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Mind Control Government Tools! March 1/07

Tami Dickson / Eleanor White

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colour green after exposure to the elements? Take heart the spiritual Heiarchy are dealing with these mind control issues! In Truth Tami


FFCHS is beginning an e-mailing/faxing campaign about our issues. Please everyone write up your stories...

Here is what I will be sending:


My name is Eleanor White, born in the United States, veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, now a retired engineer, living in Canada.

I wish to add my voice to the many Americans who are, in spite of repeated attempts to ridicule us and label us as mentally ill, are complaining to you in positions of power who have both the mandate and the resources to investigate a covert crime which has been perpetrated for the past few decades now. I call this crime organized stalking, backed up by invasive, zero trace evidence, through-wall capable electronic anti- personnel weapons.

n the year 1980, I was working in a large city, and have no criminal record or associations. I have no known enemies. Yet, quite suddenly, every peaceful, enjoyable aspect of my life was ruined by a combination of harassment by members of my community while outside, and extremely disabling, apparently electronic attacks in the privacy of my home.

From that point forward, it was difficult in the extreme to perform well at my work. Debilitiating health conditions have never ceased, yet my doctor finds no evidence of any illness.

Here are some of the bodily attacks I experience:

- Inability to sleep more than one or two hours, as if injected with caffeine (I only drank a single cup of coffee per day.) - Overwhelming fatigue daytime, a type of muscle weakness unlike simple lack of sleep - Strange, very precisely modulated audible tones in my hearing sense, day and night - Sounds like telephone ringing, knocking on door, pager going off, or alarm clock going off, where, when I got close to the phone, door, pager, or alarm clock, the sound would fade out, not stop, and the door viewer showed no one there, and the devices were all actually not signalling.

Now an old medical device, studied for weapons potential by Dr. Ross Adey and Dr. Eldon Byrd, at the Loma Linda Veterans hospital, named the Lida machine, depending on pulse rate setting, is capable of forcing someone to fall asleep daytime, or forcing someone awake at night, through walls, silently. That device dates back to the Korean War.

The faked sounds can be transmitted to the skull of a target, through the target's wall, silent to others in the area, by using "voice to skull", which is abbreviated "V2K" in the U.S. Army's "Lessons Learned" thesaurus. Voice to skull technology is a special adaptation of "radar hearing", a phenomenon discovered by radar technicians during World War II, and adapted to voice transmission by Dr. Joseph Sharp in 1973. An article describing voice to skull appeared in the journal of the American Psychological Association, the "American Psychologist", in the March 1975 issue. This technology is not classified.

I have continued to experience other bodily symptoms for which my doctor has no explanation, including:

- Wildly jerking arms and legs, including daytime, which coincide with attempts to do things requiring precision, or things where spilling something is likely - While cool and relaxed, powerful bursts of very rapid heartbeat for perhaps 10 to 20 minutes - Sharp "hot needle" sensations at various parts of my body - Uttering word fragments completely involuntarily - Bursts of itching, around the clock, leaving no rash, which start out as powerful electric shock sensations - Muscles held somewhat tense all night long, which totally relax only about 30 seconds before the alarm clock goes off

For my 27 years of this experience, I have almost never had a moment of relaxed freedom from some form of bodily discomfort. I have to carry garlic graters with me everywhere, to rasp my skin during itching attacks, for example.

Accompanying these electronic attacks is a vicious non-stop, non-electronic harassment campaign. This campaign is clearly orchestrated by criminals who have developed making harassment invisible into an advanced science.

This non-electronic harassment has three main characteristics:

- It is fuelled by vicious lies, rarely but definitely confirmed by words from the harassers themselves. The lies include the target has a long criminal record, the target uses or deals drugs, the target is a prostitute, or the favourite, the target is a pedophile

- Harassment acts are split up among at least dozens if not hundreds of community members, motivated by a false sense of doing community service, and/or, a sense of fellowship and belonging

- Each harassment act is carefully scripted to be an exact duplicate of "life's normal breaks", e.g, a noisy neighbour. The difference for the target is these "normal breaks" continue 24/7/365 for literal decades, in some cases for life. Far more frequently than for non-targets. This unusual persistence may imply a hidden political motive, that is my personal opinion.

The question of "Why would this harassment be done to YOU?" is answered by considering that when years of vicious lies are spread about a target, that target becomes a very high profile "hate object." Under those conditions, such harassment is entirely understandable and is in fact repeated for genuine criminals whose past is known in their communities.

This complaint is about and on behalf of those of us who have no criminal record, yet are being treated as if we do.

To learn more of the specifics of this organized stalking, the reader can look up books on "mobbing" in the workplace, because organized stalking is basically "mobbing" which extends throughout the community. The best book I'm aware of describing these organized stalking groups, based on his 12 year investigation, is David Lawson's 2001 book "Terrorist Stalking in America", ISBN #0-9703092-0- 1.


- Our group has discovered a very few police officers and doctors who privately acknowledge these crimes are happening; fear for their jobs prevents them from going public.

- Prior to doing some activism to expose and stop these crimes, on the advice of a lawyer, I requested a psychiatric examination, and the doctor found no signs of mental illness.

- In footnote 5 at the bottom of page 4, in a report from the U.S. Department of Justice, Inspector General, titled "Report to Congress on Implementation of Section 1001 of the USA PATRIOT Act (as required by Section 1001(3) of Public Law 107-56)", dated January 27, 2004, the OIG acknowledged receiving 720 complaints of the type "... complaints that the government is broadcasting harmful electronic signals to individuals, claims that the government is intercepting dreams, and allegations that the government is using subliminal messages to force people to engage in certain acts."

By way of this letter, I am requesting your agency take seriously the other complaints you receive of organized stalking, electronic harassment, or in some cases "mind control", a name used because electronically delivered hypnotic effects are part of this crime syndrome.

Thank you for taking time to read this.

Eleanor White 430 Cumberland Ave. #312 Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8M 3M9 raven1 @ Go to for more corroborating info!