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by Dr. Thomas Dorman

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Table of Contents


My Particular Interest

Previous Discussions

A Caveat



Electronic and Physical Means


Split Personalities


A Verified Example – Patty Hearst

Suicide Bombers


The Role of Psychiatry

Soviet Machinations

The Paradox of The Goose Which Lays the Golden Eggs

Hidden Influences

Wilderness of Mirrors


What of The Patients?


Footnotes and References



Mind control is the process of gaining control of and altering the contents of peoples’ opinions and thoughts.

Brainwashing is conducting this process efficiently and nefariously. By nefarious, in this context, one means against a subject’s will, or in the case of mass mind control against the will of the population at large, the lack of consent can usually be implied on the grounds that a reasonable observer would assume that the subject or targeted population would object to the process if they were aware of it. It is, however, a striking observation that subjects who have been manipulated through brainwashing are always unaware that they were influenced. [1][2]

Towards the end of this article, I will deal with a particular nefarious aspect of mind-control, that of creating multiple personalities and the use of subjects so programmed for criminal purposes. Of most concern to us are what I shall call mega criminal purposes, usually the murder of important people. These murders, and probably other activities, lead to changes in political trends of great importance.


My Particular Interest

This physician’s particular interest in the subject arose from medical ignorance. I have had the experience, over the years, of being approached by people who claim to have been influenced by nefarious means. They mention torture, sexual abuse in childhood, brainwashing, continuing harassment by vague electronic or magnetic wave means[3] influencing their thoughts, creating restlessness and anxiety, always with “they won’t leave me alone.” The they are always the authorities; the CIA, the FBI, occasionally the police, or the NSA. [4],[5],[6],[7],[8] Of course, I knew when I first heard these stories that the patients were crazy, i.e., schizophrenic. I offered them sympathy, phenothiazines (a form of drugs used for schizophrenia). This led to an aggravation of their fear and rejection. I was now classified by them either overtly or by implication, as part of “them.” I have, however, heard a similar story from disparate sources, several times. I found a contrast between these patients and the schizophrenics which I had encountered in working in psychiatric wards. The latter had delusions, but, curiously, I had never met patients in the wards who had the same delusion. Each subject had a delusional system which was peculiar to him or her, even though these patients were often crowded in the same mental institutions (I did some of my training abroad, and before psychiatrically disturbed patients were distributed in the community with the closure of the mad houses). It struck me, therefore, as odd, that these patients whom I am encountering nowadays and who, obviously had not made contact with each other, had the same delusion. How could that be? A few other features regarding these patients were also surprising. They were not delusional by other criteria, and the whole ambiance around them differed from that of the truly schizophrenic patients I had known. Accordingly, over time and repetitious approaches by some of these patients, the chink of uncertainty in my armor of superior knowledge gradually widened. My resistance to ‘alternative interpretations’ of medical science was already reduced. After all, I had described the mechanism for the whiplash syndrome, which the establishment regarded as malingering, and the mechanism for chronic back pain, which is similarly dismissed even until today, by most medical practitioners as having no basis in reality. Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, environmental sensitivities, gastrointestinal dysfunctions and dysbiosis; all these illnesses are managed regularly and efficiently in my practice effectively with contrarian approaches. Is it possible that the profession of psychiatry and the categorization of supposed mental illnesses was not exempt from suspicion of false diagnoses, false treatments, and disinformation? Regrettably, the answer has to be that there is a major problem here, as in other branches of medicine. Read on….(I shall take this occasion to apologize generically to patients who have written me over the years when I have not responded, because it is only in recent times that I have come to realize that their information was genuine, and I was too ignorant to understand).


Previous Discussions

My first foray into this area was with an article I wrote called Mind Control in December 1966 (now posted on my Web page)[9] This was followed by Toxic Psychiatry, in January 1997. As my own education gradually progressed and my skepticism was challenged more and more, I have touched on this subject parenthetically in other newsletters such as Human Husbandry: The Destruction of Medicine, June 1998; The Battle for your Mind.[10] Parenthetically, it is interesting that several Christian readers (in private conversatisons) took strong objection to reproduction of this article because it dealt with the phenomenon of mind control through hypnosis and mass hysteria. It is from Dick Sutphen, who wrote ‘The Battle for your mind’ that I learned, as I have quoted above: “In the entire history of man, no one has ever been brainwashed and realized, or believed, that he had been brainwashed.” Another article which I reproduced was in September 1999, Brainwashing and Dumbing Down: In Action, written by Gerald Atkinson (notice how I was nudging into the subject by reproducing others’ writings. You can see I was becoming intrigued, worried, afraid, but unsure). Dignity in March 2000, I looked into the issue of brainwashing in communist countries and had quoted extensively from a physician researcher. In Multiculturalism and Marxism by Professor Frank Ellis, the subject is taken a little further, again vicariously, by reproducing (with permission) another person’s article. Well, it seems I have been nudged long enough, so I thought I should attempt, in this newsletter, to summarize my present thinking.


A Caveat

I have no primary knowledge, research or resources. To use James Jesus Angelton’s expression, this is a wilderness of mirrors (Angelton was the United States’ greatest counterintelligence expert in the CIA). Yes, spying, skullduggery, wet operations, plausible deniability, and various other high crimes and machinations are all involved.



Hypnosis is a technique whereby, in an altered state of consciousness, most people (who are classified as suitable hypnotic and suggestible subjects) can have, or be induced to have, altered brain function. For instance, remember things they otherwise would have forgotten, change opinions and attitudes about things, and often perform activities, seemingly spontaneously, without the recollection of the suggestion applied during the hypnotic state. I, personally, have had the experience of using hypnosis medically during a short (and early) phase of my career, with great effectiveness. Knowledge about hypnosis is widely available, and the purpose of raising the issue here is to merely to point out that hypnosis, often augmented with other agents, is a major tool used in brainwashing.[11]



We all know that many drugs which affect an individual’s mind can alter the state of consciousness and intellectual activity. It has been found that hypnosis can be augmented with certain drugs. The most common use of this technique was recounted by Jan Sejna,[12] recounting how the reorganized KGB utilized this technique from the early 1960s to destroy and infiltrate the minds of young Americans, first in captivity following the Korean and other wars, and, probably using the CIA vicariously, for the purpose in America. Documentation on this is quite extensive, though somewhat suppressed, and certainly not distributed by major media outlets.


Electronic and Physical Means

There are some reports that technologies which fall under the category of biophysics or bioenergy, can be used for this purpose. Some validity of this is obvious to those of us who have an interest in the uses of bioenergy, but, at a rather simple level, it is plain that electric shock can have a major influence on the mind and was probably one of the early techniques used to augment hypnosis. It is possible that more subtle techniques, including extra low frequency waves (which penetrate walls, etc.), can be used for this purpose, as well. There has been a suggestion that microwaves with low wattage have been used, as well.[13][14]



Combinations of these techniques probably have a synergistic effect, though I have not found reports about the use of all of them together.


Split Personalities

The most familiar, though fictional, description of a split personality comes from (Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel. In Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, we find most of the characteristics which are probably of use for manipulating criminal activities, the most important of which is, that in the Dr. Jekyl mode, the subject/victim assumes criminal behavior without compunction, and in the Mr. Hyde mode he has no awareness of his alter ego.



This, at first secret government program, has seemingly been the center of a multitude of government programs described as black budget programs. In other words, they are not sanctioned in detail by Congress, and not properly supervised by any institutions of the republic. Stories that some of these were unknown to the president of the time, but conducted by an increasingly independent intelligence arm with a runaway agenda seeking power, secrecy, and ever-greater mystery, were quite prevalent. [15}

I, personally, have no way of validating or denying these stories. One does, however, observe that they come from apparently separate sources over a fairly long period, and, bear substantial similarities to each other. In my files I have collected a multitude of such accounts over the years. Some of these recount long term control. The subjects being slaves from childhood and subjected to torture, satanic rituals and sexual enslavement.[16], [17]

As you will read below, there are some independent observations which mighttend to validate the use of such Manchurian candidates [18]in several recent political circumstances, which one could reasonably call dramatic turning events. These are situations where unexpected dramatic and otherwise unexplained, horrific phenomena occur which lead to changes in public policy; changes which might otherwise not be acceptable to public opinion, but which were usually pre-planned by political powers which one can tentatively label as the insiders. While having said that, you, dear reader, will be able to fill in the blanks quite easily. We now know that Lee Harvey Oswald could not have been the lone assassin of President John Kennedy in 1963, [19] and that the Warren Commission Report was a cover-up. Oswald was, therefore, a patsy, and as we all know, promptly eliminated by other controlled individuals.

Could this be an example of the use of Manchurian candidates? Similar questions should apply to the murderer of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. The Stockton shooting (a berserk gunner in a McDonald’s restaurant circa 1986) was probably an experimental use of such a person, but that horror led to certain gun control laws, as did shootings in Australia and Scotland. The destruction of the Murrah building in 1995, ostensibly by Timothy McVeigh (who was subsequently secluded and then eliminated), is a similar scene. He could not have performed the act alone, and yet seemed to accept taking responsibility.[20] We have seen this phenomenon of brainwashed individuals accepting responsibility for acts which they had not performed going back to the doctors’ trials in 1936 in the communist regime of the then Soviet Union, and most dramatically, with Cardinal Mindszenty, in Hungary, after the control of that country by the Soviets after the Second World War. We see, therefore, that there is good evidence that these techniques have been used for the purposes of confessions, first in the Soviet bloc, and, more recently, for atrocities with political consequences, in the West. Did we in the West rediscover the brainwashing technology on our own? Did we acquire the psychiatric technology from the Soviets? Or, have the operations of the psychiatric establishments been in cahoots all along? (I think the latter is not probable).


A Verified Example –Patty Hearst

[This section has been reproduced from Colin Ross’ book, which has been referenced. This book is strongly recommended]

Patty Hearst was born in San Francisco on February 20, 1954. She has four sisters: Anne, one year younger; Vicki, two years younger; Gina, five years older; and Cathy, fifteen years older Their father is William Randolph Hearst, owner of a media empire including The San Francisco Chronicle and Avon Books, which published Patty Hearst: Her Own Story. The Hearst girls grew up more‑or‑less normal, with no serious trauma and no serious mental health problems.

On February 4, 1974 the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) broke into Patty Hearst’s apartment in Berkeley, California, tied up her boyfriend, Steven Weed, and abducted her at gunpoint. She was gagged, bound, blindfolded and hit on the left cheek with a rifle butt before being taken out of her apartment. There were several bursts of gunfire before she was driven away. She was transported to the SLA’s hideout and immediately placed in a closet, still Blindfolded. For about forty days, Patty Hearst was kept in solitary confinement in the closet with no contact with the outside world. Besides profound sensory deprivation, she was subjected to food and sleep deprivation, sexual molestation, frequent interrogations and mock FBI raids staged by the SLA. During these she thought he might be killed at any time. Once out of the closet she was subjected to further interrogation and threats. Her autobiography makes it clear that the SLA used the classical techniques of thought reform, coercive persuasion, mind control, or brainwashing. The SLA was an underground revolutionary group led by Donald DeFreeze. There were seven members, three men and four women. Donald DeFreeze was an uneducated black petty criminal. He was a maximum security prisoner at Vacaville State prison at the same time the CIA was conducting mind control experiments there under MKSEARCH Subproject 3. These experiments involved administration of the drug pemoline to Vacaville prisoners under the direction of Dr. James Hamilton, as confirmed in an October 18, 1978 letter from Frank C. Carlucci, the Deputy Director of the CIA to Congressman Leo Ryan. According to Mae Brussell Donald DeFreeze was a subject in an experimental behavior modification program run at Vacaville State Prison by Colston Westbrook. Westbrook was a CIA psychological warfare expert, and advisor to the Korean CIA From 1966 to 1969 he was a CIA advisor to the Vietnamese Special Police Branch. In Vietnam he worked under cover as an employee of Pacific Architects and Engineers. According to Brussell, Westbrook returned to the U.S. in 1970 and got a job at the University of Berkeley. He entered Vacaville State Prison under cover of the Black Cultural Association, and there designed the seven‑headed cobra logo of the SLA and gave DeFreeze his African name, Cinque.

Westbrook's M.A. thesis from the University of California, Berkeley was entitled “The Dual Linguistic Heritage of Afro-Americans.” It is about ebonics. His thesis committee consisted of Jesse Sawyer, Kenneth Johnson and Julian Boyd and his M.A. degree was conferred on June 15, 1974. The thesis is dedicated to, “My wife Eposi and our son Ngeke Colston Ngomba‑Westbrook.”

In his thesis acknowledgments, Westbrook describes working as a teaching assistant in linguistics at Berkeley. He says on page 84 that he was born on September 14, 1937 in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, second son to Edward Cody Westbrook and Virginia Ruth Colston. He describes serving three years in the Army, and being assigned to Travis Air Force Base, California in 1960 after an assignment in Korea.

Westbrook states in his thesis that he did contract work in Vietnam for the U.S. Army and the Agency for International Development before returning to the University of Berkeley in September, 1970. On page 58 of his M.A. thesis, Westbrook writes under footnote 62: During the writing of this thesis, the “Symbionese Liberation Army” kidnapped Patricia Hearst. Thinking that the alleged leader of the SLA would respond more directly to Black English, this writer read a three‑page open letter to news media people which was presented as a “BIZARRE LETTER TO CINQUE” by an unofficial news publication of the University of California, Berkeley (See The Daily Californian Tuesday, March 5, 1974). Cinque acknowledged the letter in a subsequent tape by stating ‑ for the first time ‑ his reborn name. That and other rejoinders were evidently too subtle for many people to understand.

Brussell states that Westbrooks’ control officer was William Hermann, who was connected to the Stanford Research Institute and the Rand Corporation, which, were both MKULTRA institutions. Hermann was also linked to the UCLA Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, headed by MKULTRA contractor, Dr. Louis Jolyon West. In her autobiography, Patty Hearst describes DeFreeze as being convinced that Westbrook was an intelligence officer. She says (pp. 133): But the worst arguments arose over Cin’s [DeFreeze] issuing “death warrants” for three people. One was Colston Westbrook the coordinator of the Black Cultural Association at the Vacaville prison, who had worked with Cin and Cujo [SLA member William Woffie] and the others at the prison... Cin pronounced the death sentences upon all three because he insisted they were informing to the FBI. He never explained how he could know such a thing.

In a taped message, SLA Field Marshall Cinque declared that (pp. 134): “Colston Westbrook: male, black, age 35, brown eyes, brown hair, 5'8", 210 pounds, Berkeley language instructor, resident of Oakland, is a government agent...

Donald DeFreeze systematically transformed Patty Hearst into a Manchurian Candidate – bank robber. She took on a new identity and received a new name, Tania. As Tania she was emotionally disconnected from her past and her family, espoused revolutionary doctrine that was completely alien to her, and participated in the robbery of the Hibernia Bank in the Sunset District of San Francisco on April 15, 1974. A bank surveillance camera recorded her while she identified herself as Tania and held an M1 rifle. The SLA got away with $16,000.00. There was gunfire during the robbery.

The SLA hid out as fugitives from the time of the kidnapping of Patty Hearst until five of them died in Los Angeles, burned to death during a shootout with the FBI. Emily and Bill Harris and Patty Hearst were not with the other SLA members at the time They traveled around the country on the run for over a year until they were captured by the FBI in the fall of 1975.

Patty Hearst was charged with two crimes, the bank robbery and a holdup of a sporting goods store. She served two years in jail before her sentence was commuted by President Carter on February 1 1979. One of the most active members of the Committee for the release of Patricia Hearst was Congressman Leo Ryan, who corresponded with the Deputy Director of the CIA about CIA mind control research at Vacaville.

The expert witnesses for Patty Hearst during her trial were Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Dr. Martin Orne, Dr. Margaret Singer, and Dr. Robert Lifton. Dr. West and Dr. Orne were MKULTRA contractors with TOP SECRET clearance. Dr. Singer was a co‑author of Dr. West's and Dr. Singer’s and Dr. Lifton’s. Both interviewed American POWs returning from the Korean War. Dr. Lifton wrote the classic text on mind control based on his experience with victims of Korean brainwashing, Thought Reform and the psychology of totalism: A study of brainwashing in china.

Dr. Lifton contributed to a special issue of The Journal of Social Issues entitled, “Brainwashing.” The Issue Editors were Raymond Bauer and Edgar Schein, who was a research psychologist at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Other contributors included Julius Sega1 who was a research psychologist at the Air Force's Human Relations Research Laboratory.

Dr. Lifton also participated in a Panel Meeting on “Communist Methods of Interrogation and Indoctrination” moderated by MKULTRA contractor Dr. Harold Wolff and Human Ecology Foundation Board Member, Lawrence Hinkle. Lifton attended a meeting on November 11, 1956 on “Methods of Forceful Indoctrination” which was moderated by Dr. John Lilly, who later reported at a CIA‑sponsored LSD symposium that he had given LSD to 169 dolphins. MKULTRA contractor, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Edgar Schein, and Lawrence Hinkle attended this November 11, 1956 meeting. An earlier meeting on “Factors Used to Increase the Susceptibility of Individuals to Forceful Indoctrination” had been held on April 8, 1956, moderated by Dr. Lilly and attended by Dr. Wolft. Dr. Robert Lifton was firmly imbedded in the MKULTRA mind control network.

There was a connection between the Patty Hearst kidnapping, the Stanford Research Institute, Dr. West, MKULTRA and STARGATE. Remote viewers at Stanford Research Institute were asked by the Berkeley police to track Patty Hearst after her abduction by the Symbionese Liberation Army 280. Remote viewer Pat Price picked a photograph of one of the SLA abductors out of several volumes of photographs shown to him by Berkeley police, and identified the man as Lobo. This later proved to be SLA member William Wolfe, who was known as Willie the Wolf, or Cujo. Dr. West was a member of the medical oversight board for remote viewing research at Science Applications International Corp. into the 1990s, and therefore must have been aware of STARGATE. He must have known about the use of Stanford Research Institute remote viewers in the Patty Hearst case.

Dr. West testified that Patty Hearst had a new identity deliberately created by Donald DeFreeze. All four expert witnesses testified that Patty Hearst had been brainwashed using classical mind control techniques. She did not meet the full criteria for a Manchurian Candidate because she did not have amnesia. By the diagnostic rules of the American Psychiatric Association, she developed dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS) rather than full dissociative identity disorder (DID). Since 1994, dissociative identity disorder has been the official name for multiple personality disorder in American Psychiatry.

DDNOS is a category that includes incomplete or partial forms of dissociative identity disorder. DDNOS cases either do not have amnesia, or the identity states are not fully formed and crystallized. A full Manchurian Candidate meets the American Psychiatric Association criteria for dissociative identity disorder. A Manchurian Candidate without amnesia would meet criteria for DDNOS.

Drs. West, Singer, and Orne are Board Members of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, and Drs. West and Singer were Board Members of the Cult Awareness Network. Dr. Lifton is not connected to either of these organizations. However, all four individuals were experts in the set of mind control techniques used by BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA contractors, Donald DeFreeze and the leaders of destructive cults. Drs. West and Orne are also experts on the dissociative disorders.

Meiers describes numerous documented connections between the CIA, Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple, the SLA, the Patty Hearst kidnapping, the University of California at Berkeley, and Congressman Leo Ryan, who was killed at the Jonestown airport in South America on November 18, 1978. For instance, prior to a 12‑man advance party arriving in Jonestown in Guyana in December, 1973, the site was the location for the SHALOM PROJECT in which 200 CIA‑supplied black ex‑Green Beret Special Forces experts trained mercenaries for warfare in Angola.

According to one member of the People’s Temple interviewed by the San Francisco Police Department’s Intelligence and Antiterrorist Division in connection with the Patty Hearst kidnapping, SLA leaders Donald DeFreeze and Nancy Ling, and Patty Hearst’s boyfriend, Steven Weed, were onsite together at the People’s Temple headquarters in Ukiah, California prior to the kidnapping. Jim Jones was directly involved in the administration of a $2 million dollar food giveaway arranged by William Randoph Hearst in response to ransom demands by Donald DeFreeze.

These relationships between the SLA, Vacaville State Prison, Jim Jones, the Patty Hearst kidnapping, the CIA and Congressman Leo Ryan require further investigation and documentation. For the purposes of this book, Patty Hearst provides a well documented example of the deliberate creation of a DDNOS‑level Manchurian Candidate.

Chorover describes another mind control program at Vacaville State Prison which was aborted because of public protest. A Maximum Psychiatric Diagnostic Unit was set up at Vacaville in February, 1972 to deal with selected inmates out of the 700 held in solitary confinement in California prisons. A program was approved for this Unit in which prisoners would have electrodes implanted in their brains to monitor them and control their behavior after discharge, using radio transmitters. Due to public protest, the California Department of Corrections called a press conference on December 30, 1971 to announce that the project had been “temporarily abandoned for administrative reasons,” repeating the pattern of the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study and the Lafayette Clinic aggression project, both of which were run by physicians, and shut down due to negative public reaction.

The motives for transformation of Patty Hearst into a Manchurian Candidate bank robber are uncertain but her case is publicly documented and confirmed by four of the twentieth century’s leading experts on mind control, Drs. West, Orne, Singer and Lifton. The methods used to turn Patty Hearst into a Manchurian Candidate are similar to those in the Palle Hardrup case. Palle Hardrup was controlled by a lone criminal, and Patty Hearst was brainwashed in a similar fashion, except that Donald DeFreeze had the support of six other members of the SLA.


Suicide Bombers

As I am writing this, we are all concerned about the recent destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon. Since that eventful morning of September 11, 2001, a number of discrepancies in what has become the official account, have appeared. I do not wish this newsletter to become a dialectic regarding that tragedy. I am, however, very suspicious that it represents an increase in the efficiency on the use of the mind control subject, the Manchurian candidate. Unquestionably, that tragedy has led to a major change in public perception regarding issues of security and the pre-planned, homeland security office, and the whole Nazification of America, Britain and Canada has been successfully accelerated. Is it possible that this was the intended outcome? We have the experiences of the burning of the Reichstag by Hitler in order to induce President Paul Ludwig Hans Anton Von Hindenburg to grant him dictatorial powers ending the Weimer Republic in 1933, the sinking of the Lusitania in 1917 by German U-boats because of an Anglo-American provocation,[21] in turn, bringing the United States into a war, through changing public opinion, and, most dramatically, we have the account of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941, having been provoked intentionally by President Roosevelt and bringing the United States into the Second World War. [22] These are dramatic examples of major changes in public opinion by the intentional perpetration of a disaster through deceit. On those occasions, however, stealth and deceit alone account for historical changes. As our current president, George W. Bush, told us, we are in a protracted war following the 9/11 event. He did not, however, define the enemies, the duration, or a possible endpoint. This is a new kind of war. I postulate that the purpose of the war, like that of many recent wars, is to create internal changes. Other paradoxes in the sequence are:

That the manifest of the passengers on the four airplanes does not correspond with the FBI and CNN’s account of all the passengers. In particular, it was bereft of Arab names.

The FBI had, seemingly, almost instantaneous knowledge of who the “hijackers” were, but,

No prewarning.

The evidence incriminating extreme Islamicists was too slick.

The destruction of the twin towers was seemingly by demolition explosives at set intervals after the aircraft striking. The 19 phone calls from the several aircraft described hijackers, but not Arabs.

The surrender of control of jetliners is an unexpected form of behavior by pilots.

The supposed hijacker/pilots were said to be amateurs.

At least the second aircraft to hit the WTC must have been flown very skillfully.

On all previous terrorist activities performed by Islamicists, they took “credit” for their crimes, but not on this occasion.

The prearranged war on Afghanistan was executed promptly, giving the impression that the Bin Laden story was an excuse (though an attractive one).

The simultaneous execution of these coordinated operations and takeover of aircraft by supposed hijackers who were not on the passenger list, implies cooperation on the inside in at least three airports simultaneously. Accordingly, it has been suggested that the aircraft were controlled like drones, and the hijacker’s job was to incapacitate the pilots. Does this represent a new order of control and complexity of the use of Manchurian candidates?



As this is a newsletter on mind control and brainwashing, perhaps it is not inappropriate to add that the seemingly spontaneous arrival of anthrax-containing letters after the 9/11 crisis fits in well with the brainwashing technique of reinforcement, and the current entirely unsubstantiated hysteria about small pox might be a lead-in; a scare in the newly imposed totalitarian laws of forced vaccination and mass quarantine regulated by the governors of the several states.


The Role of Psychiatry

There exist alarming accounts of an early strategy of the Soviets to harness the profession of psychiatry to alter the mind set of Western civilization. The criminalization of the Soviet psychiatrists was so well recognized that they were excluded from interacting with physicians and psychiatrists in the West during the Stalinist era. However, the cooperation of many individuals in the profession of psychiatry with the CIA, with the pharmaceutical business, and involving extensive use of psychiatric medications, procedures such as electroshock therapy, and even lobotomies, it is reported, at times experimentally and without the knowledge or consent of the subject victims, was extensive. [23] Some psychiatrists themselves have widely condemned these practices and documented much o f the nefarious activity. The recent expansion of psychiatric diagnoses based, not on objective medical data, but on consensus and impressions, to include so many patterns of behavior that previously were regarded as no more than personality traits into official diagnoses, warranting official intervention, is alarming, to say the least. The medicalization of educational problems currently progressing rapidly in America is a case in point. American public schools are now funded in part through Medicaid, with medical (psychiatric) diagnoses and treatment codes streaming funds to the school. One considers this to be a fly trap for the educators, and further corruption of the psychiatric participants with federal dollars. This public-private partnership, or fascist activity, is not the American way. In this newsletter I am making general and rather harsh comments. Readers will, however, find an extensive bibliography listed, and I particularly recommend Bluebird by Colin Ross, M.D., if you want to pick up one book easily and currently available, which convincingly validates the general comments made herein.


Soviet Machinations

The striking technological backwardness of the Soviet Union, probably because of the hopelessness of inducing incentives in a communist regime has been convincingly and strikingly demonstrated.[24],[25] On the other hand, the success of the Soviets in adapting Western technology for military purposes is no less dramatic, as demonstrated mostly in the success of their space program.[26],[27] What area in science, one might ask, have the Soviets truly been pioneers in? The answer is brainwashing and other forms of psychological manipulation.[28] This is a tradition left over from imperial Russia, led in the person of Ivan Pavlov. The extraordinary success (if that is the right term) of the confessions, first of Cardinal Menjinski, and, subsequently of the Soviet doctors, was the first signal. The confessions of the American Korean prisoners of war to atrocities, which were not valid, brought the term brainwashing into the Western vocabulary. There is, therefore, a strong suspicion that the appearance of Manchurian candidates in America, England, Scotland, Australia, etc., might be a vicarious use of the one area of science in which the Soviets excel. The in-depth penetration control of our CIA by their KGB is not news, unfortunately.[29],[30] To what extent the insiders, Bilderbergers have been duped is uncertain.[31] However, the extreme importance of a few key agents, such as Henry Kissinger, combined with his activities, which were clearly anti-American and pro-Soviet, leave us only two possibilities:

The Eastern establishment of the U.S. and been infiltrated and duped.

There is high level cooperation between the two sides.


The Paradox of The Goose Which Lays the Golden Eggs

Assuming my statements above are correct, then which is it? If the intent of the Soviet Union, as expressed by Dimitri Manuilsky, [32] from 1931 is correct, that it is the intent of the Soviets to smash the United States (glavny vrag– the ultimate enemy) when we are weakened, and if it is also true that they are technologically completely unable to create anything productive, would they not be better off controlling the United States through superior military power and threats, but not controlling the U.S. through annihilation of physical conquest, at least not until they have changed their own economy from communist to fascist. Well, it seems that since Perestroika they have attempted just that. It also seems that because of the inherent corruption in the Russian temperament, this experiment is failing. It might by lucky for us. It might be the reason the day of annihilation has been postponed (and in this context, it might explain Mikhail Gorbachev’s residence at the Presidium, as sort of national inspector of surrender and the paying of tribute, as well as the progressive, fascist reorganization of this country). Is it possible this is a role he engineered for himself in Reykjavik in 1987 when Reagan presumably acknowledged a shift in the correlation of forces in favor of the Soviets?


Hidden Influences

A very interesting dialectic is circulating, sub-rosa, in literature and Web articles. This can be catalogued, generally, as UFO-ology. There has been an increasing underground flow of articles, information, and videos, etc., claiming that extraterrestrial beings with sophisticated technology are interacting dishonorably with U.S., and possibly other world governments; that the NSA and the World Order are more concerned of the nefarious influences[33] by these aliens than by international strife and strife amongst humans on this planet.[34],[35],[36] On the other hand, we know from The Report From Our Mountain,[37] from 1962, that just such a supposed threat was planned as a ruse to control the population. Perhaps this is an undercover operation which will be “reluctantly acknowledged at the last moment” by the authorities, when they wish to use this tool of disinformation. On the other hand, there are some hints that alternative cultures and civilizations have influenced our biosphere well before the official beginning of recorded history, i.e., 10,000 years ago.[38],[39] The multiple accounts of unidentified flying objects almost certainly have a basis in reality, but ascribing them and the disappearance of humans, and the mutilations of cattle to extraterrestrial beings is preposterous. It is interesting to this observer that the hypothesis that these are unrecognized terrestrial, or intra-terrestrial species is much less improbable (because of the improbability of intergalactic travel), but with one exception, not discussed at all. Is it possible that the underground literature represents controlled disinformation by the powers that be, possibly through the CIA? The recent murder of William Cooper by entrapment does, however, lend moderately strong support to his claim that these mysterious, nonhuman intelligences the grays,represent a common threat to mankind. His murder, you see, occurred just weeks after he made these revelations.


Wilderness of Mirrors

I started this newsletter by discussing how Angelton’s term wilderness of mirrors applies. The considerations which I have outlined are so bizarre, they shatter our belief system so severely, and if we follow the logic, damage our respect for government authority, and so on, so severely, that we begin to doubt our own sanity. Can we draw any conclusions with any degree of confidence? I think we can, even if we cannot answer the ultimate questions I have just posed. Here are some of the conclusions I think we can draw:



The use of mind control is becoming increasingly prevalent in our society.

It falls into two categories:

Influence of the public through education, the mass media, and entertainment,

The control of individuals by means of brainwashing techniques.

Creating paradigm shifts in public opinion through the use of mind control subjects (Manchurian candidates), by creating great events which, early in history, were created merely by deception.

These techniques are in use to bring about control of the human herd by a fascist regime, presumably for nefarious purposes.


What of The Patients?

The body of this newsletter undertook a tour of recent history seen through the selective technology of brainwashing. It is hard to accept. The newsletter does not lend itself to the complete development of all the details. I claim, however, that if a reader was to review the reference material, it is very difficult to gainsay the conclusions. I admit, however, that even though I have written these words, I am still in two minds about the whole issue, as I have been, you will understand, for several years. The logic, however, seems inexorable, and, if the conclusions I have drawn, based on the initial observation of the alignment of the accounts received from patients is correct, we have to conclude that these are individuals who truly need help, and it is also plain that the help these people need is absolutely not being regarded as crazy, and, absolutely not medication with phenothiazines. Perhaps our first responsibility is to accept these suffering brothers and sisters as legitimate people who have been victimized in our society, and, who first of all require our respect and sympathy. What can we do in a medical sense to help them? As I am beginning to believe that their stories are essentially true, I think acknowledging their truth will go more than half way to alleviating their alienation. In my present state of knowledge, the only other tools I can consider are the holistic tools of nutritional and biological support, and possibly assistance in balancing emotional and brain function. It is not unlikely that EEG neurofeedback will be helpful in this regard. I have offered this to a few of the patients I have seen in the last two years, but, unfortunately, they were too fearful of anything “electric,” to take advantage of it.



If any reader of these pages can make any suggestions on any of the issues, but, most importantly on patient management, he will find an avid listener in this writer.


Footnotes and References

[1} Brainwashing; From Pavlov to Powers, by Edward Hunter, 1956, The Book Mailer, New York.

[2] Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, Colin A. Ross, M.D., Manitou Communications, Inc., 1701 Gateway, Suite 349, Richardson, Texas, 75080, telephone 800-572-9588, web, ISBN 0-9704525-1-9.

[3] The End of the Line: ELF – Electromagnetic Disease Transmission, by C.B. Baker, 1992.

Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions, Part 3, was published in Explorer Volume 9, number 4, 1999, written by T.E. Bearden.

[4] Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, by Jim Keith, IllumiNet Press, 1999, ISBN 1-881532-20-8.

[5] Masters of Seduction: Beguiling Americans into Slavery and Self-Destruction, by Jerry Lynn Ball, American Freedom Press, 2000, ISBN 0-9653226-8-8.

[6] U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments on Children, essay They Don’t Want to Know, by John Rappaport, telephone 213-243-9005.

[7] Psycho Chemical Warfare: The Chinese Communist Drug Offensive Against the West, by A.H. Stanton, Candilin, Arlington House, ISBN 0-87000-214-7, 1973.

[8] Mind Control, by Martin Cannon and others, a privately circulated series of articles.

HAARP-E.L.F., Mayhem Against America, by C.B. Baker, printed in Youth Action News, July 1996 (an erstwhile publication).


[10] February 1999 (this is a reproduction of Dick Sutphen’s article).

[11] Battle for the Mind, by William Sargant, Heinamann, London, 1957.

[12] Red Cocaine: The drugging of America and the West, by Joe D. Douglass Jr., Edward Harle. London. ISBN 1-899798-04-8. 1999.

[13] Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula, Part One and Part Two, by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, 1997, published privately.

[14] The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable, Total Mind-Controlled Slave, by Wheeler and Springmeier, 1996, 916 Linn Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045.

[15] The Secret Government: The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12, by Milton William Cooper, May 23, 1989, published privately.

[16] US Government mind control experiments on children. Jon Rappaport. [Circulated privately].

[17] Mind Control by Martin Cannon and others. [Circulated privately].

[18] The Manchurian Candidate. Richard Condon, Christopher Hurt

[19] Murder in Dealey Plaza. James H Fwetzer. Catfeet Press, Chicago. 2000. IABN 0812694228

[20] Final report on the bombing of the Alfred p Murrah Federal Bulding, April 19th 1985. The Oklahoma investigative committee, P.O.Box 75697 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73147. ISBN 0-9710513-0-5

[21] Simpson, Colin. Lusitania. Longman’s, London, 1972.

[22] Toland, John. Infamy: Pearl harbor and its aftermath. Doubleday & Co. NY. 1982.

[23] The Mind Manipulated, by Alan W. Scheflin and Edward M. Opton, Harrington Press, 1978, ISBN 0-7092-0730-1.

[24] Memoir Concerning Events at the Hoover Institute, Stanford University, in the period 1968-1974, by Anthony Sutton, published privately.

[25] The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, by Antony Sutton, Liberty House Press, Billings, Montana, 1986, ISBN 0-937765-01-5.

[26] While Others Build: A Common Sense Approach to the Strategic Defense Initiative, by Angelo Codevilla, The Free Press, 866 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022, ISBN 0-02-905671-3, 1988.

[27] Origins of the Fourth World War, by J.R. Nyquist, Black Forest Press, Chula Vista, California, 800-451-9404, ISBN 1-58275-010-6, 1999.

[28] The Deception Game, by Ladislav Bittman, Valentine Books, New York, 1972, ISBN 0-345-29808-X.

[29] While You Slept, by John T. Flynn, The Americanist Library, Western Islands, Boston, 1951.

[30] Deception: The Invisible Wall Between the KGB and the CIA, by Edward J. Epstein, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1989, ISBN 0-671-41543-3.

[31] New World Order: Corruption in Canada, by Professor Robert O’Driscoll and Elizabeth Elliott, Saigon Press, Toronto, Canada, 1994.

[32] Dimitri Manuilsky speaking at the Lenin School for Political Warfare in the 1930’s: War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable. Today, of course, we are not strong enough to attack. Our time will come… To win, we shall need the element of surprise. The bour­geoisie will have to be put to sleep so we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrify­ing overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruc­tion. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them with our clenched fist.

[33] The Secret War Against the Jews, by John Loftus and Mark Aarons, St. Martin’s Griffin, New York, 2000, ISBN 0-312-11057-X.

[34] Behold a Pale Horse, by Milton William Cooper, Light Technology Publishing, PO Box 1495, Sedona, Arizona 86336, ISBN 0-929385-22-5.

[35] Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implication, by Steven M. Greer, M.D., Crossing Point, Inc., Afton, Virginia, 1999, ISBN 0-9673238-0-0.

[36] Alien Identities, by Richard L. Thompson, Govardhan Publishing, San Diego, 1993, ISBN 0-9635309-1-7.

[37] Lewin, Leonard C. Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of peace. Dial Press. 1967. Available from Emissary Publications, 9205 SE Clackamas Road #1776, Clackamas, OR 97015.

[38] Forbidden Science, by Jacques Vallee, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, 1992, ISBN 1-55643-125-2.

[39] Cremo, MA, Thompson, RL. Forbidden Archaeology. Bhaktivedanta Institute, San Diego, 1993.



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