respiration is carried out by what is called the Chemoreceptors which are carotid and aortic bodies which detect the changes in the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The CO2 break-point mechanism is sensitive to a number of phenomena, which can prevent it from protecting a person. When a person breathes, he has an ingassing and an outgassing of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other gasses. The levels of each of these gasses and their nature are important factors in how a person’s body underwater either functions or dies. If the level of CO2 gets too high, the person can become unconscious [H: This is the proper and “good” exampled use for the word “unconscious”. This does not, either, suggest that the “sub”-conscious is not working at the same time the person is “without consciousness”.] The human circulatory system has to be changed to be able to adapt to the ocean environment.

In dealing with men swimming underwater, all the laws of gasses that regular divers have to deal with still apply to Amphibious Man—such as Amonoton’s law, Boyle’s Law, Charles’ Law, Henry’s Law, and

Haldanian’s Theory on gas absorption and elimination of body tissues.

Blood glucose is the only source for carbon when humans dive, which forces muscles to rely primarily on anaerobic glycolysis. This means that oxygen depletion is not the only major problem for those who hold their breath and swim. Blood glucose levels must be attained for underwater swimmers that will sustain activity. Breathing water must assure the proper functioning of the circulatory system.

The high salinity of sea water causes hypertonic reactions in the lungs. Fresh water has too little salt in relation to the human blood and it causes hypotonic reactions. Either way, the water (either fresh or salt) causes the aveolar tissue to damage and the body begins leaking proteins out of the mouth.

Secret Naval Intelligence researchers tied to the Illuminati studied what happens underwater to the heart rate, cardiac output and stroke volume, blood pressure and flow, the various important organs and the human brain, the muscles and bones and veinous circulation, the hemoglobin affinity for O2, the effect of being submersed in blood gases, how oxygen is stored, and how hemoglobin concentrates in the body.

Another advancement was to discover how to manipulate the genetic codes for the growth of skin, so that very dense skin could be created. The genetics for all types of animals have been spliced and diced and all of the weird humans and creatures have been created. Many are freaks and serve the NWO no benefit. One of the big underground facilities for genetic research IS AREA 51, WHICH IS ALSO CLOSE TO SAN DIEGO, WHERE THE SEAL TEAMS ARE HQ. AREA 51 IS ALSO AN IMPORTANT MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMMING CENTER. [H: These particular areas are ALL fully connected via underground/underwater tunnel systems.]

Fritz’s June-July-August Newsletter ’95 further discussed the underwater bases, underwater supply depots, underwater mining research, undersea warfare systems, Tektite II, the mind-control research during the Conshelf underwater living experiment, the U.S. Navy underwater research ship Eagle, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Physiological Research Laboratory for Naval Intelligence use, underwater research by Rothschild and Bowers, Remote Controlled Vehicles (RCVs), and CURV (cable-controlled Underwater Recovery Vehicle), and special underwater tools such as the hydraulic underwater saw.


We have hardly scratched the surface of these topics but Dharma is exhausted from today’s load of typing.

This ends chapter 8 of this particular book I am quoting. I particularly did NOT offer names or titles for these incredible books because the authors fully expect, at any time, to be TAKEN OUT.

However that might be, I feel that the only way to gain some security for them is to share the information so that it becomes very difficult to simply remove them. At least one of the authors is now being heard on talk-shows and interview programs.

We have selected “at random” from the middle of the book and honored the authors by FULLY presenting what they have offered. We respect the fact that rights are reserved and therefore only wrote that which

we have offered prior to now so that we would not overlap topic material.

I can only ask that you-the-reading public SUPPORT these authors in any way possible and we shall do the same.

The volumes offered to me as well as excerpts sent by the deluge, are from these two volumes which I will herein name. I ask that Mr. Martin contact these people ASAP and let us make some connections.

I have no input as to pricing or availability but I do have an address for your own research information: 9205 S.E. Clackamas Rd., Clackamas, OR 97015. The names for which reference is given: Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler.

Volume I: THE TOP 13 ILLUMINATI BLOODLINES and only Fritz Springmeier is listed on the cover as author.

Volume II: THE ILLUMINATI FORMULA USED TO CREATE AN UNDETECTABLE TOTAL MIND CONTROLLED SLAVE. I am told that there are also some audio tapes available of prior interviews. Perhaps Rick Martin would like to offer an opportunity for interview to these gentlemen.

[H.Until you writers of such research information get together in serious intent to get truth to the public—you haven’t a prayer in reclaiming that which is GOOD in this old world. We can HELP but you must accomplish the enlightenment. All we can actually do is point the way.

It has been a long day, Dharma, but critical that we do this work. Thank you, dear, and may you have respite now.

Good evening.]
