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How Deep is the Illusion? The Rabbit Hole is far deeper than anyone even imagined.

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Nov. 21, 2011

You are not going to like this information when you first view it, but this is another important wake up call for humanity.


First the good news: The world is a far better place than what most people thought.


Why, you ask? Because most of the events that you have witnessed with your own eyes never actually occured! Most of them were staged by actors. The images you are watching of NYPD officers beating up innocent protesters on Occupy Wall Street was mostly all staged to enrage the populace to commit acts of violence.


Just another quick example: the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. We all witnessed (or thought we did) a congresswoman being shot by a lone gunman. In fact, just last week mainstream news trotted out an actress, who was playing the part of this woman after her recovery. She even was accompanied by her so called husband who played the part of an astronaut. How could all that be fake, you ask? It was all a pre-planned drill acted out like a scripted Hollywood movie, only they were discovered and busted!


Prepare to be shocked, amazed, and angered at this information. It is all part of our awakening process to help rid the planet of cunning men like George Soros, who funds over 60 organizations like OWS, Code Pink, just to name a few. Their agenda has now been uncovered, and this is no ordinary conspiracy theory, like the JFK coverup, because these events were simply staged and implanted in our minds to move forward the secret agendas of the elite. They are now BUSTED big time and you will never watch a mainstream news story the same again.


Go to and watch a few videos that he has highlighted.  Then you can search for specific ones like Giffords, Quartzsite, Ben Fulford, HAARP or any of the other 208 videos. After watching and getting past the anger phase, please spread the word to everyone you know. This is a major stake to the heart of the beast!