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Mind Control In Church

by Dan Montgomery

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er-Day Saints

Church Office Building

47 East South Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

Dear President Hinckley,

On April 28, 2002, I attended a sacrament meeting of the Cascade Crest Ward. The meeting was at the Bend, Oregon Stake Center at 1680 N.E. Thompson. I arrived at 10:10 a.m. This was in between meetings. I sat in the chapel. There was a mind control message in the chapel. In my experience, this kind of mind control message is the kind that comes from an electronic frequency source such as microwaves and is directed to the auditory center of the brain. I assume that this kind of communication carrier is not propagated from anywhere on church property and is entirely under the control of a third party.

I am placing the words which I heard from these mind control messages in quotation marks. The messages came in sets of repetitions. The messages change at intervals and so I have started each set as a new paragraph.

"I will be a very good Mormon because I don't like homosexuals. I will be a good Mormon. I will not help homosexuals."

"I will say homosexuals are evil. I will be a good Mormon."

10:40 a.m.

"We will hate homosexuals."

"I will be a worthy Mormon. I will keep the law. The police are good."

"We need law and order. Vote for President Bush. We need President Bush."

"We have to have President Bush."

Sacrament meeting began at 11:00 a.m.

"Republicans will save the nation."

"We do not want to vote for Gore. We do not like Democrats."

The sacrament was served at 11:20 a.m.

"I will be honest."

"I will report."

"We will go home. We will pray for God to save the nation."

I did not perceive mind control messages for most of the rest of the meeting.

At 12:05 p.m., a middle-aged thin lady in a blue dress entered the chapel and sat next to me on the back pew. A mind control message began coming from her. This was the kind that comes from a source that she carries with her. The message was that I should go home and don't come back.

At 12:10 p.m., the meeting was over. The lady left right away. I stood in line behind her to shake the Bishop's hand. I told the Bishop I needed to talk to him. Later, in his office, I told him what the lady was doing. He told me that she said she was a visitor from another ward.

On May 5, 2002, I attended a fast and testimony meeting of the Walters Hill Ward. The meeting was at 540 S.E. Hogan, Gresham, Oregon. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. I sat in the back when the meeting was just starting. A lady sat behind me a few seconds later. She was one of the intelligence cultists. I moved to a safer seat while the announcements were being made. I perceived the following mind control messages.

"I will be a good Mormon."

"I will report."

9:15 a.m.

"When I hear fun/f* I will say/think we do not want fagots/homosexuals." (This was a pair of sentences repeated at the same time.)

"Fagots, fagots, fagots are not good."

9:20 a.m.

"We will be good. We will report."

"We will agree homosexuals are not of Christ."

"I will not hire a homosexual. I will not work with a homosexual."

9:25 a.m. The testimony portion of the meeting began. I did not perceive more mind control messages. This may be explained by the relation between mind control, meditation and faith. Those who rigorously practice meditation classify three states of mind. The highest category is meditation. This includes prayers of faith. The veracity and effectiveness of such things as faith and meditation is a separate issue which each individual may judge for himself.

The intermediate category of mental state is concentration. We use concentration for academic study.

The lowest category is random thoughts. Mind control messages are in the random thoughts category. At the beginning of each meeting, the influence of mind control messages is definitely there, but, as the meeting unfolds, the spirituality of the congregation overrules the influence of mind control. This was a well attended meeting with a high degree of spirituality.

On May 6, 2002, I went to the LDS Institute of Religion at 2275 N.E. Kane Road. The institute is near Mt. Hood Community College. I studied in the library beginning at 3:00 p.m. As described above, there were mind control messages from an external source.

"I will be cool."

The next portion, from 3:04 p.m. to 3:12 p.m. was grossly sexually explicit. I will spare you the recitation. Suffice it to say that it was the kind of thought control which would destroy faith in Christ and faith in one's inner ability to live a morally clean life.

3:12 p.m.

"We will be good Mormons. Cool."

"When I say cool, I am a good Mormon."

3:16 p.m.

[expletives not recited]; be cool."

"We are cool Mormons."

"I will be cool. Forget f* when talking to the Bishop."

"I am Republican. A good Mormon is Republican."

3:50 p.m.

"I am a Mormon. Be cool. I will be a Mormon. We want election. We want two party election in the church."

4:00 p.m.

"We want to be free. We want cool Mormons. Vote cool."

I will be a Mormon. Cool. Cool Republican. Republican. Mormon. Vote President Bush. Be cool."

I left at 4:10 p.m. when the building closed.

Some of these words and phrases may be key words which are intended to be used for triggering responses to later stimuli. "I will report," sounds like such a trigger phrase. Another one is "cool," as we will see in the next episode.

On May 7, 2002, I went to the LDS Institute of Religion at 1025 S.W. Market Street. The institute is near Portland State University. I began studying in the library at 2:00 p.m. I listened to the following mind control messages.

"I want to be a good Mormon. We have to vote Republican."

At 2:07 p.m., the message abruptly changed.

"We do not want fagots. Throw out that man in a green coat. We do not want fagots. Cool." (I was wearing a green coat. There were two young men in the room.) I left the building a few minutes later.

It is apparent that a clandestine organization is engaged in a program of social engineering. These brief clips of mind control messages are a window through which the intent of such a program might be surmised. I can not be in all places at once. This is a sampling of what could be happening in other church buildings.

Yours truly,

Dan Montgomery

Copyright © 2002 Daniel A. Montgomery
