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Robots That Can Think. . . Uncorking the Genie?

David Icke

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s in technological breeding 'farms' and used their energy as a power source independent of human electrical systems. Once that was achieved they were free of human dependency and able to take over.

That is not as far fetched as it may seem at first sight, not least because many of the foundations of the story are happening today. The other-dimensional entities manipulating our world or reality through a network of 'human' bloodlines - the 'Illuminati - are using us as an energy source by trawling low-vibrational emotional energy based on fear. This includes stress in all its forms and other expressions of fear like guilt, anger and vengence.

Society has been structured by these entities through their interbreeding 'human' bloodlines to induce maximum stress and fear and thus the energy they need to function. When people feel fear or other such emotions you can see the effect in their behaviour and feel the 'vibes' of the energy being generated, but you can't actually see the energy because it is produced on frequencies beyond human sight. These manipulating entities operate in that frequency range and so when we produce fear and its low-vibrational offspring we are empowering those who seek to control us.

We talk about creating robots when the world is already teeming with them. They're called humans - those humans who are not fully conscious and operate only at the five-sense or 'body' level of perception and reality. When we identify who we are with the body - I am Bill Jones, I am Ethel Smith - and forget that we are infinite consciousness we allow the body 'robot' to dictate our lives. And it is through the 'robot', the body computer, that the other-dimensional control is routed.

The body is an incredibly sophisticated computer, as I have shown in my last two books, Tales from the Time Loop and Infinite Love is the Only Truth - Everything Else is Illusion. The membrane of every human cell is a liquid crystal and, depending on who you ask, we have between 50 and 75 trillion of them. Our cells are computer chips. Bruce Lipton, a research scientist and former medical school professor, produced a detailed study of the cell membrane in his book, Biology of Belief (Mountain of Love/Elite Books, Santa Rosa, California, 2005). He concluded that 'the membrane is a liquid crystal semiconductor with gates and channels'. These 'gates and channels' open and close in response to electrical impulse to allow in the good stuff and defend against the toxic.

A human computer chip

Semiconductors are excellent conductors of electricity and can also be used as insulators. They are found in electrical devices like computers, digital audio players and cell phones and they are at the heart of microprocessor chips and transistors. Anything that is computerised or uses radio waves depends on semiconductors and here we have a semiconductor liquid crystal membrane on every cell. The principle component of semiconductors used in our electronics and chips is the silicon crystal, hence the term 'Silicon Valley' in California and the 'silicon economy'. Shortly after Lipton realised that the cell membrane was a 'liquid crystal semiconductor with gates and channels', he picked up a book to see computer chips defined as ' ... a crystal semiconductor with gates and channels'. He writes:

'I spent several more intense seconds comparing and contrasting biomembranes with silicon semiconductors. I was momentarily stunned when I realised that the identical nature of their definitions was not a coincidence. The cell membrane was indeed a structural and functional equivalent ... of a silicon chip.'

The cells are, in part, the hard drive of the body computer with the crystalline DNA holding the genetic memory. The central processing unit or CPU is called the brain. A CPU is actually known as the 'brain of the computer' because, like the human brain, it reads, controls and processes all communications traffic.

The brain decides what to make of information, how to respond and where it should go. We should remember it is the brain that receives the information from the five senses and decides how to decode them. If you can manipulate and program the brain to read these messages in a different way you can get someone to eat an apple and yet taste a banana. Skilled hypnotists do this sort of thing in their stage shows. We don't feel pain at the location of a blow; we feel it when the information about the blow has reached the brain to be decoded into 'ouch!'.

The body's circuit board is the meridian system that forms the basis of the ancient healing art of acupuncture. Thousands of years ago the Chinese knew about the network of energy lines passing around and through the body that are now called meridians. Along these lines are many points, known as acupuncture points, where the flow of energy through the meridians can be regulated by using hair-like needles and other techniques. You can see in the image below how the meridian system even looks like a circuit board. This is a computer-enhanced version of an image produced at the Necker Hospital in Paris in a joint study with the Cytology Laboratory at the Military Hospital.

They injected a radioactive tracer into acupuncture points and then took the photograph with a gamma camera to see where it would go. It followed the pattern of the acupuncture meridian system. Not only does this confirm the existence of the meridian network, which 'modern medicine' has long dismissed and ridiculed, the study also established another crucial fact. They found that the slower the energy, or chi to the Chinese, passed through the meridians the less healthy was the person involved.

When the energy was flowing at optimum speed and balance the subject was in good health. How can this be? Because the energy, the chi, is information that includes details about a problem or imbalance and the instructions on how to respond. If people were taking too long to tell you that a problem exists and too long to pass your response to those at the scene what would happen? The problem would not get fixed and would probably worsen as a result. This is one reason why people who are ill are more open to other illnesses.

The chi also carries instructions that maintain balance and harmony and when this communication is affected so is the balance and harmony and the body becomes dis-eased. The first thing you notice when a computer begins to malfunction is that it's slower than normal to respond to your instructions. Once that happens it can go on to become far worse unless action is taken to clear the system of whatever is slowing the communications traffic. So it is with the chi in the body circuit board.

Those who have no understanding of how the body works, or even what it is, have long laughed at acupuncture and other 'alternative' methods of healing. Their ignorance cannot grasp how putting a needle in the foot or leg could cure a headache, for instance. This is because they associate the pain with the location of the pain when the body has to be seen as a whole.

The meridians form circuits around the body and a line that passes through the head also passes through the leg and foot. A blockage in those areas can cause disharmony elsewhere on the circuit and so restoring the flow at a point on the foot or leg can remove the pressure or other problem causing the headache. Computer technicians do something similar when they 'clean up' a computer to make the electrical circuits flow at optimum speed. These technicians are often referred to as 'computer doctors'. How very apt.

Because the body is a computer, albeit of fantastic sophistication, it can be programmed with 'software' and it is - all the time. We inherit a hard drive from our parents with programmes already running and we download others through experience. The body is a biological computer in that it has the ability to think and feel emotion, both of which are electrochemical phenomena, and unless higher consciousness intervenes 'our' thoughts and emotions just follow the programmes.

Control of humans is through control of the human computer and its thoughts, emotions and perceptions. This is why the understanding that we are infinite consciousness and not our bodies has been suppressed for thousands of years through religion and 'science'. Once we know who we really are we can open our computer minds to become truly conscious and override the software programmes we call perception and behaviour.

I had to smile when I saw the story about thinking robots now being developed by scientists and the warning that humans could be in danger if the robots did not have built-in 'ethics' microchips. They could have just as easily been talking about human interaction which is often just the same. Our 'ethics' microchip is our infinite consciousness and when we close down the channels to that we are a danger to each other and ourselves.

Even funnier was the suggestion that these robots should be fitted with prominent on-off buttons so they can be disabled in case of 'emergency'. 'God' missed a trick there, eh? 'Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States ...' Click ... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

But there is a serious angle to all this because does anyone really believe that only robots with 'ethics' chips are going to be created? These 'thinking' robots have the potential to be used for human control while their programmers operate from afar and of course there is every chance that as they become ever-more advanced they could take on a life and mind of their own.

It's crazy and we don't need them. They are being developed for the sake of it and by the malevolent for the very fact that they have the potential to control society. Some research is being funded by the deeply sinister U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, one of the prime centres for developing technological mind control of the population. Its research involves teaching robots how to search through rooms for biological hazards and to find, intercept and destroy a moving tank on the battlefield. The robots would perform these tasks on their own. 'No one uses a joystick to guide them', says one of their developers.

'Good morning, Mr. President ...'

British Aerospace, or BAE, the UK version of DARPA in effect, is working with universities to develop robots that can recall their mistakes and remember to repeat only their successes. Needless to say the project is not codenamed 'Bush'. It is actually called Reverb, short for 'Reverse Engineering the Vertebrate Brain' and that's the real long-term object of all this - to develop an army of programmed robots with the basic operating features of the human brain to control the population.

We have enough trouble coping with the programmes running in our own body computers without adding another level to it, but like everything else what is bad for us is being sold as something we need. Park Hye-Young, the man responsible for robotics at the South Korean industry ministry, said that one of the main uses for thinking robots was to help humans, particularly 'the elderly and infirm who may need constant assistance'.

Isn't it funny that in the 'primitive' days of the extended family where everyone took responsibility for each other there was no need for robots to look after the 'elderly and infirm'. The community did it and what a statement of what our world has become that we would consider handing over those in trouble or coming to the end of their lives to computer-programmed robots.

'Hey, grandma, don't cry, the Dalek Care Home will be great.'

'Anyone want a hug?'

Park Hye-Young appears to think all this is a great idea, but he warns that 'the most vulnerable ... would be in grave danger if a robot turned on them'. Are you laughing or are the tears dripping down your face? I can't decide on which way to go and I think it's best if someone pinches me so I can make sure I'm not in some weird dream conjured up by too much cheese. Oh, wait a minute, Park Hye-Young says he's also urging manufacturers to install extra sensors into robots to stop them bumping into people and to build them from lighter and softer materials to prevent injury when they do'.

That's confirmed it, damn that cheese sandwich.

But if you think we've already crossed the border into La-La Land, there's a way to go yet. Take the research paper by Henrik Christiansen, director of the Center of Robotics and Intelligent Machines at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and sponsored by the UK Government's chief scientist Sir David King. Mr. Christiansen says that conscious robots would want to have rights and they probably should. He believes that we have to consider 'human rights' for robots over the next 50 years. Human rights for humans would be a start. But, Mr. Christiansen, pray continue:

'Would it be acceptable to kick a robotic dog even though we shouldn't kick a normal one? There would be people who can't distinguish that, so we need to have ethical rules to make sure we as humans interact with robots in an ethical manner.'

Christiansen's research includes questions like should robots have the right to vote or pay taxes? Should they be liable for military service? (They already are from where I am sitting). Should they be allowed to become members of Parliament or Congress? (Ditto). I guess robots should have to stand trial if they break the law, but should they be tried by human robots or technological ones? I have thought of nothing else all week and still I have no answers to these deep and desperately important questions.

I have decided one thing, though ... I'll never eat cheese again.