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Total Recall - They Stole Her Mind ~ Now She Wants It back Again

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'Stop Chemtrails' forum are Healers, New Agers, Reiki Masters, etc. They may also be abductees.

In the thousands of accounts from people who were abducted during childhood, it is revealed that many people - during abduction - were programmed with:

1) "There WILL be a planetary disaster."

For 'disaster' read: 'Chemtrails', '9-11', 'the phony War On Terror', 'the fake Global warming', etc.

i.e. Because the abductees were programmed with "There WILL be a planetary disaster", people were / are also programmed NOT to resist any disasters as they unfold. They were led to believe disaster is inevitable, so, "Don't resist disaster" was either implied during abduction, or outright programmed.

2) "You must become trained in healing. Your skills will be needed AFTER the disaster / cataclysm."

New Age healing principles result in people staring at crystals and being surrounded by crystals in their home; and getting people to believe that 'mind' is the most important level to function on and mind is the only thing that really matters. i.e. "Everything can be healed or programmed by and through the mind". Staring at crystals and being surrounded by crystals is another form of mind-control very similar to staring at TV screens. Ever heard of the programmes that emit from the so-called 'crystal skulls'? To be surrounded by crystalline stones and objects may very well mean that person is now surrounded by NWO or Alien programming. I was around the New Age in the late 1980s for two or three years, now old friends I contact who remained in the New Age and stuck in 'healing' etc., seem stagnant and they feel like they are not in the real world. They are looking for that ultimate healing experience which will bring everything together so that the nagging turmoil they feel within them will cease. Perhaps if they undertake deep regression to uncover unusual events in early childhood they may find relief. Or at least a loud "Aha!!"


Do you see this? I do. It is very clear. I believe I get a lot of clear input from benevolent ET and also from years of looking into exactly why people are doing what they are doing. Benevolent ET is trying to stop us walking over the cliff's edge. They are saying it is a trick.

Hardly anyone in our circles on the Net talks about abduction. And most people I meet seem like their mind was abducted a long time ago, and they have not yet got their mind back. They cannot take the actions they need to take to get developing disasters STOPPED before they become complete and irreversible disasters. They are meekly allowing disasters to develop, just as they have been programmed to do a long time ago during childhood abduction and by the mindless and pointless media we are surrounded by today.

The New Age movement / philosophy, on the Internet and elsewhere, has been taken over, or was even instigated, by the negative Aliens and/or the NWO. 'New Age' philosophy tells us there are many dimensions and many life times. And implied is: "So if this planet blows up or we are all poisoned by Chemtrails, etc., don't worry because there are lots of places and times to go to." New Age rules of behaviour say we all have an equal voice; unfortunately then the person who sounds the warning can be drowned out by sleepy people saying we should not worry: "There are other worlds and dimensions, so don't worry, just enjoy the experience". What!!!? The experience of screaming our minds out and going insane when it has all gone too far -- or, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, having a 500lb bomb come through the roof of your dwelling with arms and legs flying out the window? Or hurtling 90 stories from the World Trade Center? Or seeing our friends and loved ones dying from poisoned air, as every day we find it harder to breathe and cough louder? WOW - some great experience that is.

Many people, like lemmings, have been mesmerised into accepting their/our doom without putting up a struggle. The cliff's edge is approaching --- and people are carrying on walking towards it. Subliminally thinking it's the right thing to do.

Many more people are walking around with implants in them than they realise. If you know you have implants, it's no big deal because you can countermand the relatively feeble transmissions of the chips. But if you have no idea you have implants, then the transmissions can have considerable effect - especially during our sleep. Have you ever gone to sleep determined you would do something very definite and important, 'that needed to be done or said', and in the morning you say to yourself, "Oh, I don't think I'll bother doing that", and then you are back in 'normal', grey life again.

I reckon over 50% of Americans (I saw a figure of over 55% for Americans in 2002) and British were abducted during childhood and now have some forms of implants in them. This is why so many people seem as though they are not fully here.

The phrase 'Wake The World Up' takes on a new meaning when examining exactly why so many people appear not to care and seem unable to act in the way that they need to take action against dangers and to improve their living situations.

I think the reason I have been getting both subtle and vicious attacks over the past 10 years to remove my ability to communicate with people and also attempts to kill me, is because I can see all this happening. And 'they' know it only needs one person to raise the alarm.


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