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Presidential campaign theme of 2012: More jobs and more zombies to work them


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May 18, 2012

(NaturalNews) With increasing chemicals in food, medicine, and cosmetics, America is breeding zombies who go to work and pay taxes, but offer nothing to evolution, free thinking, or creative arts. Since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continuously approves and furthers the toxification of food and water with endocrine disrupters which cause birth defects and cancers in children, the U.S. is heading for a society of "futilitarianism," where citizens have a lack of a meaningful future and purpose other than paying the government's bills, which does not promote a fruitful or cultural state of well-being.

Most people don't want to believe their wonderful country doesn't care about their health and welfare, but that's just the beginning of the plot. Not only does this country want a bunch of drooling trolls heading to work without a single individual, creative thought, but the politicians are ensuring that the masses don't figure out what's going on, by using mass media and advertising. The fact of the matter is that if the government were to tax advertising (like Super Bowl ads at 20%), the revenue generated in one year would be more than ten times what taxpayers pay right now, but corporations run America, so they will never decide to tax themselves. Instead, politicians and their lobbying CEO "partners in crime" find it much easier to weaken the masses with toxins, and then let them do the dirty work.

If Newt Gingrich was running the show, we would be putting 13 year olds to work as janitors in schools, even kids with learning disabilities and the mentally challenged. Forget about their safety and well-being, send 'em all to work, right? Wrong.

The Occupy Wall Street movement was not a bunch of hippies without jobs looking for handouts and rebelling against a system that puts honest, working folks to work. The movement was chock full of intelligent homeowners (most of whom lost their homes) and people who invested in the real estate market, and in the stock market, and in other enterprises they thought were legitimate. But the entire movement was smote by the media, because it could have planted the seeds in the minds of all Americans, that the honest, thinking, evolutionary person has a voice and is worth more than a fourth of his/her paycheck.


The ladder of success has missing rungs

There's a reason why the 1% run the country, and the 99% can't seem to make any progress. Yes, there are plenty of successful Americans, who have made their own wealth and deserve it, but if you are thinking right now about conspiracy theories and far-fetched delusions of grandeur, think again. This perpetual anti-cultural, anti-free thinking U.S. Government is on a real mission and the following examples of enslavement are just the tip of the iceberg.

Zombie food and medicine favorites

Fluoridation of drinking water: causes brittle bones and Alzheimer's disease.

Preservatives in food (like sodium benzoate): prevent oxygen flow to human cells, causing them to mutate into cancerous cells which catapult from the lymph nodes and target specific organs in the body.

High fructose corn syrup: causes diabetes and massive healthcare bills for the walking "wounded."

Vaccines and flu shots: "aluminum injections" cause autism, central nervous system disorders and Alzheimer's.

MSG and Aspartame are known toxins and carcinogens flooding the food, candy and gum supply (targeting children via advertising and marketing campaigns).

GMO: scientifically proven to cause cancer and birth defects in all animals.

• Cows, pigs, turkeys, chicken, and farm-raised fish full of artificial growth hormones and antibiotics that your body can't handle, causing tumors and auto-immune disease! (

• Check out this 20 plus page, recent press release of photos of FDA recalled products and see how many you consume regularly! (

Mind you, these are all very costly and crippling problems and diseases, but they take a long, long time to break you down to where you can't work. Corporations do NOT want to be sued for some damage you can prove happened over a few days. This is why their expensive lawyers win in court. People are forced to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they "became ill" from a specific product, and cancel out "other" causes. (

The end result - you can still make it to work to pay taxes, and your doctor and hospital bills will pay for a whole lot more than that. Free National Healthcare for most is only a pipedream, but the machine keeps churning and churning on, and the vaccinated, "intoxicated" zombies keep buying fast food and soda, and turning on the television for the news.

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