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Colorado Gunman possible MK-Ultra
"The Crazy Gunmen" MK-ULTRA victims are usually special sleeper mind control victims designed as sacrifices for the NWO cause and most likely are only used once. People like the tower gunman in Texas who was one of the first major "crazy with a gun" ploys attempted. This program has continued all they way to Columbine and Norway and now Denver, with many other stops and tragedies in between. The Columbine kids were triggered by their mind control handlers to attack just several days before Colorado legislature had a vote to restrct the use of hand guns. The timing was obvious and transparent for those who can read between the lines.
Colorado is a very pro gun state with the largest NWO bunker and NAZI hell hole on the planet in the under ground environs of the Denver airport. Here is a link to one of Coopers youtubes there are many more to see. In most of his presentations he made predictions. he spoke of MK-Ultra victims being made ready to carry out acts like we have just witnessed in Colorado. Unfortunately these predictions have come to pass.
Breathe and relax send peace to the families and the victims and share with your friends and anyone who will listen that these things are being orchestrated.
What's Next?
It seems there are many NWO warnings through world wide media about "Attacks in London" It will be interesting if it does go down where all the members of the parliament will be hiding and the "Royals" as well. If the plan is carried out despite the many people already predicting it I will not be amazed by the desperation of a London "Attack". It may be just a bomb but it seems BIG BEN IS TO BE A PRIMARY TARGET.
I have to laugh at that word Royals for there is nothing regal about this inbred clan of criminals. Let us envelope this possible next attempt of terror in love and light and see if it can be stopped before it happens. Power to Peace, Power to the Truth,Victory to the Light, Power to the People and Love and Protection to Cobra and the Brave forces working on our behalf behind the scenes.
With due respect for the fallen and empowerment to those that remain

James Eagan Holmes... Another 'Lone Shooter'?

Folks, like most if not all the previous 'lone shooters', this whole tragic event reeks of CIA mind control MKULTRA involvement... just sayin'...

Who Is James Holmes, the Aurora Shooting Suspect?

By Nick Carbone and Erin Skarda | July 20, 2012

James Eagan Holmes, 24

(Credit: CBS/University of Colorado, Denver)

After news broke early Friday morning that at least 12 people were killed and 59 were injured in a shooting at Center 16 Movie Theaters in Aurora, Colo., during a packed midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, the attention turned to the suspect, 24-year-old James Holmes. Who is he? Here’s what we know so far.

According to public records, the last address associated with Holmes was about three miles from the theater, near the intersection of 17th Avenue and Peoria Street in Aurora. Records indicate that Holmes had lived at this address since May 2011. Prior to that, he lived in San Diego and Riverside, Calif., near the University of California, Riverside, campus. An official in the university registrar’s office told TIME that Holmes attended the university, but couldn’t release any specific details because of restrictions he requested on his records. The university later released a statement confirming that a student by the name of James Eagan Holmes “graduated from UCR with a BS in neuroscience in the Spring of 2010.” According to the Associated Press, Holmes was most recently studying for a PhD in neuroscience at the University of Colorado Denver, but withdrew from the program last month for unknown reasons.

A San Diego police spokeswoman told TIME on Friday morning that Holmes had no criminal record while living in the San Diego area. And according to a spokesman for the Aurora police department who spoke to the Today show, Holmes had no history with police other than one minor traffic ticket. Federal authorities maintain that he was not on any watch list that would indicate that he was dangerous, and the incident is not believed to be associated with any act of terrorism. He is believed to have acted alone.

On Friday morning, a woman who identified herself as Holmes’ mother was contacted by ABC News just after the shooting. “You have the right person,” Arlene Holmes said, speaking from her home in San Diego. “I need to call the police … I need to fly out to Colorado.” San Diego police Chief William Lansdowne told San Diego’s FOX 5 News that officers are at the family’s home in the Rancho Penasquitos neighborhood to provide security at the family’s request.

Although public records indicate that Holmes did not have a concealed weapons permit, an assault rifle, shotgun and a 40-caliber glock were all found in the theater. Police found another 40-caliber glock in Holmes’ car at the time of his detainment, according to Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates. The suspect was dressed all in black, wearing a ballistic helmet, tactical ballistic vest, ballistic leggings, a throat protector, groin protector, gas mask and black tactical gloves. After being taken into custody, Holmes told authorities that he had explosive materials in his home. Authorities cleared five buildings in the area and searched the apartment, which appeared to be booby-trapped, according to the Denver Post. Oates told the paper that the explosive devices they found were “pretty sophisticated,” saying, “We could be here for days.”

According to information obtained by the Denver Post, Holmes described himself on his apartment rental application last year as a student who was, “quiet and easygoing.”
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Part 16 - Lone Gunmen -

[Editor's note] Warning: this part contains some graphic descriptions of assassin training and brutal torture perpetrated on children by the Illuminati. Svali has asked me to edit the following account, but I have decided to leave her description of details intact.
by: Svali
Q: Svali, when you hear news stories about the so-called 'lone gunman', or perfect patsy, such as Timothy McVeigh, Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, John Hinkley (Reagan assassin), Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold (Columbine High School) - and I'm sure you could give us even more examples - what is your feeling on this? Many of these killers have links to the military, either directly or through their family, and are rumored to be mindcontrol slaves, McVeigh supposedly even had a chip implant.
What's your take on this, is it possible that those men were mindcontrol slaves and can you give us an idea of how easy (or difficult) it is to create the perfect MC slave and how they are trained and controlled? What are signs or clues that would give away whether these criminals may have been mindcontrolled?
Svali: I believe strongly that many of these people are people who had MK ULTRA or military training/assassin training that went "bad". In fact, I KNOW a few of those guys were, and if you read up on the cases, there is almost always a mention of Nazi or occult paraphernalia in the home (unless they have covered it up); web sites with occult and Nazi symbolism (such as in the Colorado shootings a couple of years ago at the high school) or other signs pointing to some amount of involvement in a cult or the occult.
Why do I think they have this training? First, because no one just picks up a gun one day and learns how to shoot (and hit their target). Where did these people learn to aim and shoot? Where did they do their target practice, and develop their deadly accuracy in many cases?
When I was a trainer in the Illuminati, there was one command that every trainer learned first when working with their subjects (and assassin training was then mandatory for ALL children, I went through it and do not know of any children in the Illuminati who have not). The command? The "halt" command. This is the FIRST command put in, it freezes the child or teen or adult in place, and is ground in.
Why do trainers learn this code first for the person they work with? Because of the real risk that the person may try to kill them, and the halt code bypasses this. This is a person who has been horrendously abused in atrocious ways from infancy on. This is a person taught since age five to shoot, first with air guns and BB shot, later real guns, and to practice using VR equipment.
This is a person taught in early childhood to kill coldly and emotionlessly on command. This is a person who is told to shoot their brother or sister during a VR exercise, and they believe it is real under hypnotic trance, to test their "obedience". (They actually did this horrible thing to my son, and he cried as he told how anxious he was the next day, and almost died of shock to see his sister alive and well. That was the ONLY way he knew it had been a VR exercise and NOT real).
This is a person with endless rage towards their tormentors and abusers after a lifetime of torture, abuse and rape, who is told to "use their anger" to make them a better marksmen. This is a person told that eliminating the ''enemy'' and the weak will bring them glory and help "family". Now, if that child or teen or adult is alone and tormented in the daytime, a great anger will build up. This person becomes difficult to control.
At night, I knew trainers (who were sloppy or pushed too hard) who were killed by the person they were working on. It was considered one of the "risks of the job". I was always cautious. All trainers knew that at night a person might get out of control, it always happened some. The person was highly punished for it, locked up for days, tortured, to teach them that it wasn't okay. If the person became very unstable, they might be considered "expendable" and eliminated. Or sent to a state hospital, where no one would believe their "paranoid fantasies" of being taught to assassinate others.
If the brutal and controlling trainers had trouble controlling people and at times were killed by them, then why wouldn't they occasionally lose control in the daytime? It happens, and is quietly covered up (guess how quickly the FBI yanks away incriminating web sites or occult paraphernalia or anything linking the person to an organized occult group?).
People do not suddenly become killers. It is a learned process to overcome the natural horror of killing other human beings, a process begun in earliest childhood by the Illuminati. You have to FORCE a child to kill.
Here is how it is done (how it was done to me):

[1] When the child is 2 years old, place them in a metal cage with electrodes attached. Shock the child severely.

[2] Take the child out, and place a kitten in its hands. Tell the child to wring the kitten's neck. The child will cry and refuse.

[3] Put the child into the cage, and shock them until they are dazed and cannot scream any more.

[4] Take the child out, and tell them again to wring the kitten's neck. This time the child will shake all over, cry, but do it, afraid of the torture. The child will then go into the corner and vomit afterwards, while the adult praises them for "doing such a good job".

This is the first step. The animals get bigger over time, as the child gets older. They will be forced to kill an infant at some point, either a set up or VR, or in reality. They will be taught by age 9 to put together a gun, to aim, and fire on target and on command. They will then practice on realistic mannikins. They will then practice on animals. They will then practice on "expendables" or in VR. They will be highly praised if they do well, and tortured if they don't comply.
The older the child or teen, the more advanced the training. By age 15, most children will also be forced to do hand to hand combat in front of spectators (high people who come to watch the "games" much as the ancient gladiators performed). These matches are rarely done to the death, usually until one child goes down. They use every type of weapon imaginable, and learn to fight for their lives. If a child loses a fight, they are heavily punished by their trainer, who loses "face". If they win, they are again praised for being "strong' and adept with weapons. By the time they are 21, they are well trained combat/killing machines with command codes to kill and they have been tested over and over to prove that they WILL obey on command. This is how children in the German Illuminati are brought up, I went through it myself.
Q: Svali, you said earlier that a 'halt' program is one of the first programs installed in children. What exactly does it consist of? Is it just a code word, or a more complicated process?
Svali: Normally, the halt program is a code that freezes the child or adult in their tracks. It is a combination of numbers, such as "354" (not a real one, just similar as an example), or a german word and number combination.
All children will try to hurt their trainers back, it ALWAYS happens, at a very young age. The part of them that tried to do the hurting (usually a protector) will be severely punished, with imprisonment and isolation, or being beaten, or shocked, or a combination to teach them not to do this.
The halt command will then be put in under hypnosis, while drugged, after extreme trauma. The alter with the command is told to come out INSTANTEOUSLY on hearing it, and to freeze the body with no movement; the person is told that if they fail to do this, many more torture sessions will follow as punishment. It is reinforced frequently over time.
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Mind Control 'Programmed' Individuals

The lone gunman that we hear about in assassinations, assassination attempts, school shootings, etc. are mind controlled individuals who had been 'programmed' to carry out those missions. Ted Bundy, the 'Son of Sam' serial killer David Berkowitz, Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine shooters, Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan, etc. were mind controlled individuals who were programmed to perform these killings. Tens of thousands of young teenage boys were kidnapped and forced into a mind control training program called The Montauk Project starting around 1976. Al Bielek, under mind control, was involved in many areas of the secret Montauk Project. After slowly recovering his memories beginning in the late 1980's, he came to realize that there were at least 250,000 mind controlled "Montauk Boys' produced at 25 different facilities similar to the underground base at Montauk, Long Island. Many of these boys were to become 'sleepers', programmed to go into action at a later date when properly "triggered" to engage in some sort of destructive or disruptive conduct. Other Montauk Boys were woven into the fabric of mainstream American life as journalists, radio & TV personalities, businessmen, lawyers, judges, prosecutors, etc.

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They all seem to have three names, or words as names. And the three wirds somehow seem to have a rhythm to them. Lee Harvey Oswald. Russell Weston, Junior, Benjamin Nathaniel Smith. And the monopoly press described each one as a "lone assassin".Why is America hung up on lone killers? Elsewhere, such as in Europe, they speak of killer teams, Propaganda Due, known as P-2, Gladio, the Red Brigades, and other government and semi-government murder squads. Likewise, Central and South America, with their death squads: El Salvador, Quatemala, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile. The theme of the Warren Commission was that a lone nut killed President John F. Kennedy. Thereafter, the pundits and politicos hollared "Gun Control!" as the remedy. It took years and years until some brave souls dared speak up and say that there would be less political assassinations if they took away the guns of the CIA's covert teams. Oswald's handler/controller at FBI reportedly flushed a key document down the toilet, or was it down the dark hole of secrecy and history? [Describing the CIA plot against JFK was a booked under under a penname by the French CIA, called "Farewell America", a best-seller in Europe, in the 1960s and 70s, BUT BANNED FROM BEING SOLD IN BOOKSTORES IN THE U.S. I and another assassination researcher were the only ones to distribute some copies of the smuggled in book, at speeches, etc., one book at a time. Alas, no more copies of the book are left at this late date.]

by Sherman H. Skolnick
They all seem to have three names, or words as names. And the three wirds somehow seem to have a rhythm to them. Lee Harvey Oswald. Russell Weston, Junior, Benjamin Nathaniel Smith. And the monopoly press described each one as a "lone assassin".Why is America hung up on lone killers? Elsewhere, such as in Europe, they speak of killer teams, Propaganda Due, known as P-2, Gladio, the Red Brigades, and other government and semi-government murder squads. Likewise, Central and South America, with their death squads: El Salvador, Quatemala, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile. The theme of the Warren Commission was that a lone nut killed President John F. Kennedy. Thereafter, the pundits and politicos hollared "Gun Control!" as the remedy. It took years and years until some brave souls dared speak up and say that there would be less political assassinations if they took away the guns of the CIA's covert teams. Oswald's handler/controller at FBI reportedly flushed a key document down the toilet, or was it down the dark hole of secrecy and history? [Describing the CIA plot against JFK was a booked under under a penname by the French CIA, called "Farewell America", a best-seller in Europe, in the 1960s and 70s, BUT BANNED FROM BEING SOLD IN BOOKSTORES IN THE U.S. I and another assassination researcher were the only ones to distribute some copies of the smuggled in book, at speeches, etc., one book at a time. Alas, no more copies of the book are left at this late date.]
Russell Weston, Jr. supposedly left southern Illinois and drove all the way to Washington, D.C. It was July, 1998, and he arrives at a key point in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He parks his vehicle in the Capitol near the House of Representatives [some question how he was able to avoid scrutiny since cars thus parked are carefully examined by the local police]. He goes right past the guards and heads right for the unmnarked door leading into the office of House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R., Texas]. DeLay was known as a loud critic demanding the removal of Clinton. Next door was the office of then-Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich [R., Georgia], not so loud against Clinton. But Weston was NOT heading for Newt's office. Weston got into DeLay's office, shot to death a guard there, and came within a few seconds of blowing away DeLay who was walking right toward Weston.
Quickly thereafter, DeLay fled Washington for his home district of Houston. Getting off the plane, he told a confidant there was an assassination plot against himself and his family. DeLay returned to the District of Columbia under heavy guard. And the press pundits and politicos, as is there habit, hollared "Gun control!" as the remedy. Suspected of being a "plant" or FBI orchestrated agent provocateur, Weston has fallen into the limbo of the mental hospital machine. CBS Network verified our story that Weston was part of a circle of FBI robots or provocateurs. BUT, the monopoly press suppressed the story. The FBI/CIA has a way of making use of those who are partly unbalanced and talk in extreme rhetoric, real or otherwise. If they were candid and honest, which they are not, would the FBI bosses admit that their provocateurs, who are carefully tracked by the Bureau, somehow run out of control and bomb and kill people? Or, like some "Manchurian Candidate", are such robots used to protect, for example, the president from being further scandalized so he can continue to be of use to the Bourbons, the worldwide ruling elite? The press sort of made light of what Weston's sister later said: "April Callahan said her brother told her recently that he was working for the FBI and was 'on a secret mission to protect the president'". [Chicago Tribune, 7/27/98].
Then there was a fellow named Benjamin Nathaniel Smith. Because of his showing up in a variety of places to raise hell, some suspected he was an FBI "plant" or provocateur, used by the Bureau to identify other dissidents, mislead others, track others, and such. Someone planted an item on a popular website that violence was expected on the Fourth of July weekend holiday, 1999. Smith had a very common looking face. Experts on faces said he had a choir boy look. Smith was supposedly the "lone gunman" on a shooting spree in Chicago, suburbs of Chicago, elsewhere in Illinois and downstate Indiana,, starting on the Friday leading up to the weekend holiday. He supposedly used a .22 caliber weapon to shoot, from a distance, six Orthodox Jews on the way to and from a Synagogue in a mostly Jewish neighborhood in Chicago. Smith then reportedly shot Ricky Byrdsong to death, a former Northwestern University basketball coach some of whose team members were caught up in a point shaving scandal. If the shootings were all random, "drive by" shootings, hate crimes, how did Smith happen to pick out and murder Byrdsong? Did someone want the former coach knocked off because he might have known something about the sports gambling scandal? Others shot included some orientals, a Korean shot to death in downstate Indiana, and others. The FBI circulated alleged pictures of Smith. One problem. A highly important descriptive and distinctive feature is the ear of a person. The ear and other facial features were not the same on the FBI pictures. Did the FBI circulate the photos in such a hurry that they forgot to airbrush the ears so that all the photos matched?
Smith supposedly did the shooting from a distance. One problem: the .22 caliber is the favorite political assassination weapon of the FBI/CIA, and others in the secret political police, to shoot someone in the head close-up, not from a distance. And like other strange, apparently orchestrated events, after the three-day shooting rampage, supposedly by one "lone nut", the pundits and politicos, as is their habit, hollared, "Gun control!" as the supposed remedy. With an expected financial collapse in the wake of an expected market crash, gun control will become the method to control the anguished populace of the U.S. Do the FBI/CIA have a warehouse of these "plants", or robots, set to put into motion some secret agenda, to defeat and cancel the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights? Some think so. Do not bother sending this story to your local newsfakers---you know who I mean, those with the fifty dollar hairdoes and the nickel heads. The liars and whores of the press. They will go on singing the same song for the FBI/CIA/NSA/NRO, and others in the secret political police, as ever. Stay tuned.