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U.S. Government China Lake, California Mind Control Program

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s George Bush and his henchmen. I appreciate the “confirmation” of our work but I find it interesting that the people involved on the other side of the participation coins pronounce that to have such information “these people must be spooks!”

No, nobody has to be a CIA, or otherwise, SPOOK to NOW come to KNOW things about Bush, et al. Note the happenings in the black community, torn by drugs, regarding GEORGE BUSH and drug dealing through the CIA—for years. It has now gone far enough into TRUTH to have accusations that the drug trade WAS A BUSH OPERATION. So too were the S&L rip-offs and on and on and on. I didn’t make up these things, readers, and neither did WE make up gold certificates, steal certificates and corporations and thus and so. THEY DID IT. Mr. Bush and his merry band of thieves, cheats and liars have all but destroyed a world, totally aided and abetted by other Elite thieves and criminals. However, I guess I certainly don’t mind being called a “ghost” writer or “spook”. I carry my own LIGHT and TRUTH, so to call me a “name” makes not one iota of difference in the truth of it.

Remember that when someone accuses another of that which he has just committed—that is cover-up in its most primitive and evil manner. That is the first thing Satan does—every time. Blackmail against the “not too wise” individuals sucked in, IS NEXT.

But does the blackmail ever really work? Doesn’t seem to for I note that ones like Packwood who had to resign his Legislative post of respected status—IS NOW BACK ON THE SCENE IN A MUCH MORE LUCRATIVE POSITION—OF LOBBYIST. You see, readers, the bunch just can’t make a living honestly or in a “trade”. Most of them are lawyers who take advantage of every system anyway—so they never have to have a job in reality. They parasite off you-the-people until they suck you dry.

I am going to hop, skip and jump a bit as the information I want to share with you readers is available to you elsewhere and I wish to focus on some more relative places and events as they happen in this programming procedure and research for the most effective methodology.

We have spoken about how slaves are chosen as to personality, opportunity, etc., so let us just move on into the dirty-deeds section.

I honor and appreciate the allowance for our offering some major excerpts from the work of Fritz Springmeier. A lot of the information has been utilized from the output of Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien and as long as they are all happy with the interchange, so too am I.

The name of the volume from which I am going to share portions here is The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave. I want to begin at the point after the “slave” has been chosen by whatever criteria was utilized and then how and where the actual traumatization is perfected. I want to do this because the places are literally RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSES and you don’t seem to so much as NOTICE.

I am going to start here with Chapter 2 of this book in point:]





The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times.

The amnesia walls that are built by traumas form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out, and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their System of alters is being used. The shield of secrecy allows cult members to live and work around other people and remain totally undetected. The front alters can be wonderful Christians, and the deeper alters can be the worst type of Satanic monster imaginable—a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde effect.

A great deal is at stake in maintaining the secrecy of the intelligence agency or the occult group which is controlling the slave. The success rate of this type of programming is high but when it fails, the failures are discarded through death.

Each trauma and torture serves a purpose. A great deal of experimentation and research went into finding out what can and can’t be done. Charts were made showing how much torture a given body weight at a given age can handle without death. Now this is why the Nazis did all those strange concentration camp experiments, where they tested how quickly people would freeze or die from various traumas. It was for mind control!

The abusers are very specific and scientific in their torture. A lab technician with a clip board walks around monitoring the torture for the children when they receive their initial traumas. Heart monitors are closely watched. Still many children die from the programming. The programmers learned that when a child rolled up in a fetal position it had given up the will to live. They learned to time how fast this would occur to get an idea how far to push the child. Parents in eastern U.S. States were taken to Harvard University for training to teach them how much trauma they could give their children at home before they would die. After the children got back from their initial programming they were to receive daily traumas to keep them dissociative.

[H. I find that the text is not very "professionally" written but I am only interested in offering you information exactly as given in this text so please don't be "picky" lest you miss the content while watching the alphabet.]


The primary or initial torture for many children in the western U.S. was done at China Lake which officially has gone under the disignations Naval Ordinance Test Station (pronounced in short at NOTS). Naval Weapons Center, NWC, Ridgecrest (the town nearbgy) and Inyo-Kern (the area). The address of Nimitz Hospital is the code "232 Naval Air Weapons Station". The base was set up to test "new weapons". Evidently, the Navy decided that mind-controlled people were an important weapon to be tested. Most of the "new weapons" created at China Lake were for the most part human robots turned out in large numbers. The Monarch Mind Control was carried out in large airplane hangers on the base which have been able to house thousands of tiny cages just large enought for human babies. A "Lot" of 1,000 babies was a small batch. According to people who worked in the hangers helping program, many batches were 2,000 or 3,000 babies. [H. Do not let the "past tense" of the writing suggest to you that these things no longer take place, for they do.]

Many survivors remember the thousands of cages housing little children from ceiling to floor. The cages were hot-wired (electrified on the ceiling, bottom and sides) so that the children who are locked inside can receive horrific electric shocks to their bodies to groom their minds to split into multiple personalities. These cages are called Woodpecker Grids. The victim sees a flash of light when high D.C. voltage is applied. Later, this flash of light is used with hypnotic induction to make the person think they are going into another dimension when they are blasted with high voltage. In the Peter Pan programmming, the Programmers tell the slaves that this is "riding the light". One of the popular traumas after the small child has endured the Woodpecker Grid cages for days is to rape it. The rape is intentionall brutal so that it will be as traumatic as is possible.

Many of the technical people on the base are civilians. This is in part because part of the research involves mind control, and Illuminati civilian mind-control experts have come and gone from the base. The California Institute of Technology at Pasadena is intimately connected to China Lake's research (and, by the way, to the Illuminaiti). Also, much of the work at the facility is for the intelligence agencies and not the military. Intelligence assets are often civilians.

One of the things developed in teh California Universities and then implemented at China Lake was color programming, Various colored flashing lights were used in programming at NOTS. Survivors of the programming all remember flashing lights. The use of flashing lights has been introduced into American culture by the CIA. If a person goes into bars and places where bands play, you will notice multi-colored lights flashing. THe flashing lights create disassociation, especially in people who are programmed.



A list of major programming centers is given in an appendix, along with each site’s programming specialties. In this chapter, an example of just one of the bases used for early programming is given, the large and very secret China Lake facility in California near Death Valley.

The children are brought into the China Lake NWC (aka NOTS) base by trains, planes and cars. A number of the small airfields which fly these children into China Lake have been identified. One, which is no longer in use for moving children, was a private air strip at Sheridan, OR which was beside a large lumber mill which had an agreement to secretly house the children who had their mouths taped. Neighbors in the area were bought off, and warned that if they talked they would be in trouble for broaching national security. The area has lots of mills joined by train tracks, which were used to shuttle the children around. Tied into this network was a Catholic Monastery which lies between Sheridan and McMinnville, close to the rail network. The Union Train Station in Portland, OR has underground tunnels where children were temporarily warehoused in cages before continuing on their journey.

[H: It now must be obvious that to have so many children with which to work requires full-time breeding programs so that children can be handled from prior-to-birth onward. There are so many groups of Satanically-oriented people that it becomes easy to hide, in the underground networks, abundant breeders. Make you sick to your tummy? Well, it doesn’t do much for God’s temper either, readers. We will get back to the choosing, treatment and procurement of the children for these purposes.]

The Jesuits were active in this part of the child procurement. Catholic adoption agencies (which are many), nuns who get pregnant, third world parents, and parents who will sell their children are all sources of children for programming. [H: Remember, readers: if your neighbor moves and you didn’t know them well anyway—would you know what happened to children, of the family—if there was no further contact? It happens all the time—ALL THE TIME. This is one very necessary step in the world order changes—to totally break down society from attending one another. The society was put “on the move” and families torn asunder. For every missing person reported and noted, hundreds go unreported and totally ignored.] When one thinks about how many corrupt people there are and how many towns and cities are on the West Coast, and how many children are produced by Satanic breeders, illegal aliens and other parents who’d rather have the money than the children and the reader begins to realize how procuring batches of 1,000 or 2,000 children was no problem for the Illuminati, working through intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NIS, DIA, FBI, and FEMA. The Finders, a joint CIA/FBI group procured children for the Network for years. Some of the children needed for programming are to be used for sacrifices to traumatize those being programmed. (The names of some of the people who work at procuring children for programming/sacrifice have been released in Fritz Springmeier’s monthly newsletter. [H: You will have to check with the publisher for information regarding that newsletter.]

The secret FEMA airstrip at Santa Rosa has planes landing and leaving all night. Some of these flights go east and then land at the secret 1800-square-mile China Lake Naval Research Base, and are believed to carry children for programming. This airstrip is called the SANTA ROSA AIR CENTER. When I tried to get FAA information on this airstrip, they played stupid as if it didn’t exist, yet it is in operation.


[H: Get your barf bags, readers, because this is the REALLY GOOD OLD BOYS’ CLUB OF WHICH WE HAVE SHARED SO MUCH INFORMATION. This is also the source and point of ongoing BLACKMAILING material for political blunderers or intentional perverts, etc. I ask you to read this even if it makes you desperately sick for this is LIFE while you are doing other cute things and complaining about the weather.]

Near Santa Rosa is the Bohemian Grove; southwest of Santa Rosa is this air center which is not used by the public. This airport was recently used by private pilots as a F.B.O. It was built during WW-II as a training base for P-32 pilots, and deactivated in 1952. After the war, it was leased to private companies (such as the CIA). The paved areas are 4' concrete and can land the heaviest planes in use. There are no buildings over two stories in the entire area, and no control tower. The FBI has a contingent in the Federal building, downtown Santa Rosa, and “FEMA” has a radio station at the airport. The Army Reserve also has some buildings in the area. However, there is some highly secret activity going on underground at the airport. Six to seven small planes sneak out of the closed base a day, and for a base of its description that is closed, that is very interesting. [H: I can attest to this base because some our own people stopped to see what was there on a happenstance trip for other purposes. The silence is deafening in its secrecy and NOBODY is allowed on site. It would appear that even the guards have orders, but no information, and if not honored, will shoot to kill.] The planes take off in the evening and do not turn their lights on until hundreds of feet into the air. The Press Democrat of Santa Rosa ran an article on Thurs., Apr. 22, 1993 about the Federal government selling 70 acres of property just to the east of the airport. However, when one reads closely, the land is going to be offered to a host of Federal agencies. The property was “being used by FEMA” (707-542-4534). If one thinks about it, it is unlikely that the radio station is a FEMA transmitter station. The close vicinity of this secret activity to the elite’s Bohemian Grove makes this an interesting site for study.

The airport used for the Bohemian Grove visitors is north of Santa Rosa on Hwy. 101, the Sonoma County Airport. United Express and American Eagle (which flies to and from San Jose) fly into this airport, which has a control tower. In 1964, the airport was reported to have also carried about 600 military operations (either a takeoff or landing) per year. It was around this time that the Federal government made an agreement with Sonoma County Airport to help pay for the runway to be extended, the runway to be strengthened and the airport to be upgraded in numerous ways. The elite from around the world fly into here to go to the Bohemian Grove, which is in the Monte Rio area. Monarch slaves are regularly abused at the Grove for the entertainment of Bohemian Grove members in kinky sex theme rooms, such as the dark room and the necrophilia room. Secret NWO [New World Order] business is conducted in the small, dark lounge with a wooden sign naming it U.N. DERGROUND. Slaves are hunted in the woods for sport, and occult rituals, including infant sacrifice, are held outdoors in the Grove.

These airfields are described in detail so that the reader can begin to catch on to the network of small planes and airfields the Monarch system uses to transport children.

The children are trickled in from various collection points to China Lake. Monarch slaves, many of them children themselves, are used in the extensive child procurement system. Children are also used to entice and kidnap other children. Teenage slaves are used to escort and transport little children on trains, buses, and planes. The triangular-shaped airfield at China Lake has traditionally begun very early in themorning with lots of activity. The night flights from FEMA’s Santa Rosa airfield being an example of incoming flights. [H: You have to realize, readers, that many children from Day Care Centers are utilized as “day” excursion trainees without the parents knowing what is taking place. It happened in the McMartin mess and it happens every day in thousands of ongoing day care centers. Check your children, parents, and you may well note some extremely strange behaviors from priorly “normal” babies or children.] The airfield connects to the main base area via Sandquist Road. Children are landed at this field, while others are driven through the gates guarded by marines, and others come through via the east-west rail line. The fact that children are driving through the gates is not alarming because inside the military perimeter is a high school, a junior high school and 3 other schools. Some of the adults of the children being programmed stay in military barracks (Quonset huts and one story buildings) while they wait.

[H: It would probably be difficult for most of you to understand how children could be “handled” in a day care circumstance without being “caught”. No, if you have parents, especially parents who “car pool” and have set and regular patterns of activities—it is very easy indeed. The “fluke” in the program is the occasional schedule-breaking parent. Sometimes “abductions” or false “pick up” information has to be presented as excuses for missing children until the child can be returned. The distances and ingress-egress routings are through tunnels and attached hallways which easily hide coming and going caretakers. Workers could be fooled from time to time but mostly the “workers” are programmed far better than any of the children in the day-care centers themselves.]

A male Monarch victim remembers a large hanger building at China Lake with a concrete floor and row after row of cages suspended from the ceiling filling the large building. One of the Programmers was dressed similar to a Catholic Priest. The electric current that ran to the cages made a hum, like an electric fence. There was a marble slab that served as an altar where black-hooded robed people would take a bone-handled knife and sacrifice little children in front of the other children in the cages. (Memories from other survivors about the place will be mentioned later.)



Charles Manson, a programmed Monarch slave who received initial programming at China Lake, lived with his cult only 45 miles north-west of China Lake at the remote Myers and Barker ranches. Scotty’s Castle in Death Valley, Bakersfield, Edwards AFB, and Papa Ludo’s Store and Tavern (with its secret underground programming center) are all in the vicinity of China Lake and have all been programming sites, too. Old Route 66 went by China Lake, which now is just off U.S. 395. The area’s tavern has been named the Hideaway. The building was low, away from the highway, with a large unlit parking lot. Only people who knew how to enter it by the obscure entrance on the side could get in. The Hideaway Tavern has been a local hangout for the CIA men in China Lake. It has served them excellent steaks. The base headquarters is known as the White House, and it looks somewhat like a yacht clubhouse. Northwest of the airfield, at 39-64 & 4-33 E on the quad maps, the government has built a large magical seal of Solomon (hexagram) with each leg 1/4 mile long on the ground.

What was it like for a victim in the early 1950s in a NOTS area programming center? One of the buildings in the area used for programming was described as having a flat roof and a tan exterior. A fenceran around the building. Inside the front door was an old oak reception type desk. A series of three doors connected by tunnels were gone through. One entered into a hallway, and then took a left into the programming room. Tunnels connected the different hallways. The programming room was painted a good dissociative color—white. In the middle of the room, cages with chimps were suspended. The examining table was metal, which was cold for the victim, but easy to wash for the attendants. The victim was placed in cages and could observe white dots light up in different dot patterns over the door on a panel of lights. The low level shocks to the victim were coordinated with the dot patterns. (Some of this relates to domino programming.) An attendant monitored the entire scenario on charts, while the child was repeatedly traumatized with low-voltage shocks. Needles were poked in the child, the room was made dark and then lit. Voices said, “Love me, love me not”. This was part of the love me, don’t love me part of programming. “Good girls ride the silvery wings.” This was to build the ability to condition trancing by the victim upon electro-shock.

German and British scientists/mind-control programmers came to NOTS after WW-II, including Joseph Mengele (known as Dr. Green, or Greenbaum, and other pseudonyms). The Illuminati’s Dr. Black worked out of China Lake also. Dr. White (Dr. Edwin Cameron) worked on the East Coast, although he did fly in every so often to the West Coast to meet with the other top programmers. Dr. Blue was another of the important leading Illuminati programmers. These top programmers supervised other lesser programmers. If something went wrong, they might fly a child from a programming location to a specialist to get it special help for its programming.

The men and women of the Illuminati helped out the top programmers. The Grande Mothers, and the Grande Masters of the Illuminati participated in helping with the programming. As a child of the Illuminati progressed through its programming, three people had oversight over its programming: its Grande Mother, its Grande Dame, and the Programmer. The Illuminati functions off a chain of command similar to the military. (In fact, a big secret is that Satan’s realm actually served as the model for military and political structures.)

As a child begins its programming, it is monitored in a fashion similar to hospitals where charts are filled and then these charts are filed. Tests and evaluations are done regularly. Goals are set which are six-month programming goals. These will say, in effect, we need to accomplish this by doing a, b, c, d in the next six months. This is somewhat similar to an I.E.P. (individual education plan) which the special-ed teachers in Oregon set up for each student. At some point, the strong points and the weaknesses of the child will be identified, and then a decision will be made as to what occupation the Illuminati want to program the person to become. If a young boy is aggressive and has sadistic tendencies, the Illuminati call it “a war monger” and label its chart, “This child will be a general.” Then they proceed to program it to become a general. Nurses, teachers, and child physicians must be programmed with a gentleness to their System. Other occupations, such as lawyers, can be allowed to be ruthless. Many of the children have religious fronts labelled for their programming, and a very popular occupation for Illuminati men is to become clergymen. Religious leaders make up the majority of fathers of Monarch survivors that have sought help. Most Illuminati victims have parents who are important religious leaders, many of them top clergymen in the established churches.

As the reader might expect, some tortures require that the child victim’s temperature, respiration, pulse and blood pressure be closely monitored.


[H. We need a break, please. I would like, however, to write more today because we will have to be away a major portion of this coming week to attend legal hearings.

For the paper Tuesday next, please consider re-running a bit of the Protocols of Zion. The Illuminati functions on the PROTOCOLS’ instructions to accomplish a New World Order. You just don’t have a very nice world any longer, readers.

We will discuss the purpose of “trauma” when we return.

Good morning.]
