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MKUltra/Monarch Strikes Again - Tuscon

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Anyway, this attack was clearly planned and craftily spun.

AZ shooting targets US congresswoman, kills 6

One of the first things I noticed was that the gunman was 22 years old. (Being a multiple of 11, 22 is quite numerologically significant to occultsycophants. This is also the first month of 2011.)

"" Greg Segalini, an uncle of Christina, the 9-year-old victim, told the Arizona Republic that a neighbor was going to the event and invited her along because she had just been elected to the student council and was interested in government.

Christina, who was born on Sept. 11, 2001, was involved in many activities, from ballet to baseball. She had just received her first Holy Communion at St. Odilia's Catholic Church in Tucson... ""

Wow! See the triple symbolism here? That Christina, a child victim, was born on Sept. 11, 2001, the date of the worst false-flag incident in the United States (leading to the Patriot Act, Homerland Sec. and a lot of other slaps in

the face of civil liberties) is obvious. Also symbolic is that she was 9 years old and died in 2011 - or 9-11. And to top it all off, the article mentions she had just been elected to her student council, with an interest in government. Thus it drums up even more subconscious sympathy for our govrnment. (I could go into how Holy Communion is symbolic of sacrifice... but I won't.)

Also, notice it says congresswoman Giffords was "" ...a moderate Democrat who narrowly won re-election in November against a tea party candidate who sought to throw her from office over her support of the health care law. Anger over her position became violent at times... ""

I think that hints at the real motivation. With so much outrage at Congress and the White House in general - not only the health care law but the "Food Safety Bill" and other legislation - this incident immediately and dramatically shifted attention, while simultaneously evoking emotions of sympathy for Congress and the difficult, sometimes dangerous work they do. (sic)

"" The sheriff blamed the vitriolic political rhetoric that has consumed the country, much of it occurring in Arizona.

Giffords expressed similar concern, even before the shooting... ""

So, are we the people to blame for this violence just because people are loudly voicing their disapproval of the job our representatives are doing?

Perhaps the politicians here in the States are starting to feel some heat for their draconian actions and going against the will of the people? Maybe this incident was intended to be an occult sacrifice of the anger of citizens before it boiled over into outright protests and mobs?

"" "You know, the crazies on all sides, the people who come out, the planet earth people," she said following an appearance with Adm. Mike Mullen... ""

I find that media statement/quote to be pretty bizarre. What are they saying here? Who do they refer to as "planet earth people"? Do they mean to say that humans or those concerned about the world we live in, are all a bunch of crazies, every one of us? -_-

And, yes, with such an inconsistent story and strange behavior, I'd say the shooter was em-kay ultraed. (Though, it almost seems too obvious.)

And, yes, he did not seem to have a real reason to shoot her in particular. He was supposed to be an extreme leftist and she was described in the article as a "moderate Democrat". And she seemed to be voting party lines.

BTW: While Democrats and Republicans are essentially two heads of the same monster (swapping a sort of alternating good cop/bad cop role to the public), there's been a concerted effort for decades to label the term "liberal" as a dirty word. And the media spin on tis incident might be a part of that.

It's gotten to a point where many Democrats refuse to be associated with the word "liberal." But then, some people forget that one of the things being liberal means is to defend civil liberties. It's not all about gay rights and pro-choice, either. Another large part of it has to do with fighting legislation like the Patriat Act and the "Food Safety Bill."

Finally, I find it coincidental that another major headline is this:

Producers already pitch Kennedy project elsewhere

Controversial Kennedy miniseries pulledThe History Channel won't air the program...

A documentary about the life and assasination of President Kennedy?

Hmm... In a later post I might elaborate on some discoveries I made that seem to link the death of President Kennedy with the death of President Licoln, the rise of the Federal Reserve banking System / for-profit corporation, and the possibility of a planned demise of the U.S. dollar in the very near future.

Original Message ----
-From: RO
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 6:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: [The-Unveiling] Re: MKUltra/Monarch Strikes Again - Tuscon