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Project Mannequin --The New World Order "Program" for the UK ! (with Video)

James Casbolt - Update

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Urgent News!

The interview above gives details regarding the New World Order program to take control of the UK before 2012. This program is called Project Mannequin which I was directly involved in and is being run by the NSA from various underground facilities cantered around London and Berkshire such as the AL/499 base 200ft below the town of Peasemore in Berkshire, the CLC-1 base under Westminster in London and connected to the a large base under Parliament, the MONSOON-1 facility under RAF Lakenheath 90 miles north of London and the underground facility below the Porton Down bio-warfare facility in Wiltshire as well as other facilities around the UK. The details about Project Mannequin and connected sub-projects are on the interview but I have just been given new intelligence regarding this agenda from a very reliable source who I trust completely. The information is very disturbing and I make no apologies and pull no punches as you need to know this for your future.

The huge child trafficking and Satanic ritual murder networks in the UK is heavily connected to Project Mannequin and very evil factions in the intelligence community centered around the NSA, CIA and British Intelligence. We now have over 25,000 children disappearing without a trace in the UK every year and are never seen or heard of again. This are classified figures and the intelligence community controlled mainstream media suppresses these facts by not giving a voice to the parents of these children and focusing massively on cases of one or two missing children a year, thereby taking the focus off the larger picture. Just last year I was in Truro college and there posters up off missing youngsters on the walls. These individuals had not even been mentioned on any news channels in the UK. My contact has revealed to me that children who are now being kidnapped and taken to underground facilities such as the AL/499, are being murdered in horrific ways and their brainwaves are being recorded into computers at the time of death via a digital links through high-tech cranial implants installed into the children's brains. As brain-waves and radio-waves are basically the same thing, this horrific energy recorded by super-computers is then being broadcast and sent out through televisions, radios, mobile phones and masts across the country and is affecting the whole population through increased levels of crime, sexual and child abuse, drug and alcohol abuse and a general lowering of people's morals as very human has kind of telepathic receiver which is the pineal gland in the brain. I personally witnessed children being murdered during my time in the AL/499 facility and in recent times children's throats are being cut and the digital broadcast sent out from the recorded brainwaves at the time of death which is stopping people in this country talking to each and sharing on a intimate level. Children's hands are being cut off at some of these underground facilities and the frequencies being sent out are stopping people performing day to day tasks as effectively and maintaining discipline in their lives.

You may want to recoil from this and deny it is happening but this is a fact and it is time to wake up. Barry King who is a close friend and was a Wackenhut security officer in 1979 at the AL/499 NASH Berkshire base in 1979 told me that the NSA plan to have every person in the UK microchipped with cranial implants during military abductions before 2009. Satanic factions in the NSA are working overtime with military in this country with military abductions every night using the black triangle 'Firefly' aircrafts which have been seen tested at Area 51 in the US and are discussed in detail in the interview. I have just found out today that the analogue signals in televisions is being switched off in 2009 and televisions will only work with a digital connection. OFF COURSE IT IS!! The NSA want everyone to be in 'tune' with their digital pulses and connected up to the their super computers like 'The Beast' computer located at Pine Gap in Australia through their cranial implants by 2009. Last year around 1 in 25 people were implanted through various means discussed in the interview. Now the figure is somewhere between 1 in 17 and increasing. The murder frequencies are being recorded behind popular music, film and televisions in a ELF tone that sounds like a buzzing to psychics. When decoded this is actually a screaming sound! Recorded brainwaves can even be stored on a small box like device in a super concentrated form and worn on the belts or held by secret service assassins. The box can be aimed at a person and a radio wave fired out that people can not see. This energy is totally alien to most peoples nervous systems and the target will go into shock as the nervous system shuts down and usually die. These groups are using these desperate tactics to black the huge frequencies of love and enlightenment that increases by the day as our planet moves closer to the galactic centre as we approach 2012. We live in dangerous and exciting times and need to come together in groups in compassion and communication through such events as the Probe International conference in Blackpoll to brake up these frequencies. In the crop circle below that appeared in the UK a few years, the following message was encoded in the circle in digital binary code-

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. There is GOOD out there. We Oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING ( BELL SOUND )"

The dark factions in the secret societies are trying to close the close the conduit to this higher frequency love energy through their digital signals. Are you going to let them by believing the lies we are spoon fed by the mainstream or are you going to wake up through the many alternative quality medias such as those on the internet and organizations such as Probe International?