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ARTICHOKE Technologies, Explanations from Laura KJ

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l effect for the past two thousand years has been to concentrate genetic deviants into a specific ethnic group so that psychopathy exists at a much higher rate in this group than any other at this point in history. Even so, it is still a minority. The majority of Jews are just like the majority of any other group: manipulated and used by elitists who don't really believe in any religion except that of power and control.

There exists in our world today a powerful and dangerous secret cult.

So wrote Victor Marchetti, a former high-ranking C.I.A. official, in his book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. This is the first book the U.S. Government ever went to court to censor before publication. In this book, Marchetti tells us that there IS a "Cabal" that rules the world and that its holy men are the clandestine professionals of the Central Intelligence Agency. I don't think that's necessarily the case, though certainly the C.I.A. would attract a whole lot of pathological deviants. I think that the C.I.A. is but one "arm" of the cult, just as Benedictines were but one order of the Catholic Church. To borrow from, and paraphrasing, Marchetti:

"This cult is patronized and protected by the highest level government officials in the world. It's membership is composed of those in the power centers of government, industry, commerce, finance, and labor. It manipulates individuals in areas of important public influence - including the academic world and the mass media. The Secret Cult is a global fraternity of a political aristocracy whose purpose is to further the political policies of persons or agencies unknown. It acts covertly and illegally."


In recorded history, we find that the Elite, in their drive for power, have developed many means of controlling the minds of the masses. The earliest recorded such event was the appearance of Yahweh/Jehovah on the World Stage, and things went downhill (or became easier, depending on your point of view) from there.

With the above mentioned development of Structuralism, "many scientists - and the members of the ruling class that employed them - believed that they were justified in treating human beings as if they were pieces of meat, and as an overall plan of action, proceeded to do so." These ideas were taken up by the Nazis in their great experiment in trying to take over the world. After observing Nazi Germany, it seems that the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States mounted their own large-scale research programs designed to develop techniques for psychological control of the masses. It has been suggested that the U.S. was a latecomer to this activity, but our Timeline suggests that this is, in fact, not true.


A memo was written saying that "the best interests of the United States have been subjugated to the efforts expended in 'beating a dead Nazi horse.'" Nazi Intelligence leader Reinhard Gehlen met with the C.I.A. director Allen Dulles. Gehlen was a master spy for the Nazis and had infiltrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network. Dulles promised Gehlen that his Intelligence unit was safe in the C.I.A.. Dulles had the scientists dossier's re-written to eliminate incriminating evidence. And so, Allen Dulles delivered the Nazi Intelligence unit to the C.I.A., which later opened many umbrella projects stemming from Nazi research. (MK-ULTRA / ARTICHOKE, OPERATION MIDNIGHT CLIMAX).

By 1955, more than 760 German scientists had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been longtime members of the Nazi party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans at concentration camps, had used slave labor, and had committed other war crimes.


(...the CIA......)

But despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, they have steadfastly maintained that they failed entirely in their quest to control the human mind.

There are perhaps three reasons for the C.I.A.'s implausible denials. The first is legal responsibility. For as the Kennedy hearings established, C.I.A. officers wildly exceeded their authority in the course of MKULTRA. Innocent citizens were kidnapped off the streets and drugged, hypnotized and subjected to physical torture. These actions were and remain felonous; and had the criminal justice system taken its proper course, scores of C.I.A. officers would have faced capital charges. The second reason is the explosive nature of the data they developed in the course of their experiments. For contrary to common belief, the human psyche lacks systemic integrity. Rather than the tightly integrated system that has been historically assumed, it is in fact a loosely related collage of drives, inhibitions, orientations, functions, desires and beliefs - all of which are subject to external manipulation. The third and final reason is the extraordinary ease of reengineering the human mind. With the ARTICHOKE technique, a psyche may be broken apart, restructured and reassembled almost to specification in approximately four hours - all without the victim's consent, or even his conscious awareness.

As declassified C.I.A. documents make clear, a principal objective of MKULTRA was to develop techniques that would allow the Agency to exert control over an individual to such an extent that he would do their bidding "against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation." Technically, they failed; but only because a parallel project run by the Department of Defense achieved success first. The C.I.A. research and development program was reportedly shut down in 1973, and the ARTICHOKE techniques perfected by the military were adopted wholesale." [MKULTRA and the weaponization of the human psyche by Charles S. Viar].

Now, the question is: have the C.I.A. or the U.S. military - and their chief ally, Israel, operationalized ARTICHOKE?

On 6 April 1994, a 19-year-old Palestinian driving a stolen vehicle packed with explosives pulled up to a crowded bus stop in the northern Israeli town of Afula. Before the vehicle could come to a complete stop, it exploded with enormous force, killing the driver and eight Israelis and wounding 50 more. Although few Western analysts have made the connection, the Afula attack was a turning point in the Middle East conflict. For it was the first time that so-called Islamic terrorists - clearly victims of operation ARTICHOKE - were used to mount suicide attacks as False Flag operations. Since then, it is clear that project ARTICHOKE - or its successor - has been behind almost a hundred additional suicide attacks against Israel, and the United States, and now, Great Britain.

The results have been devastating to Arabs, Islamics, the Palestinians, and VERY good for the business of Israel and the United States. In Israel, suicide bombers have killed approximately 1000 Israelis and wounded almost five times as many. However, for each Israeli killed by suicide bombers, Israel has been able to kill three Palestinians and to further effect its plan of genocide of the Palestiinian people.

Furthermore, the results of the so-called suicide bomber attacks have served only to make Arabs and Muslims targets of xenophobia around the globe.

The 9-11 attacks against New York and Washington are prime examples of ARTICHOKE technologies. We are constantly reminded that "19 Arab terrorists dunnit," and the mainstream press has failed to adequately address the issue that many of the "hijackers" named by the F.B.I. are alive and well. Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal told the Arabic Press after meeting with President George W. Bush on Sept. 20: "It was proved that five of the names included in the F.B.I. list had nothing to do with what happened."

But certainly, SOMEBODY did.


Remember: those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo. It is obvious that they cannot completely control the propagation of the information. So, how do they "keep secrets?" They don't. Everything is right out there in the public domain. Anybody who wants to can do the research we have done and come to the realizations we have in this process. BUT, not everyone is able to withstand the OTHER weapon of Mass Control: the fear of being labeled a "suspected or potential supporter" in a world where the Grand Inquisitor has total control over life and death.



But not if we don't educate ourselves about what really matters - what the real problems are - and how to go about fixing them. Here is where we come back to the context. If we take it as an operating hypothesis that there does exist a powerful elite whose interests are served by the current state of affairs, who are they?

But who is behind it all? Ah! that is the question! We find, with this brief review, that those individuals who simply can't grasp what the governments of the planet are doing - that they are servicing the agenda of those who want absolute power - simply don't understand the nature of belief, of hypnosis, of mind control, of propaganda, of being fooled, and how easy it is for a small core group to do all of the above.

The problem is that of pathological deviants present in the human population. These are human looking beings with no souls, no conscience, and which are simply part of the natural environment. In a very real sense they are useful to the rest of us because we have the opportunity to learn about good and evil through them and their activities. Maybe even Al Gore is learning a thing or two; only time will tell.

Psychopaths are born in all places and in all classes of society and the standard percentage is about 4 to 6 % of the various types. We might even think that it is higher in the U.S. where Western style capitalism selects for psychopathy It is the various psychopathies in the human population that exert their control over the 94% of the rest of us. They do this because they exert their influence through lies and deception and tactics.


You might ask "How is it that psychopaths, in spite of their inhumanity, can obtain the support of large populations. Does not everyone have a perverse/pathological basis, periods when they pass through a perverse/pathological life as Gore (and others) suggest?"

The fact is, the populations do not support psychopaths directly, they support the original ideology which the psychopaths have adopted as their cover.


What is important to remember is that pathological deviants think without soul, without conscience and so their thought processes are far cleaner and more efficient than the thinking of human beings with emotions and conscience and that is a weakness in us that they exploit mercilessly. You must never forget the rules by which they operate: behind a Mask of Sanity.


In other words, it is their method to capture parties, associations, societies, religions, etc and use the external ideology to attract followers, all the while the REAL intention is known only to the insiders.


This is the exact intention and method described by Weishaupt in his own correspondence, and this is the proof that Mirabeau, the later revolutionary leader, knew of it at the time, that is in 1776. Moreover, his words suggest that the secret society of the Illuminati was founded with the express intention of gaining control of Freemasonry and of instigating and directing revolution through it.

The same thing has been done with Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They are just ideological fronts for psychopaths. You might even notice that the goals and methods of the Illuminati are exemplified in the so-called Protocols of Zion. It could even be said that the Protocols themselves are not really a Jewish thing, but more precisely a psychopathic ideology that has co-opted Judaism, Christianity and Islam for its own purposes.


None of us will be able to do anything against this monster seeking to devour our world until we are fully educated about pathological human beings and how they operate like a pathogen in society, spreading their death and destruction like a cancer. And that is the understanding that (him ...G.) seems to lack: that it is pathological deviance that has taken over our world and none of the rules of normal human behavior even apply anymore.


.......... the modern Attila believes he is constructing a new reality, one where his whims, his prejudices, his prissy little orthodoxies have the force of natural law.

In short, the neocons are just plain crazy, albeit in a historically unique fashion. This explains a lot. It explains the peculiar stubbornness that refuses to acknowledge error, even as Iraq implodes. It explains our rulers' utter indifference to being caught in so many lies - the disappearing "weapons of mass destruction," the illusory "links" between Saddam and 9/11, the brazen "cherry-picking" of sexed-up intelligence, and the outright forgeries.

They aren't lying - they're creating "new realities."

The militant craziness of this sort of mindset also explains the casual cruelty involved in implementing the neoconservatives' vision of empire. It explains Abu Ghraib, not as an aberration but as the new norm. It's okay to bomb cities filled with civilians, to lock up and torture anyone who gets in your way, all the while proclaiming that you come as a "liberator." You always hurt the one you love - if you're a sadist, that is.

But it's not a "new species of madmen," it is the same old problem of humanity: psychopaths.


Amos M. Gunsberg, a psychotherapist and trainer of psychotherapists in New York City, writes:

We used to call them psychopaths --- these creatures that appear on our planet physically in human form, but are not human beings.

We noted they are amoral. That should have given us a clue.

We noted they do not FEEL feelings. That should have instructed us.

We noted they are heartless. That should have set off the alarm.

These creatures lack elements which distinguish the human being. They exhibit no connection with, no understanding of what we call "morality," "honesty," "decency," "fair play," etc. They lack the faculty we call empathy. They lack the faculty we call introspection.

Mankind has spent centuries trying to make sense of these creatures as some form of human being. All in vain. Not only in vain, but at enormous on-going cost to our civilization. These creatures are not human beings gone wrong. They are a different species . . . dedicated to the murder of human values . . . as a prelude to the murder of human beings . . . e.g., the tactics used by Nazis, past and present.

They laugh at us. They say: "No one understands us. People can't put themselves in the minds of men who act without a conscience. They try to understand, but they can't."

These creatures do not THINK human. They do not SPEAK human. They do not know what it is to BE human.

We classify them as "humanoid."

Yes, they have human form. If we manage to resist their onslaught long enough, we will eventually develop technical scanning equipment which will measure how different they are from human beings, despite their similarity of form.

In the meantime, the quality of our lives . . . and often our very lives . . . depends on our recognizing these creatures for what they are, and taking steps to neutralize their attempts to destroy us.


And so it is: such a state of affairs cannot last long... and, as Lobaczewski says, the outcome is inevitable. Sooner or later, the reality this psychopathic elite think they create is going to turn around and bite them. In fact, it is already beginning to. And that is due to another psychopathic trait: the inability to remember the past or conceive of the future and the consequences of their actions.

Goaded by their character, psychopaths thirst for global power even though it ultimately condemns them to death along with millions - or billions - of others. Psychopaths do not have the capacity to understand the catastrophes that they repeatedly bring on themselves and the world. Just as germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing, so the psychopath does not understand that the only reality he is creating is the reality of his own ultimate destruction.

I hope that (him G.) realizes this before it is too late.


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