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The Missing Crown of Liechtenstein in Lake County IL

Jeff Scott

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& How This Relates to The Communist Takeover of America in 2010

   This is the true story of my involvement in DIA MKULTRA and my sighting of the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein as it moved from Lake County IL to Rock Lake WI circa 1982, and how this is tied to the Long Range Takeover of America that is now in progress.

There was a KGB infiltrator who set many things in place and committed many crimes, both in Lake County, IL and elsewhere. Citizens were experimented on.

    The takeover plan threatens genocide. As always, this is ultimately about land. See The Hunter Pages.

There are many Americans out here trying to wake up our fellow Americans, there is plenty of evidence of the crimes being committed that are connected to this long range takeover

This page starts the story, Part 2 is about MKULTRA and presents a Wake Up Call.

Note 9-11-2010: There are many issues tied to this matter, which require additonal information. I've added a few websites to break it all down, and have been slowly releasing additional information at set intervals according to plan.

There is an unofficial True History of the US Takeover which provides important background that expands on matters disclosed on these pages. It's the truth of this long range takeover.

In further support, I made a blog, YouTube channel, and another web named aReaganDesignee's The Hunter Pages. All of these are very pertinent, please see the information after reading this site. I've tried to make this lightweight, but yet also enough to convince that it is all true. It's a complex story, but it should make sense after seeing all the information.

Part 1

The origin case stems from a classified investigation report by a US Army intelligence officer, and counter intelligence plan co-signed by Calvin Coolidge, circa 1920's.

That report concluded that Druids had masterminded the series of scandals which marred Warren G. Harding's Presidency, and that they had long range plans to takeover the United States and the World. They had also found Stonehenge Druid ties to the events which triggered World War I. See the Takeover History Series for more information.

I am a Reagan era long range operative from Lake County, prepared in 1981 using MKULTRA technology.

There were MKULTRA experiments, but there were also MKULTRA working processes used by DIA and CIA to enhance some types of operatives.

I'm a DIA MKULTRA operative, not an experiment. I was later "hijacked" by Druid Communist infiltrators inside our NSA and subjected to unwilling experimentation.

See this page here for a little more explanation, more here, plus I have more information in my blog, The aReaganDesignee Hunter Pages, and my You Tubes. I will be releasing more information.

I'm an American and I grew up in Lake County.  This is not just about recovering the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein and destroying Devil Worshippers.

This is about exposing past, and stopping future, Mind Control Plans and the Long Range Takeover of America, as the takeover nears completion.

Many MKULTRA experiments were conducted on Lake County residents.

The takeover plan spans several generations, the NSA Devil Worshipers video on this page covers that. Mind Control of We The People is on the agenda and central to the takeover.

The past brainwashing of Lake County, IL children and adults is involved. That is not a maybe, it is a certainty.

There was also a wave of teenage suicides in a short period of time in Antioch, IL which may have been the work of the KGB infiltrator in possession of the Liechtenstein Crown, known locally as Helen Miller aka The Witch; The Snake Lady.

After I sent some information to Lake County Sheriff Mark C. Curran Jr. on July 1, a Lake County Sheriff's Dept. Investigator sent a letter to an FBI agent the investigator has worked with before.

The goal is to finally get the matter investigated by the proper agency, which shouldn't have been a problem in the first place before. Two failed attempts to expose this thru Chicago's FBI Office since 1995 have failed, plus additonal efforts. We'll all see what happens, I will update the issue of governmental response in my blog.

There is something citizens of Lake County can do to help defeat this threat which is part of long range takeover plans.

Anyone who knew Helen Miller, aka The Witch, aka The Snake Lady, should come forward.

The Lake County Sheriff can not go into the seperate jurisdictions of the villages, but there is absolutely nothing that stops Sheriff Curran from gathering intelligence on Miller and her operations in anticipation of a federal investigation. I've asked the Sheriff to maintain a file on Miller for DIA. This will take time to resolve.

So anyone who can confirm anything about Miller should contact:

The Lake County Sheriff's Department, or try Lake County Crime Stoppers if you're concerned about anonymity.

There is another thing citizens can do to fight the takeover.

Start calling and writing our worthless elected officials and let them know how you feel about this long range infiltration of Devil Worshipers & Communists being allowed, along with the mind control experiments that have been (and are still being) conducted on you without your consent or knowledge.

It appears that our elected officials do not care to protect We The People, but rather choose instead to support the takeover by either inaction or collusion.

There is a video on this page about the National Security Agency (NSA) Devil Worshippers and their takeover plan which spans several generations. This case involves those NSA people.

Note that the Jonestown Massacre is allegedly tied to these NSA Devil Worshipers.

Also note that California Congressman Leo J. Ryan was assassinated November 18, 1978 because of his investigations into Jonestown.

Lake County residents should be very concerned about the workings set in place by Lake County's own NSA Devil Worshipper, Helen Miller.

Miller was a top level Communist infiltrator who actually was a Druid working long range plans to takeover America, using our National Security Agency and under the guise and protection of The National Security Act of 1947.

Our government is not going to stop the long range threat from these Devil Worshipers unless We The People force them to. Our government will instead try to continue to cover it up,  just as they have been covering up and perpetrating many crimes against We The People - for decades.

There is a Secret Government using the National Security Act of 1947 to run America. See the Takeover History Series. Exposing Miller's operations is a key to stopping the Secret Government.

There is talk of a New World Order, global conspiracy, and some speak of Population Control Plans. It's true. There really is a long range plot to takeover the US, and it's almost completed now.

One objective of this web site is to try to wake up We The People.

The main objective is to cause the hunting down the ones responsible for masterminding this takeover and those who carry it out, to put an end to this long threat and prevent the destruction of the United States.

I did not conceive this MKULTRA plan, I am only trying to carry it out. As incredible as this all sounds, this is only one of many options I had to select from.

This long range counter intelligence plan was generated by a military super computer nicknamed The Brain, and authorized by President Reagan.

This is not a preferred scenario, and a bit of a tall order for someone in my current position.

It should be obvious to everyone who can read these words that something is very wrong here in America, and the World too. It is a long range takeover.

We The People have to start fighting this now. It's a long complex story, I'll do my best to condense it.

For the bad guys only: Video of sworn testimony has been prepared. I'll come back from the dead to get you if I have to. I've left my name on all the personal documents used on the site to make it easier to come after me.

Devil Worshippers operating under the protection of the National Security Agency began to spread their evil across our country during the 1960's & 70's and are embarked on a long range takeover plan spanning several generations. This threat is Druid in nature.

The video below tells the tale of NSA Devil Worshippers, focused on NSA Michael Aquino.

Please watch this video, it is typical of the NSA Devil Worshipers' operations. This is what we are dealing with, these NSA infiltrators.

Take note that in addition to using our NSA in their long range takoever plans which span several generations, another of the things that these sick twisted creatures inside our NSA did was to program people to be sex slaves, and often used those brainwashing victims in blackmail schemes.



So a top level NSA officer, Helen Miller, known in Lake County by the codename "The Witch", operated multiple Devil Worship cults in the US. Miller was later known in Antioch, IL (and Kenosha County) as The Snake Lady.

Miller brought the Stolen Crown of Liechtenstein to the US as part of her Druid assignment here in the US, jump to that story here.   Jump to more details about how I encountered the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein here.

Round Lake Beach Police efforts to stop her drug distribution enterprise in the 1970's were thwarted by NSA pressure to drop the case, I beleive.

Irrespective of that, I confirm for DIA and CIA that Miller is a KGB infiltrator, and I aim to destroy as much as I can of the evil works she left behind and alert my home county.

These Druids plan for generations, everything they have set in place must be destroyed.

In 1979, Miller moved from Round Lake Beach, IL to Rock Lake, WI, which borders Antioch, IL.   She was then known in that area as The Snake Lady.

Rock Lake in Wisconsin is also the location of an ancient mystery, there are unexplained man made pyramids at the bottom of the lake.

There are actually 2 Rock Lakes in Miller's locale with these structures, one is very prominent for the pyramids, and is close to Miller's accomplices the Ketterhagen Family in Burlington, WI.  The Ketterhagens are a prominent Aryan family with many global ties. The Ketterhagen family are key players in the long range takeover as well.

The other Rock Lake, Rock Lake WI, adjacent to Miller's home and just outside of Antioch, IL, had only a scarce local legend of deep subterranean caves and pyramids. DIA also had something on it. I lived in the neighboring Trevor, WI area for years and knew the area well.

I was surprised to find so much publicity surrounding the Rock Lake in Lake Mills.

Miller is a Druid. According to The Bulgarian, one of the reasons Miller moved to the house in Rock Lake WI is because she believed there was something about the land that would increase her magic. There were also other reasons why Miller moved.

Miller being located close to the ancient mysteries makes sense, Calvin Coolidge's investigators found takeover plot ties to Stonehenge Druids in the 1920's, then in the late 1970's we have a Druid operating a Communist cell in the US, part of a larger group inside our NSA spreading devil worship across our land and laying the groundwork for generations to come.

A main idea is to expose Miller (and recover the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein since it is confirmed) so that the trail to the rest of Miller's evil buddies can be followed and all the bad guys associated with her and the Druids and Communists within the NSA and our government will be located and eliminated from their seats of power.

My fellow Americans, I assure you that wherever these NSA Devil Worshippers were active, they set in place people and plans for several coming generations.

Lake County was a point of operation, and there is no doubt in my mind that We The People here and across the nation are not safe from this ongoing long range threat. When these Devil Worshippers set up shop somewhere, they plan for generations of activity in that area.

   MKULTRA experiments were conducted on unknowing citizens in Lake County, and it's logical this will continue to be a test area for other things, since experiments are continuing.

As previously stated, my particpation in MKULTRA was voluntary as part of a classified military operation, and DIA had already confirmed that I was a continuing target of the Communists.

I'm also going to note that I have never been paid for my service, which was to be done when I came in from the sleeper portion of the mission.

It doesn't matter if I get my back pay or not, I am doing this. Naturally I'd like my money, but I have no intention of suing the government or anyone else, this is about righteousness and defeating the long range threat. 

   I confirm an earlier CIA report circa 1980, the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein was in fact on US soil and in The Witch's possesssion.

There are very good reasons to beleive Miller's cult still uses it on their altar and it is here in our locale, as the Devil Worshippers believe the Crown is tied inexorably to their destiny, according to The Bulgarian, and I also believe that to be true for my own additional reasons which I can't release now.

About The Missing Crown of Liechtenstein:

There is almost no public information to be had on the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein history.

Here is a pdf, scans from ISBN# 0-87099-385-2, "Liechtenstein: The Princely Collections", and a couple of brief remarks.

As far as I know, that is the only book in print in English that has anything on the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein.

A replica of the Crown was presented to Prince Franz Josef II by the people of Liechtenstein on his 70th birthday in 1976.

That replica is on display in the Liechtenstein national museum.

The Liechtensteiners have a little feature about the Crown replica on their national website as an attraction to the museum, but that page seems to vanish from time to time.

The pdf I made from the book scans details the reasoning for the gems used in the Crown.

It is clear the Crown gems were designed to protect against evil. The Crown was discovered missing from the treasury in 1781. The battle between Devil Worshippers and some Royal Families is centuries old.

The Crown was designed to ward off evil, no wonder the Devil Worshippers wanted it. The Bulgarian's account of how the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein came to the United States is here. Pages from the pdf are here on this web page.

Wikipedia article on the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein here.

Liechtenstein is a tiny democratic principality located between Switzerland and Austria, almost entirely Roman Catholic. Liechtenstein has no army and managed to remain a neutral country during the World Wars.

Liechtenstein was also the center of a global money laundering scandal in 2008, Der Spiegel article (english) here.

Countries with Royal Families, especially those that rule their land, are highly prized targets of Communists.

In 1984, I received an invitation "to join the Junkers in beautiful Liechtenstein" ... and a "chance to earn $25,000 in a special program".

That invitation had an RSVP to a K. Ketterhagen, and a Burlington, WI phone number.

No outsider could know about those invitations and who handled them.


When I called the RSVP number, I was asked if my family had changed their name, which my Dad had done.

I wanted to know who the Junkers were, who they were in relation to me, and what the special program was.

Kim Ketterhagen wouldn't give me any information, so I refused the invite. Ketterhagen got angry, and asked me what my problem was and wasn't the money good enough reason to go? It wasn't, and I didn't go.

The Liechtensteiners have no idea how lucky they are that I was not brought over by the Ketterhagens in 1984.


Here is an important piece of history tied to this case.

European nobles always fought on the front line in battle. On the first day of WWI, both sides opened up with canons instead of the usual fighting, and most of the nobility of Europe was wiped out.

Liechtenstein is the last home of the Teutonic race, and I am of Teutonic descent, in fact I come from a blood line that has two lightning bolts on the family crest.

The Teutonic race was decimated by WWI, so the Liechtensteiners needed an infusion of fresh genes from the descendants of German settlers who came to America prior to WWI. I suspect that's likely what the $25,000 program was about.

Another piece of the puzzle is that after the decimation of the nobles in WWI, an organization known as the Teutonic Knights, whom among other things had a duty to guard some of the Royal Families of Europe, were also decimated because most were nobles.

So some prominent Aryan families were allowed into the Teutonic Knights. The Ketterhagens are one of those Aryan families.

So Americans were brought over to Liechtenstein for breeding purposes. Big deal. The point was, I had a contact with Kim Ketterhagen in 1984, who was handling the Midwest Invitations to Liechtenstein, representing the Teutonic Knights.

I had another encounter with this Ketterhagen in 1990. See this page.

Also, that 1990 encounter was preceded by about 2 weeks by my new friendship with a co-worker who used to tell us that he was related to the Royal Family of Romania.

Further, the Ketterhagens were supposed to help him out if he ever had any problems. That information came to me when I encountered one of the Ketterhagens while with this friend one day. I'm withholding the name for now.

An important isssue is that when I applied to the CIA in 1981, I wrote on my application (it was a simple one page form back then, and there was no college education requirement) in a comments section that I wanted to serve my country by going to foreign places, meet new people, then kill them if and when neccessary for my country.

According to the Bulgarian, the Communists hoped to use me in a plot against Liechtenstein.

It was planned that I would end up in Liechtenstein at some point, then members of the Royal Family would be murdered and I would be framed and my 1981 CIA application would be fed to the Liechtensteiners to start a conflict.

There was another related historical item worth mentioning.

I was once told by a source that there was a scandal which rocked the Teutonic Knights in the 1950's. Supposedly someone discovered Adolf Hitler was in the Ketterhagen Family Tree. This was not public knowledge in the US.

I was also told that in the 1950's, the Ketterhagen family here in the US, in retribution for that scandal, told the US Army that Hitler had come from my (and others) family tree, because it was someone from the Descendants of Siegfried that started the Ketterhagen scandal in Europe.

I do not doubt the accuracy of that information.

    I know quite a bit about Miller's operatives, enough to hunt down the Liechtensteiner's Crown despite the age of my intel.

Miller's operatives had victims in Lake County, I know who some were. There also needs to be justice done for them, even if late.

I also suspect Miller's involvement in the rash of past teenage suicides in Antioch, IL, which ocurred after Miller moved to Rock Lake WI (bordering Antioch, IL) from Round Lake Beach IL.

  I know for a fact Miller was serving drugs to teenagers from Antioch, and I know for a fact she was brainwashing citizens.

I knew many people who knew many things from many walks of life in Lake County. I'm sure I could find the Liechtensteiner's Crown by my methods, hopefully DIA and local authorities can recover it instead.

    This case involves mind control issues, which are critical to the Druid takeover plan. Stopping those mind control plans is critical to stop the takeover. There is more than one group out to takeover America and the World, and those threats are tied to the Druid plans.

I am confirming Miller and her team were in fact brainwashing people.

    One of the things we developed from MKULTRA was the ability to protect against known Communist brainwashing techniques. That is a documented fact.

I am a survivor by virtue of technology gained from MKULTRA research. It was anticipated that Miller was going to do MKULTRA work on me, I was prepared to survive known Communist brainwashing techniques as a long range counter.

What I need now to successfully carry out the plan is my documentation, which counter intelligence is supposed to have kept safe all these years.

In my blog I discuss the rationale why it is very possible that my paperwork was compromised in 1997, that's also linked to this Hunter Page, and it will become crystal clear after I release the core counter intelligence plan details. For now, I'm only releasing that the plan is designed to restore the Right Of The People To Rule, then We The People have to step up and fix our nation's corrupted systems and society.

Those teen suicides in Antioch will have to be re-opened by the Antioch Police. Miller had local and national accomplices in her MKULTRA mind control work. Take note that I have not yet contacted the Antioch Police. I have reasons for everything I'm doing.

It is going to take DIA to crack NSA, and the counter intelligence plan would provide DIA with the means. The Takeover History Series will explain alot (as well as give the youth the truth for a change).

   Anyone who dealt with Miller may have been unwitting subjects of mind control.

   Let me make this clear, I never participated in Devil Worship.

My refusal to accept Miller's first and only invitation to join her cult resulted in the immediate brainwashing of myself during a 3 day period which I did not recall until a memory trigger in 1995.

I did not have complete recall of my mission at all times since then. Since 1992 I have been under constant MKULTRA assaults from the NSA infiltrators who run the Secret Government here. I clarify elsewhere in this web that I was "awakened" in November 2009 and have been acting under Reagan's 1981 orders.

The best way I can explain it is that I am heavily "layered", and I was pushed back into other layers after 1997 after first awakening in 1995. I'm fully awake now is what really matters.

I was always aware that I had been involved in an MKULTRA based mission, and that I had seen the Missing Crown of Liechtenstein. I was on my own and I had specific orders for this.

I knew I was waiting for another attempt against me to awaken me, and it would have to be a scenario where agents came close enough to leave a public trail that they wouldn't be able to cover. Hopefully I've finally provided that.

I remember everything now.

Erasure of memory techniques have been possessed by US and Soviet agencies for decades, it is documented. I put up some You Tubes on that, Project Bluebird, and many other issues tied to this case.

So I am no longer "sleeping" following attacks culminating in November 2009 incidents, and I am proceeding according to plan options. Believe it or not it's the truth.

The Communist brainwashing conducted on me by Miller was sabotaged by The Bulgarian, who was actually a U.S. triple agent, who also claimed to be formerly known as The Hungarian, Lt. Col. Karoly Laszlo, Hungarian military attache to the Hungarian Embassy, expelled from the US in July 1961 for industrial espionage.

I awakened several times during Miller's process, and the appropriate chemicals at the appropriate times were administered.

First, after being sprayed with an immobilizing gas by a Miller accomplice, I woke up naked and bound to a table, with strange black writing scrawled everywhere on my body that I could see. The Bulgarian later told me he convinced Miller to wash off the "curses" or he would not work on me.

I was aware of being injected with chemicals, and awakened before the end of some of the procedures.

I was awakened by the Bulgarian those times, who had managed to smuggle into Miller's house the appropriate drugs to wake me at the appropriate times, additional measures for the MKULTRA counter, and so I would be able to remember later and confirm.

I am with holding further details for now. General Shelton had a more detailed report in regard to the mind break-in technique used, and my story has not changed, nor will it.

According to The Bulgarian, one alternate Communist plan was for me to be used as human sacrifice if nothing else, since I was still a virgin, and that steps would be taken to try and ensure I stayed that way. Sex slave programming was also included for yet another alternate plan, which The Bulgarian tried to sabotage as well.

This is very unpleasant for me, I do not do this by choice, I do this by neccessity.

I, codenamed "Arcturus", was authorized by "Böötes" for security breach, and the conditions for that are met now. That was for the government visitors.

It's a miracle I have survived all to bring this, and although it seemed to be going according to the Druid plans for me, I believe this is the Will of God.

GO TO ⇒  Part 2: Wake Up call: MKULTRA and Mind Control & How All This Relates to The Communist Takeover of America in 2010

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