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If The Devil Had To Invent A Game It Would Be GTA V

Peter Hitchens

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Sept.22, 2013

If the Devil had his own bible, it would probably take the form of a  computer game. It would be sly and witty, enjoyable and slick. It would start with small, almost funny misdeeds.

It would offer the player the joys of money, successful violence and easy, responsibility-free sex. There would be drugs which didn’t  fry your brain or burn holes in your nose.

You would be made to feel brave, while not actually needing to be. None of your pleasures would be paid for in coin, pain or grief.

Hell hound: An image from the heavily hyped and violence-filled new computer game Grand Theft Auto V

Hell hound: An image from the heavily hyped and violence-filled new computer game Grand Theft Auto V


Everyone else in the game would be disposable and forgettable. And it would contain one big lie. You would come out at the end happy and unharmed, and wanting more.

As I understand it, this is roughly what happens in the new, much-praised Grand Theft Auto V, now being played by thousands of 14-year-old boys in bedrooms near you.

Officially it’s for those aged 18 and over, but nobody takes that seriously in modern, child-hating Britain. If you haven’t got it, you’re not cool.

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