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March 13, 2013












The biggest drug distribution network on the planet is the US military.

: Fiat banksters are given free reign to steal as much as they can.

: Is it time yet?

: Rouge foreign governments occupy the usa.

: Is it time yet?

: WMD manufacturers, and military psychopaths are are destroying the planet one country at a time.

: Is it time yet?

: Good people are murdered and psychopath deviates are elevated to positions of power.

: Is it time yet?

: Criminals are holding the people hostage only because they have control of organized thug gangs known as police and military.

: Is it time yet?

: There is no one in a position of power who is NOT maliciously corrupt.

: Is it time yet?

: Twisted religionists on TV and in churches endorse the enemies of America.

: Is it time yet?

: Delusional 'elite' lowlifes have stolen all the best land, and sold the rest of what did not belong to them to foreign interests.

: Is it time yet?

: Energy corporations are destroying the planet, and raping the consumer out of existence.

: Is it time yet?

: America has been forced into a fascist tyrannical police state, making Joseph Stalin look like a boy scout.

: Is it time yet?

: Church leaders are molesting young children as a matter of church policy.

: Is it time yet?

: Pedophile rings operate at the highest levels of the fascist government control system - and no one cares because they are all participating in the practice.

: Is it time yet?

: Public schools are training your children to be mindless homosexuals.

: Is it time yet?

: Society is always looking for another fool to provide perfection for them, because all society wants to do is to 'be entertained'.

: Is it time yet?

: Lion