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Who’s Winning the War On You?

Zen Gardner

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July 31, 2012

We’re at war, and the enemy is us – a conscious, responsive humanity. World dominion cannot succeed with an awake, empowered population. We’re at a crucial time in history and right now the air is crackling with programmed anticipation, and that’s just how they planned it.

It’s all about our minds and hearts. The propaganda and staged events are triggers to shut you down.

We need to see through all this fabricated bullshit.


Showtime – The Bigger the Lie the Better

We’re witnessing the most massive peacetime militarization ever undertaken. Using false flags, false alerts and false enemies, the United States and England are leading the charge into a technological police state that far surpasses Orwell’s nightmare or Huxley’s drugged Brave New World.

Not only is the over-the-top London Olympics psychically begging for an incident while Israel spews their shrill “Iran’s gonna do it” campaign, but the US is wildly cranking up for a vicious war on its own people based on a completely fabricated series of false alerts and accusations used to justify their metastacizing Fascist “homeland security” gridlock.

Now fully augmented by the military a la the Olympics idiocy. Get their drift?

All they need now is the right “justification” to make it permanent.

They’ve painted humanity into a psychological corner. 9/11 on steroids coming up. Prepare accordingly.

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Know Their M.O. – Disempower the Individual

Why do you think these social engineers are fixated on socialism and communism, now cleverly disguised as corporatism? The entire model strips the individual not just of their rights, but their ability to think freely. If you can put people to sleep, with a bombardment of drugs, adulterated food and water, twisted education and mindless entertainment and materialism, while dismantling their cultural, familial and sovereign framework around them..they’re toast.

Or so they think.

Admittedly it’s not much to stand on unless individuals wake up and shrug off this imposed psychotic quagmire of deceit.

Our current situation in the midst of all these manipulated crises is seriously pregnant with anticipation. The entire build up has been carefully orchestrated. While all of this may appear as external events, really all of it is a war on you—your mind, body and most of all your spirit and soul.

If they can paralyze the individual, groups won’t gather to discuss issues and take action. Protests will be few and far between. The masses will be quiet.

Sound familiar?

That’s unfortunately why the internet is inescapably next. We’re where we meet. So get connected locally. Which we should all be doing anyway.

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Any wonder the Colorado shooting played on the fascination with the Dark Hero? It’s all programming. Fascination for evil reinforces violence.

Killing the Inner Hero

The Controllers are well aware of what they’re up against. Divide and conquer has been their slogan for millennia. That and “order out of chaos”…keep the masses divided and confused and unable to form an offensive. A populace on the defensive is at a great disadvantage.

Two of the biggest individual neutralizers are religion and the mass media.

Religion conquers the heart and spirit by channeling your innate spirituality into a limp, useless form. Glazed in phony hierarchy and drippy ceremony, these energy vampires suck humanity’s spirit and place the husks in little jeweled boxes of glittery beliefs of a future kingdom where all is well…while they make off with the loot and shut you down from any positive awareness or action.

Disgusting parasites.

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Couldn’t help it…I just LOVE this picture!!!

Vicarious Living – Your Enemy

Can’t say enough about this. We’ve been shut down and have no idea how or from what. It goes back many generations, but suffice it to say, it’s one of their best ploys. The thing is, it has no power except what we allot it, for various reasons. All I can say is, it’s way subversive and watch out.

The media and “entertainment” industry annul your humanity by giving you a completely vicarious life. Why live, when you can be any hero or anti-hero you want by entering the emotionally entangling and soul-sucking experience of a light and sound show of your choosing? Or watch a sit-com and have your friendship desires lived out?

Then go home and back to work tomorrow.

Or maybe you want to release your animalistic angst by getting sucked into a circus/coliseum sports or otherwise staged event? Get it all out, dude.

Then go home and go back to work tomorrow.

Get the picture? Neutralized. And that’s just how easily most of the world is being swept into this escalating phony terrorism trick which is heading straight towards World War 3 and a grab for total global control.

Brain-trained gnomes responding to the call and waltzing into the slaughter.

Learned Helplessness – The War on You

Do not skip this video. It and Snordelhans inspired this post. Take the time to watch it, all the way through despite the academic start. The impact is multi-dimensional if you let it. This is just one of their social engineering tricks against humanity.

And yes, you should be seriously pissed. (Hat Tip to Snordelhans of HereticProductions. Tx bro.)

It’s Time We Woke Up

We all know this. But if our lives haven’t changed to reflect the inner change, it hasn’t really happened. Maybe when everyone’s backs are truly against the wall they’ll come out. Sorry to say, that will be too late for most. Their admitted plans are nasty. They’re talking liquidation and we know they have the tools to do it.


Wake ups do happen! Some exciting things are happening to counter this ugly rising tide we’re facing. David Icke is having 20 minutes every day at 9 PM GMT with special emphasis on the Olympics to backflush this occult insanity happening in London. Be sure to be part of it. (See Olympic Focus HERE).

Stuart Wilde has a beautiful call to cover the event with love, with a warning as well to stay away. (HERE)

Be resourceful, but be.

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Something in you is arising and needs to fully bloom into constructive action. It’s for you to find out but find it you must. We cannot sit idly by while this insanity rains down on us.

It’s time to activate. Get connected and follow your heart.

Stop delaying. You’ll love it!

Much love, Zen
